gemzar/cisplatin Ladies

LPack Member Posts: 645
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Ladies,

Just checking in to see how we are all feeling??? I have had more headaches, tiredness, fatigue than carbo/taxal treatment. Do not seem to recuperate as well. Maybe because having treatment every 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks?

Had chemo Monday, 14th with Procrit shot before I left, had Neulasta next day and still feel blah. I can feel my blood pressure changing and also feel my blood pumping through my veins or at least it seems that way. Some stomach pains and bowels are okay after the usual constipation for several days. Weird feelings this time around.

No temperatures, no light headedness, no vomiting, do have extreme nausea, some thinning of hair, some loss of appetite, crabby at times and somewhat emotional. Seems like I have a little poison ivy and hope it is not shingles beginning.........

I am not one to complain, but wondered if any of you felt any of this. Have cycle 3b this Monday if counts are stable. And will also begin Neumega. I am praying to make it through January with this treatment.

Take care all you lovely ladies. Love you all.

In His Grip,


  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    gem/cis ladies
    Hello Libby,

    I was just thinking about checking in on all of our ladies too. I haven't had some of the symptoms you are having, but tonight I am having a rare headache and I had chemo today. Your post reminds me to take something for constipation tonight before I go to bed.

    I've been wondering if everyone is getting feed-back on their treatment....that is, are your marker numbers dropping? My marker doesn't work anymore, so I have to have more frequent cat scans, and I received some good news today. My recent cat scan did show some shrinkage of some tumors, and stablization of others. The doctor felt that it was a "good report." I've been a nervous wreck, almost expecting the worst news, so this was a great day for me!

    Libby, I hope you will feel better tomorrow. I do think that this combo is a little more difficult to handle than previous ones too. Take good care of yourself......Hugs, MM
  • jean b
    jean b Member Posts: 77
    Hi LPack and Maria: The last few weeks have about done me in. I cannot get away from stomach problems. Nausea, burning etc. Got so bad they ONC?GYN sent me to a GI doctor. Then had an Endoscopy, found nothing specific there. 2 days later had a CT scan. No new disease there, one lesion was smaller, most of the ones on or in liver were smaller, one was a little larger(but we are talking milimeters). That was all wonderful news but nothing answered questions about the nausea and burning. Guess it is all from the chemo. Doesen't make facing the next few rounds very easy when I know how badly I am going to feel.The other good news is my CA 125 is down to 12. Taking a day at a time as we all do. Praying for everyone here and other friends affected by this disease.
    Love and hugs to all,
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    jean b said:

    Hi LPack and Maria: The last few weeks have about done me in. I cannot get away from stomach problems. Nausea, burning etc. Got so bad they ONC?GYN sent me to a GI doctor. Then had an Endoscopy, found nothing specific there. 2 days later had a CT scan. No new disease there, one lesion was smaller, most of the ones on or in liver were smaller, one was a little larger(but we are talking milimeters). That was all wonderful news but nothing answered questions about the nausea and burning. Guess it is all from the chemo. Doesen't make facing the next few rounds very easy when I know how badly I am going to feel.The other good news is my CA 125 is down to 12. Taking a day at a time as we all do. Praying for everyone here and other friends affected by this disease.
    Love and hugs to all,

    Not alone

    Sorry for the stomach problems, but for sure we are not alone with this. I too have had worse stomach pains and nausea. I have a Ovarian Cancer Resource Guide for women with recurrent disease that gives symptoms from each medication. Cisplatin - severe nausea and vomiting among other common side effects. Gemzar - nausea and vomiting with flu-like symptoms.

    It ain't easy, but prayfully this cocktail will kick the disease in the butt!!

    Take care everyone!
  • carol2dogs
    carol2dogs Member Posts: 132
    I had 4a on 9/17 and am due for 4b this Thursday. My increased regimen for nausea has really helped me. This week I got a new side effect. My right leg, with which I've been struggling since June with some swelling, suddenly ballooned over 2 days to nearly twice the size of my left leg. To make a long story short, it turns out that swelling of extremities is one of the common side effects of the gemzar. They are trying me on some lasix, short-term, but the implied bottom line was to live with it.
    Other than that, I am doing really well. I have had to take laxatives for at least a week or more after chemo, but they are working.
    Thanks for checking in. I hope you start feeling better.
    Love and hugs, Carol
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    My two bits
    Hi Libby, I am sorry your are feeling so puny on the new chemo. They dropped my doxil and I am only taking carboplatin now every four weeks which is pretty easy. Did have the flare up with diverticulitis with it this time. I'm really thinking the chemo does a number on all of our digestive tracts all the time...i.e. the constipation we have and on and one. Maybe they just don't tell us. They are going to try to keep my numbers to around 100 and told me not to expect another NED, but who knows but God, right?

    Anyway, laughter really helps so I am going to share a funny story.. My hair has been growing a year and is about 4 inches at the neck line and very thin on the top and crown. So I wear my wig occasionallyl when going out and pushing all that hair under it is a pain. I got my husband to cut it yesterday and he is not a hairdresser or hand with the sissors so I thought that I would just put a bowl on my head and have him cut it around the edge of the bowl to keep it somewhat even. I have very curly hair and it would be difficult without a guide. So I did after finding just the right size. It worked pretty good, but not anything like spending the $22 dollars to go to a professional when it is thinning more everyday. So I am sporting a new "bowl do" and the curls of course make it shorter but this story has really given my Sunday School friends a laugh and I hope it does too just picturing it.

    God Bless, Saundra
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    saundra said:

    My two bits
    Hi Libby, I am sorry your are feeling so puny on the new chemo. They dropped my doxil and I am only taking carboplatin now every four weeks which is pretty easy. Did have the flare up with diverticulitis with it this time. I'm really thinking the chemo does a number on all of our digestive tracts all the time...i.e. the constipation we have and on and one. Maybe they just don't tell us. They are going to try to keep my numbers to around 100 and told me not to expect another NED, but who knows but God, right?

    Anyway, laughter really helps so I am going to share a funny story.. My hair has been growing a year and is about 4 inches at the neck line and very thin on the top and crown. So I wear my wig occasionallyl when going out and pushing all that hair under it is a pain. I got my husband to cut it yesterday and he is not a hairdresser or hand with the sissors so I thought that I would just put a bowl on my head and have him cut it around the edge of the bowl to keep it somewhat even. I have very curly hair and it would be difficult without a guide. So I did after finding just the right size. It worked pretty good, but not anything like spending the $22 dollars to go to a professional when it is thinning more everyday. So I am sporting a new "bowl do" and the curls of course make it shorter but this story has really given my Sunday School friends a laugh and I hope it does too just picturing it.

    God Bless, Saundra

    Thank You!

    It was a great word picture! How wonderful your husband is such a good sport and you, too.

    Went for chemo today and no go. Platelets too low. So got a shot of Neumega and one of Neupegen before I left. Never had either before, so praying no yukky side effects. Could not take my normal shot of Neulasta (cuz it lastas too long for chemo to be in 7 days - hee hee).

    Your are so correct about the digestive system. I guess I thought since the first treatment of carbo/taxol was not too bad (bad enough to have to stop early), I assume that this one would be about the same. NOT!

    And you are right about God, only He knows! I am so glad we put our trust in Him. In the end, that is all that matters.

    Love you,
    Libby ♥
  • Eviannsp
    Eviannsp Member Posts: 1
    LPack said:

    Thank You!

    It was a great word picture! How wonderful your husband is such a good sport and you, too.

    Went for chemo today and no go. Platelets too low. So got a shot of Neumega and one of Neupegen before I left. Never had either before, so praying no yukky side effects. Could not take my normal shot of Neulasta (cuz it lastas too long for chemo to be in 7 days - hee hee).

    Your are so correct about the digestive system. I guess I thought since the first treatment of carbo/taxol was not too bad (bad enough to have to stop early), I assume that this one would be about the same. NOT!

    And you are right about God, only He knows! I am so glad we put our trust in Him. In the end, that is all that matters.

    Love you,
    Libby ♥

    Hi Ladies,

    I am new to this message board. I was diagnosed with Granulosa Cell cancer 9 yrs ago and have had many sugeries over the years. I also did chemo early on and will now be starting Cisplatin/gemzar in a few weeks. It sounds like the regimen is pretty tough. How has the hair loss been? I have heard conflicting information on that. I work as a nurse and wonder if I will be able to continue to work while doing this chemo. Physically its a tough job.

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  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Eviannsp said:

    Hi Ladies,

    I am new to this message board. I was diagnosed with Granulosa Cell cancer 9 yrs ago and have had many sugeries over the years. I also did chemo early on and will now be starting Cisplatin/gemzar in a few weeks. It sounds like the regimen is pretty tough. How has the hair loss been? I have heard conflicting information on that. I work as a nurse and wonder if I will be able to continue to work while doing this chemo. Physically its a tough job.


    Hi Laurie,

    Got on this morning and was confused with the post all reading the same?? Anyways, I believe this regimen has been harder on me. I have not lost my hair this time, but has thinned some. She said if my dose on cisplatin was a little stronger I would. But I am taking both chemos every two weeks no alternating between the two.

    I feel a lot more nauseated this time and much more weaker. But I am also taking neulasta and neumega shots and the chemo nurses said there is always side effects with any shots beginning with NEU. Sometimes I wonder if I will know if I have the flu or it's just the shots?? ☺

    Ask any questions and we will try and answer. Seems like we all experience some things differently.

    About work? I had already resigned my position the end of 2007 as church administration and then was diagnosed OV stage 3C January 2008, so I have not worked during any chemo, etc.

    In His Grip,
  • carol2dogs
    carol2dogs Member Posts: 132
    Eviannsp said:

    Hi Ladies,

    I am new to this message board. I was diagnosed with Granulosa Cell cancer 9 yrs ago and have had many sugeries over the years. I also did chemo early on and will now be starting Cisplatin/gemzar in a few weeks. It sounds like the regimen is pretty tough. How has the hair loss been? I have heard conflicting information on that. I work as a nurse and wonder if I will be able to continue to work while doing this chemo. Physically its a tough job.


    Gem/Cis and work
    We are all different and respond differently to chemo. I am an Exceptional Children Teacher, and I am still working, and working some very long hours, while on the gem/cis regimen. Unlike Libby, however, I get just the gemzar two weeks after getting both. It is the cisplatin that seems to be so hard on us. My doctor increased my meds for nausea, and that seems to be working really well for me, so far. My hair appears to be thinning some, more after my third treatment than before.
    Welcome to this message board. We have some awesome cancer survivors on this board! We will be glad to answer your questions and help in any way we can.
    Love and hugs, Carol