e_hope Member Posts: 370
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Was suppose to start radiation today after they did the x-rays. I was on the table for 1 1/2 hours and never received my radiation and they didn't even finish my x-rays. I was told I would only be there for 45mins. so I didn't make other arrangements to pick up my daughter from school. My appt was at 1:00 so I figured I had plenty of time since I didn't have to get her till 2:50.

The had me on the table and couldn't seem to get anything lined up right so they would do an x-ray and come back in a redo the same x-ray... I swear each area they much of did 5-6 x-rays each. How disgraceful laying there naked with your arms up over your head for that long. not to mention how uncomfortable. my hands were numb by the time they let me sit up and it was freezing cold in there. Then they wanted to put more tattoos and to add insult to injury one of the original tattoos was placed in the wrong place... UGH!!!!!!

not sure if I have the strength to go back there tomorrow and for the next 6 weeks if this is how its going to go..


  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    WOW Hope, sounds like they
    WOW Hope, sounds like they don't know what they're doing. I start rads soon myself...yikes!
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    Complain to your radiologist oncologist
    You are right to be upset. I suggest to have a talk with the rad onc and say that they better get there act together. You have enough stress without that. Sometimes we forget that we are clients. They NEED our business. If you don't get satisfaction, go to the doc who referred you and ask for his/her involvement. You deserve the best!

    Good luck.

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    E_hope, I agree: it was disgraceful to have you lying there, exposed and uncomfortable, while the techs tried to figure out what they were doing.

    Honestly, I would contact my Radiation Oncologist before going back. You also have the option of asking for the radiation therapists' supervisor. I can't say that I would go back to that radiation department in any case, but I sure would ask for the most experienced techs if I did.

    One thing you learn very quickly with a cancer diagnosis is that you have to be your own advocate. It's tiring, but nobody cares as much about your treatment as you do.
  • sgamtd
    sgamtd Member Posts: 124
    Moopy23 said:

    E_hope, I agree: it was disgraceful to have you lying there, exposed and uncomfortable, while the techs tried to figure out what they were doing.

    Honestly, I would contact my Radiation Oncologist before going back. You also have the option of asking for the radiation therapists' supervisor. I can't say that I would go back to that radiation department in any case, but I sure would ask for the most experienced techs if I did.

    One thing you learn very quickly with a cancer diagnosis is that you have to be your own advocate. It's tiring, but nobody cares as much about your treatment as you do.

    so sorry e_hope
    E_hope, I am so sorry the appointment went so bad, was it the same techs that did the simulation for you? Was the doctor present ? Seems like they were forgetting a human being was there on the table. I would ask to talk to the doctor before I got up on that table again, like Moopy said, be your own advocate.

    I am new to radiation, just had my consultation yesterday, so first off I may be wrong or didnt understand everything, and I do expect the radiation centers everywhere do not always do the same sequence of preparing you for treatment, But I understood I would have x-rays, CT planning, tatoos or marks done, then a simulation during my next appointment this Thursday.
    I thought the x-rays was for planning how deep the breast tissue is since they don't want to radiate the lungs, just the breast. All this needed to be done before first treatment is scheduled, usually 2-3 days later.
    E_hope, it may be a blessing in disguise for you, if the area to be radiated was not marked properly it's a good thing they didnt zap you, but they certainly should have explained to you what the problem was, and also give you a break and a blanket during the hour and a half you were stuck there. I am always cold inside docs offices, and I hope they supply a blanket.
    Best wished for better treatment next time you go,
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I'm sorry. Sounds like
    I'm sorry. Sounds like someone should have ran a test on the machine before they placed u there. I to start radition in Nov. I'm actually scared of getting it done. I hope ur tomorrow is better than ur today.
  • surfinbyrd2
    surfinbyrd2 Member Posts: 4
    Katz77 said:

    I'm sorry. Sounds like
    I'm sorry. Sounds like someone should have ran a test on the machine before they placed u there. I to start radition in Nov. I'm actually scared of getting it done. I hope ur tomorrow is better than ur today.

    i found radiation to be the
    i found radiation to be the easiest of all the treatments i have had over 128 treatments since nov 05 i was never in your predicament my radiologist crew were very good so i hope it gets better for you
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member

    i found radiation to be the
    i found radiation to be the easiest of all the treatments i have had over 128 treatments since nov 05 i was never in your predicament my radiologist crew were very good so i hope it gets better for you

    I am so sorry this happened you
    I second what the others have said, you've got to be your own advocate. I would definately talk to the actual doctor, and if that doesn't work then ask for a different referral from your onco. You in no way should have been treated like that.

    I had my x-rays and tattoos done last Wednesday and my techs were great and very professional, not exactly the most friendly but good. I was told I would be there about 45 min to an hour and a half. I was out in less than 45. The whole time I was there they must of asked me at least 6-7 times if I wanted a warm blanket, and was told what they were doing step by step. They never left me exposed for no reason..

    I really hope they were just trying to get it right. And that things are better for your next appt.

    Best wishes
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    This sinks to high heaven..
    e_hope .. I am so sorry disgraceful way you and your body were treated today. I pretty much thought all the morons & yahoo's worked at Corona Regional Hospital. No woman .. should have to endure exposure laying on a table, waiting for xray tech's to figure out what they needed to get done. Original tats in the wrong place - wow. Just when I thought I've heard it all.

    I would immediately place a call to your onc office .. yes, I know its after hours .. leave a voice message describing today's fiasco. Next, I would call back first thing in the a.m. requesting answers and a soluation ..I would also make a 2nd call to the radilogy department requesting the names of tech's - also requesting Supervisor / Manager of departments name. I would be very clear to state that if I returned as scheduled .. I would only deal with senior level personnel. Request information on misaligned tattoos. We need to hold doctors, hospitals and staff accountable. Yes, they are helping us in our bc fight, but damn it we are paying for it!!!!!!!!!!

    Strength and courage will come once you voice your concerns. This is your body, your breast cancer .. your fight. We are our own best advocate - period.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    You WILL go back!!!!
    It's only 6 weeks, and the hard part is done!

    The programming of the machines can be quite tedious. I'm so sorry it went so long for you. But, you DO want to make sure the right place is radiated! My breast cancer positionings went longer than my rectal cancer ones...but, at least I wasn't laying face down in a styrofoam tray that held my position (rofl)!

    The actual treatments (at least for me) take under 15 minutes. And any 'follow up' xrays are done right after, on the same table.

    This is your life, dearheart...and soon you will be posting like others have..."I'm DONE!"

    Hang in there!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • peggypeggy
    peggypeggy Member Posts: 111
    im ss
    i very sorry about your day i hopethings go better for you today god bless luv peggy
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    It does sound like a
    It does sound like a terrible day. But, you definately want them to "get it right" before they start zapping. Best of luck on your next visit!!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    I am so sorry this happened you
    I second what the others have said, you've got to be your own advocate. I would definately talk to the actual doctor, and if that doesn't work then ask for a different referral from your onco. You in no way should have been treated like that.

    I had my x-rays and tattoos done last Wednesday and my techs were great and very professional, not exactly the most friendly but good. I was told I would be there about 45 min to an hour and a half. I was out in less than 45. The whole time I was there they must of asked me at least 6-7 times if I wanted a warm blanket, and was told what they were doing step by step. They never left me exposed for no reason..

    I really hope they were just trying to get it right. And that things are better for your next appt.

    Best wishes

    My experience
    I had the same experience as Aurora did. The only difference was that my Radiation Oncologist stayed in the room the whole time and he was the one running the show. We had the problem of bending the beams to minimize my heart & lung field and I was still out of there in less than an hour.
    I would ask to file an incident report for the mis-marked tattoos. They are very small, but still un-neccessary. Pammy
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    better today..
    Had a much better experience today.. still took them 1 hour to finish the x-rays and do the radiation. but everyone was much nicer. they treated me like a human not a slab of beef. I did complain to my radiation oncologist and to the techs and their supervisor. Thanks ladies...
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    MyTurnNow said:

    It does sound like a
    It does sound like a terrible day. But, you definately want them to "get it right" before they start zapping. Best of luck on your next visit!!

    Good luck.
    Radiation was easy for me too and visits were for the most part very short. However, if you have to pick up your daughter maybe have someone who can be called because it is not uncommon for the machines to break down.

    I had radiation after chemo and then surgery. It always has to be a personal decision, but for me it was easy..anything I can do to prevent a return..and 7-8 weeks is nothing in the long run.
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    e_hope said:

    better today..
    Had a much better experience today.. still took them 1 hour to finish the x-rays and do the radiation. but everyone was much nicer. they treated me like a human not a slab of beef. I did complain to my radiation oncologist and to the techs and their supervisor. Thanks ladies...

    Sorry e_hope....we cross posted.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    e_hope said:

    better today..
    Had a much better experience today.. still took them 1 hour to finish the x-rays and do the radiation. but everyone was much nicer. they treated me like a human not a slab of beef. I did complain to my radiation oncologist and to the techs and their supervisor. Thanks ladies...

    I am glad you did complain maybe they will think twice before they leave someone lay for so long while they figured things out! That would really "burn" me too ( no pun intended) I am glad things went better today we all deserve to be treated with dignity. Hope it gets easier and easier each day.
    Hugs, Jackie
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    So sorry your rad treatment
    So sorry your rad treatment went so badly- I have had over 30 treatments, with just a few gliches, but nothing as you describe. I am sure that if my rad onc knew of these snafus he would be reprimanding someone. He runs a tight ship, but that's OK, because I'm on that ship!

    The simulation took far longer than they said-nearly 3 hours & I still had to go back the next day. It was cold--wear socks on your feet. It was OK with me because I wanted them to get it right.

    Good luck with this & keep us posted...
  • KEL50
    KEL50 Member Posts: 3

    i found radiation to be the
    i found radiation to be the easiest of all the treatments i have had over 128 treatments since nov 05 i was never in your predicament my radiologist crew were very good so i hope it gets better for you

    radiation TX
    Can you tell me what kind of side effects to expect with radiation Tx? Thanks
  • jamicreager
    jamicreager Member Posts: 3
    Hi, e_hope,
    I am a radiation

    Hi, e_hope,
    I am a radiation nurse and am so sorry about the experience you had! The technicians definitely should have been more attentive to you and explained why it was taking so long and offered you a break to sit up and move around. Though the x-rays don't take that long at my office, I can imagine that there could be legitimate reasons why it might take that long (remember, the purpose for the x-rays is to make sure the radiation is going to the correct area), but it definitely sounds as though it was not handled with professionalism by the staff. The doctor should also have addressed with you what was going on and why. You should speak to the department supervisor about what happened. They owe you an apology for their insensitivity and for the extra tattoo.
    I definitely encourage you to finish your radiation therapy. I have seen many, many patients who declined radiation when it was recommended the first time who return with much worse, often incurable cancer. Please don't let a bad experience lead you to compromise being cured. It is good that you are receiving support from other survivors, and remember your radiation nurse can give you a shoulder to lean on as well.
    Take care,
    Jami Creager R.N.