to "dot or not to dot"

dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I know there have been may reconstruction questions lately but here is where I'm at. I 've had implants put in for the second time since April. 1st time, not so good with rippling issues. 2nd time (August) MUCH better as more volume helped the problem. I had radiation on the right only. The surgeon feels that working on the left side is no probem for nipple and tatooing but discourages the nipple on the right side due to the effects from the radiation (skin very tight). I was on the fence about this anyway so part of my dicision just got easier. I'm not going to nipple one side. My only decision now is whether or not to tatoo and put a "finishing dot" to this whole ordeal. I am very happy now with the implants and appearance. Not sure the anxiety of what it will look like is worth it. Need some feedback on how the "tatoo only" really looks for you and if you think it was worth the extra step.

as always thanks!


  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36
    I'm not finished with that
    I'm not finished with that yet (was actually supposed to get nipples grafted on today but came down with the flu) but my next door neighbor has tattoos-only and they look FABULOUS even a few years later. If you were wanting a finished look I think I would rate them as an even option, even, and not just a second best.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    JGrim said:

    I'm not finished with that
    I'm not finished with that yet (was actually supposed to get nipples grafted on today but came down with the flu) but my next door neighbor has tattoos-only and they look FABULOUS even a few years later. If you were wanting a finished look I think I would rate them as an even option, even, and not just a second best.

    I wish you good luck. There
    I wish you good luck. There is a bc survivor on here named Ohilly. You might private message her and talk to her. She had it done and is very happy with the results. Good luck!

    Sue :)