Port in place

Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Had port placed this morning,was scared but doing ok. Surgeon prayed with me prior to procedure. Arm is very sore but pain med is working. Now Im ready for my chemo on Wednesday. Keep me in your prayers that all goes well.


  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Glad it went well! That's great that the surgeon prayed with you, don't hear of that much! You are now on your way! I'm right behind you. Let us fellow "newbies" know how it goes.
    Prayers & Hugz,
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Glad to hear from you, Deb
    Deb, so glad to hear from you that all went well. What an awesome surgeon to pray with you before surgery!! Rest and take it easy now. I will keep you in my prayers. Pammy
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Glad to hear from you, Deb
    Deb, so glad to hear from you that all went well. What an awesome surgeon to pray with you before surgery!! Rest and take it easy now. I will keep you in my prayers. Pammy

    Glad it went well. Will be
    Glad it went well. Will be thinking about you.
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Glad your port surgery went well. Never heard of a doctor praying with you before surgery, that' s wonderful!! You'll be glad you had it put in for your chemo treatments. Makes it much easier. Hugs, Diane
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Thanks for posting. I am so
    Thanks for posting. I am so glad that all went well. Remember, a port is a GOOD thing! xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    Deb... You'll be greatful
    Deb... You'll be greatful for the port it does it job and you'll be even more greatful when it comes out. I just had my port-a-cath removed 2 weeks ago.. The best day so far since my Feb diagnosis. My port worked great for chemo, but was a pain in the ****. It was just below my collar bone and my 2 year old always hit it when he'd sit on my lap and I couldn't wear most of my clothes because you could see it.

    Best of luck to you on your chemo road.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Deb, I will be thinking of
    Deb, I will be thinking of you and sending up a prayer for you on Wednesday.

    p.s. Love your pup!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Deb, I will be thinking of
    Deb, I will be thinking of you and sending up a prayer for you on Wednesday.

    p.s. Love your pup!

    Hi Deb
    I will also be thinking and praying for you for all the best on Wed. please let us know.
    as Moops says, I also love your pup. jackie
  • carol41
    carol41 Member Posts: 25
    rjjj said:

    Hi Deb
    I will also be thinking and praying for you for all the best on Wed. please let us know.
    as Moops says, I also love your pup. jackie

    A port is a Good Thing
    Having a port placed was the best thing I did for myself for treatment. Just remember
    to get a prescription for lidocaine/prilocaine. Besure to put on a glob and cover it
    (I liked press and seal the best) about an hour before you go for infusion. Have your
    infusion nurse do a freeze spray. I love that your doc prayed with you -- how cool is
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Wow Deb,
    that's neat that your surgeon prayed with you!I am saying a prayer that all goes well! Keep us posted-you can do it!!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Good luck with your chemo on
    Good luck with your chemo on Wednesday. I'll be thinking of you and wishing for the best!
  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    Thats great
    Im glad your surgeon is sensitive enough to do that with you....wonderful to hear! I had my port put in two weeks ago, had first chemo treatment last Thursday and port was great. Do make sure you get the numbing cream and put it on 1 hr prior to treatment. If you arent sure how, have your doc show you. He was glad to help...good luck and keep us posted on your treatments...