First Day of Chemo

Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had first day of A/C today, not so bad today. I guess most side effects come on day 2 and 3. I go for shot of Neulasta tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone experienced a funny taste and smell when your port gets flushed? and what causes this? is it something the port is made of ? just wondering.


  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Hi, Deb, the first day was
    Hi, Deb, the first day was the scariest for me. Now you know what to expect going forward. That's always good.

    As far as the port, I don't remember having any strange taste or smell sensations when it is flushed. However, at one of my post-chemo port flushes, the nurse used too much heparin and I felt a hot, flushed sensation. My veins bulged and remained dilated overnight. I called the oncologist that night and was assured no problem. Still, I asked for a different nurse the next time!

    To be on the safe side, I would definitely report the odd taste/smell sensations before your next port flush.

    And, yep, the following days are when side effects occur, but they are manageable. Just be sure to report any unexplained or unexpected side effects. Most discomforts can be treated. For example, taking claritin before your Nulasta shot and for several days afterwards helps with any aches or pains you may have with that shot. (Check with your doctor first, of course.)

    My best to you.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Hi Deb
    I didn't have a funny tasteor smell with my port, but I would ask your chemo nurses what could cause this. Most of the side effects do start day 2 and 3 but most are manageable, make sure to drink lotsof fluids.
    like Moopy I had claritin given to me before each infusion, I only had to get the neulasta shot once, since they did blood counts each week and before each chemo and mine were not too low.
    Wishing you the best
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    funny taste and smell
    yes I know what you are talking about. It happened to me every time. Plus it happened when I got IVs. I asked about it and was told it is the saline.
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    elm3544 said:

    funny taste and smell
    yes I know what you are talking about. It happened to me every time. Plus it happened when I got IVs. I asked about it and was told it is the saline.

    I remember having weird
    I remember having weird tasting burps after surgery! It tasted like something I've never expirienced! Guess I have that to look forward to again next month. i have the hernia surgery scheduled for the 8th of October. They will also remove 2 lumps in my axilla which they don't know what they are, but didn't think they were cancer.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    lanie940 said:

    I remember having weird
    I remember having weird tasting burps after surgery! It tasted like something I've never expirienced! Guess I have that to look forward to again next month. i have the hernia surgery scheduled for the 8th of October. They will also remove 2 lumps in my axilla which they don't know what they are, but didn't think they were cancer.

    I had that taste, always
    I had that taste, always reminded me of a skunk!!! I mentioned it everytime, and my nurse told me that not everyone experiences it, it won't hurt you.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Deb
    THe funny taste is when they are flushing the port with the saline. I didnt notice it at first but my chemo nurse asked me about it and I noticed it the second time around. Next time chew gum or hard candy and you wont notice it so much.

    As far as A/C goes, that is not a very friendly chemo. I noticed on day 2 that I felt like I had morning sickness most of the day. I was also really tired. You need to force fluids to 8 to 10 8oz glasses of liquids and eat small and often so your tummy doesnt get empty. To me the empty tummy made it worse. You will probably find that your appetite is sluggish on the a/c for the first wk, then it will get better the further out from the day of chemo.

    Also a/c can give you mouth sores so start rinsing your mouth with 1/4 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of salt in 8 oz of water. Do this 2 to 3 times per day and it will help prevent the mouth sores.

    And above all, believe that you will feel better as you get further from your date of chemo. You should feel almost normal then they zap you again.

    Hang in there
    Linda T
  • mberg
    mberg Member Posts: 62
    funny taste
    I get this when my port is flushed too fast. I had chemo #4 today and it was the worst one for the nasty taste yet, i had a new nurse. If you suck on an old fashioned lemon drop candy when you are having your port flushed it really helps!It doesn't happen every time, next time just ask for the flush to be done slowly and it helps! monica
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    mberg said:

    funny taste
    I get this when my port is flushed too fast. I had chemo #4 today and it was the worst one for the nasty taste yet, i had a new nurse. If you suck on an old fashioned lemon drop candy when you are having your port flushed it really helps!It doesn't happen every time, next time just ask for the flush to be done slowly and it helps! monica

    I"ll be getting my port soon and often do they or should they flush it? Didn't think to ask the surgeon that. Good suggestions on how to deal with the smell.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Cat64 said:

    I"ll be getting my port soon and often do they or should they flush it? Didn't think to ask the surgeon that. Good suggestions on how to deal with the smell.

    funny taste
    For the funny taste I suck on peppermint candies.

    The port needs to be flushed every time you have treatment. I fyour port needs to stay in after the treatment it needs to be flushed I believe every 4-6 weeks. They flush it so you don't get clot and the prot gets clogged and they can't use it.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member

    funny taste
    For the funny taste I suck on peppermint candies.

    The port needs to be flushed every time you have treatment. I fyour port needs to stay in after the treatment it needs to be flushed I believe every 4-6 weeks. They flush it so you don't get clot and the prot gets clogged and they can't use it.


    Thank You! Wow! I didn't think it would be that much. What did you mean by if it stays in after treatment? Why would it stay in?
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165

    funny taste
    For the funny taste I suck on peppermint candies.

    The port needs to be flushed every time you have treatment. I fyour port needs to stay in after the treatment it needs to be flushed I believe every 4-6 weeks. They flush it so you don't get clot and the prot gets clogged and they can't use it.


    Thanks to all for you input.
    Thanks to all for you input. Next time I'll try some hard candy during flushing of my port especially seems like I am real sensative to smells. Smells are more noticeable like colognes, soaps, air freshners, pretty much anything with an odor stinks! (Almost like being pregnant when smells would nauseate you)
    Thanks again
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Deb1969 said:

    Thanks to all for you input.
    Thanks to all for you input. Next time I'll try some hard candy during flushing of my port especially seems like I am real sensative to smells. Smells are more noticeable like colognes, soaps, air freshners, pretty much anything with an odor stinks! (Almost like being pregnant when smells would nauseate you)
    Thanks again

    Sense of Smell
    Deb, even 5 months post-chemo, I am still sensitive to smells. I used to enjoy the candle and lotion shops in malls, but now the smells are just overpowering. Even though I am just passing by.

    I find this a good thing because I am no longer spending money on scented candles and lotions! No more Yankee Candle Company stuff for me!
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Cat64 said:

    Thank You! Wow! I didn't think it would be that much. What did you mean by if it stays in after treatment? Why would it stay in?

    I have been told that sometimes they keep the port in up to a year just in case they need to give you treatment again. This only happens rarely.

    Usually the port I have heard is taken out about a month after you finish treatment.

    I want mine out the day after I finish mine. Mine was put in 3/10/09 and my last treatment will be in August 2010.

    Don't get me wrong--I do love my port for treatment and blood draws but clothes don't hide it and I have to be careful how I swing a club when I play golf so I don't hit it.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member

    I have been told that sometimes they keep the port in up to a year just in case they need to give you treatment again. This only happens rarely.

    Usually the port I have heard is taken out about a month after you finish treatment.

    I want mine out the day after I finish mine. Mine was put in 3/10/09 and my last treatment will be in August 2010.

    Don't get me wrong--I do love my port for treatment and blood draws but clothes don't hide it and I have to be careful how I swing a club when I play golf so I don't hit it.


    Margo! The oncologist told me I would have it in about a year. Does this mean I'll be doing treatment that long? Heck yeah, me 2! Take it out!
    After being stuck 2 more times this week I am sooo ready for the port! And here I was freaking out about it just a few weeks ago! Hey! I'm progressing! :-)
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Deb1969 said:

    Thanks to all for you input.
    Thanks to all for you input. Next time I'll try some hard candy during flushing of my port especially seems like I am real sensative to smells. Smells are more noticeable like colognes, soaps, air freshners, pretty much anything with an odor stinks! (Almost like being pregnant when smells would nauseate you)
    Thanks again

    Hi Deb!
    It's always good to know what to expect, so thanks for sharing your experience. I don't know if it is relative to the chemo or not, but when I first read about your intolerance to smells, I have had the same problem for years and discovered something called "mutilple chemical sensitivity". There is such a thing! I cannot tolerate strong perfumes, gas-(is the worse), smoke, certain things just choke me up, I can almost taste it in my throat and it feels like there's a big lump stuck there, my nose burns, and even get sick to my stomach. Check it out if that's the case. How are you doing otherwise?
  • Pick Line
    Hi Deb:

    I have a pick line and I get the funny taste and a headache from the saline solutions when they flust my pick line. I just finish my 2nd round of AC. Drink plenty of water if you have nausea make sure you call your doctor right away. I battled with this all week long. You will feel really tired, get lost of sleep and eat little meals. Don't feel guilty for resting or not doing anything, that is how you get well.

    Good luck,

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Pick Line
    Hi Deb:

    I have a pick line and I get the funny taste and a headache from the saline solutions when they flust my pick line. I just finish my 2nd round of AC. Drink plenty of water if you have nausea make sure you call your doctor right away. I battled with this all week long. You will feel really tired, get lost of sleep and eat little meals. Don't feel guilty for resting or not doing anything, that is how you get well.

    Good luck,


    funny taste
    For the funny taste when they are flushing your line I suck on a peppermint and don't have the taste or smell. Most women and just a few men get this funny taste or smell when flushing the line.

  • hncroper
    hncroper Member Posts: 14
    Cat64 said:

    I"ll be getting my port soon and often do they or should they flush it? Didn't think to ask the surgeon that. Good suggestions on how to deal with the smell.

    I was told the port gets
    I was told the port gets flushed after every treatment and then every month if you keep the port in longer.
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    Cat64 said:

    Hi Deb!
    It's always good to know what to expect, so thanks for sharing your experience. I don't know if it is relative to the chemo or not, but when I first read about your intolerance to smells, I have had the same problem for years and discovered something called "mutilple chemical sensitivity". There is such a thing! I cannot tolerate strong perfumes, gas-(is the worse), smoke, certain things just choke me up, I can almost taste it in my throat and it feels like there's a big lump stuck there, my nose burns, and even get sick to my stomach. Check it out if that's the case. How are you doing otherwise?

    Im doing ok, kinda tired.
    Im doing ok, kinda tired. Main thing is not having an appetite. I know Im hungry just dont know what I want to eat. Im eating lots of popsicles, jellos and puddings, just trying to keep my strength up between treatments. As far as the smells it seems to be not as bad as first day after treatment.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Deb1969 said:

    Im doing ok, kinda tired.
    Im doing ok, kinda tired. Main thing is not having an appetite. I know Im hungry just dont know what I want to eat. Im eating lots of popsicles, jellos and puddings, just trying to keep my strength up between treatments. As far as the smells it seems to be not as bad as first day after treatment.

    to hear you are ok! A friend of mine is having Chemo & he says he feels like he just ate a Turkey dinner all the time and has no appetite. That's good you are eating. And don't forget the liquids-water,juice,gatorade and such, you have to keep yourself hydrated and flushed! Must be the Chemo then.