
AStr0ngerme_thankGod Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was 34 and 6 months pregnant when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was in my right breast. I did a lumpectomy and after having my baby I got 7 weeks of radiation. Everyhting went well until 10 years later there came a syst in the left breast. I did surgery again. Then in 2007 it was my left breast again. This time I did a Bi-later. Had chemo before surgery, and again 7 weeks of radiation. I have not yet done re-construction. I am kind of scared. The doctors said the surgery could last as long as 15 hours.


  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    Stronger, I'd first like to

    Stronger, I'd first like to welcome you to the boards, but I am sorry that you have the beast that brings you here. It sounds like you have been through so much so story sounds easy compared to yours. I was diagnosed with a very small amount of invasive cancer in 2000, and had a lumpectomy and radiation. I did have a few other 'scares' after that, but there was nothing definitive until early this year when they found DCIS in the same breast. I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy and immediate DIEP reconstruction, and I'm glad that I went that route.

    The surgery can take a long time, but the most important thing is that your plastic surgeon be experienced in the procedure. There are only about 150 surgeons in the US with the needed experience (more can do the TRAM flap where tissue is tunneled up to your breast). My surgeon's office is 2 miles from my house which amazing considering some people travel for hours in order to have the procedure.

    I did have some damage to the blood supply under my arm (from radiation in 2000) but the surgeon was able to successfully reconnect the blood supply. This is one of the reasons that you need a highly qualified surgeon.

    Hope this helps.

  • jk1952 said:

    Stronger, I'd first like to

    Stronger, I'd first like to welcome you to the boards, but I am sorry that you have the beast that brings you here. It sounds like you have been through so much so story sounds easy compared to yours. I was diagnosed with a very small amount of invasive cancer in 2000, and had a lumpectomy and radiation. I did have a few other 'scares' after that, but there was nothing definitive until early this year when they found DCIS in the same breast. I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy and immediate DIEP reconstruction, and I'm glad that I went that route.

    The surgery can take a long time, but the most important thing is that your plastic surgeon be experienced in the procedure. There are only about 150 surgeons in the US with the needed experience (more can do the TRAM flap where tissue is tunneled up to your breast). My surgeon's office is 2 miles from my house which amazing considering some people travel for hours in order to have the procedure.

    I did have some damage to the blood supply under my arm (from radiation in 2000) but the surgeon was able to successfully reconnect the blood supply. This is one of the reasons that you need a highly qualified surgeon.

    Hope this helps.


    Thank you
    Based on the fact that I did radiation I will not be up for re-construction until February next year. I will be meting with the surgeon next week, so thanks for your help, I now know what questions I should ask.