New person alert ; )

Katz77 Member Posts: 598
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've been hanging around the CSN for a couple of weeks. Not a stalker! Never have been a member of any site rooms, but you all have been so informative that I just had to sign up.
I have common ductal ca w 18 out of 20 lymph node involvement. Had R mast w full node removal.
Finished AC/cytoxen, started Toxol/Herceptin. Have had one tx of that so far. Found it interesting the topic of neuropathy to hands/feet. I had small side effects w hands and today soles of feet are tender. I have many questions.
Has anyone had brst ca w implants? We (my general surgeon) decided to leave implant in, mostly to use as a sizer for reconstrut at a latter date. Any thoughts on that? There is a small war between general surgeon and radition man. My general surgeon is not ur reg gen surg. He's very intune w lastest tech. Any questions or suggestions welcomed. Rad is suppose to start around Novish. Once again sooo pleased to have found this site. thank you, Katz


  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Kat77
    Sorry I can't help you with any of your questions, as I only had a lumpectomy/partial mastsectomy.
    But I wanted to welcome you, this is a great site to have as your first, and for me it's my only one too. It's been a life saver and a life line that has gotten me through this journey.

    Good luck to you and I'm sure more people will post with more answers for you.

    Good Bless,

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    My fav advice for neuropathy is water. When I stayed hydrated, I had almost none. After treatment, any and all 'tingles' went away within 6 months. Even that from the rectal cancer chemo, 6 months earlier.

    And, yes, I had 15 year old implants, above muscle. That is what actually slowed the one wanted to do a needle! I worried about it with my rad onc...he said "no problem, we may have some shrinkage, and, if we do...then we will think about changing the size". I DID have shrinkage, but not enough to go thru the surgery to replace body has had enough stuff...all within 3 years...including an 8 inch 'up and down' scar from the bowel resection.

    Welcome to the group!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    KathiM said:

    My fav advice for neuropathy is water. When I stayed hydrated, I had almost none. After treatment, any and all 'tingles' went away within 6 months. Even that from the rectal cancer chemo, 6 months earlier.

    And, yes, I had 15 year old implants, above muscle. That is what actually slowed the one wanted to do a needle! I worried about it with my rad onc...he said "no problem, we may have some shrinkage, and, if we do...then we will think about changing the size". I DID have shrinkage, but not enough to go thru the surgery to replace body has had enough stuff...all within 3 years...including an 8 inch 'up and down' scar from the bowel resection.

    Welcome to the group!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Welcome, Katz
    I'm sorry I can't answer any of your questions, as I had lumpectomies, and don't have implants -- but I just wanted to welcome you.

    I'm halfway through a different chemo cocktail than yours now, but should also be starting radiation in November, so we can "light up this room" together! :-)


    (Oh, and I like your post subject line, "New person alert" -- OMG, everybody, quick -- behave, tuck in your shirts, straighten out your hair if you have any, and be nice, so she doesn't see how we *really* are! :-)
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Just wanted to welcome you
    Just wanted to welcome you, Katz. I don't have any experience with implants but I'm sure you'll get information from someone else on here. This is a great place to be; full of love, support and knowledge from a vast group of women.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Hi Katz
    Wanted to add my welcome. Please come back often. Pammy
  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    Ask your oncologist if you can take Vitamin B6 and Glutamine for the neuropathy. It is a cumulative effect and can get worse as you go. I've had tingling and numbness in both my hands and feet from the first treatment and didn't start the vitamins and glutamine until right before the second treatment but so far it has only gotten a little bit worse. I did 4 AC and 3 Taxol with one more to go. It seems like lots of people on the site who've had it say that it eventually goes away. Congrats on the halfway mark of chemo!
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Just wanted to add another warm WELCOME to you.Glad you found us. Keep us posted! Hugs, Diane
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    I did reconstruction with expanders
    I had the double mastectomy with expander reconstruction. The expanders free like crap. They are very hard like rocks. I have been told the final silicone implants will feel better. I will have my exchange around Dec.,had mastectomy in Feb., after I complete radiation. My plastic won't do the exchange before rad because rad will cause some shrinking and to make sure the new breast are even he wants to wait.

    I didn't have toxol.. I had taxotere and did have some tingling in my hand, but 3 weeks after completing chemo seems to be improving. Talk to your oncologist and maybe even your hospitals cancer dietatician. They might have some ideas to help you.. such as supplements or cutting the dose of you chemo. My oncologist cut my last treatment dose because of my hand.
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    e_hope said:

    I did reconstruction with expanders
    I had the double mastectomy with expander reconstruction. The expanders free like crap. They are very hard like rocks. I have been told the final silicone implants will feel better. I will have my exchange around Dec.,had mastectomy in Feb., after I complete radiation. My plastic won't do the exchange before rad because rad will cause some shrinking and to make sure the new breast are even he wants to wait.

    I didn't have toxol.. I had taxotere and did have some tingling in my hand, but 3 weeks after completing chemo seems to be improving. Talk to your oncologist and maybe even your hospitals cancer dietatician. They might have some ideas to help you.. such as supplements or cutting the dose of you chemo. My oncologist cut my last treatment dose because of my hand.

    Welcome though i am sorry for why you have to be here. If you are experincing what might be nueropothy please inform you oncono right away, they can give you meds that will lessen the uncomforableness of it. As a diabetic I kind of got the double wammy from it, my docs put me on gabapentin (sp) to help with the discomfor, it works very nicely.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    tjhay said:

    Welcome though i am sorry for why you have to be here. If you are experincing what might be nueropothy please inform you oncono right away, they can give you meds that will lessen the uncomforableness of it. As a diabetic I kind of got the double wammy from it, my docs put me on gabapentin (sp) to help with the discomfor, it works very nicely.

    Hi Katz, No answers for you
    Hi Katz, No answers for you had a lumpectomy, but I wanted to welcome you to our club no one really wants to be in, but sure glad we have it.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Katz
    Just wanted to welcome you to the site. I am on the same chemo cocktail as you are only I have had 2 taxol/herceptin rounds and have 2 more to go 2 wks apart. I really havent noticed much regarding neuropathy, maybe a touch in 2 fingers but not bad.

    I had expanders placed both breasts but had to have one of them out due to wound complications and will need to have it replaced after chemo sometime. Implants will come after.

    Take care and post often...theres lots of support on this site

    Linda T
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Welcome, Katz
    We're all here to support and encourage each other. Many join and read for quite a while before finally posting - glad you did. Also, for many of us - me, included - this is a first time experience with an online group.

    Both my surgery and my chemo was quite different than yours, so can't specifically address your concerns...

    Hope you visit here often, whenever you'd like or need to.

    Best wishes to you.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    one more welcome
    Welcome Katz

    I just got the guts to write on here last night. Like you I was looking for a bit before I jumped on. I am too new to advise and my situation is different. I just wanted to add to all the good wishes you are receiving. It has lifted me up watching so much support for each other here. I know you will get some great insight from someone who has been on a similar path.

    always (becky)