mamo neg but ultrasoud positive w/ nodes

nbabq Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Anyone out there that are in the 20% group that it didn't appear on mamo but ultrsound showed it plus nodes?

I feel like I wasted 18 years getting mamos that said my calcifications show no cancer but suprise the ultrasound showed I did. Stage 3


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Mine did not show on the
    Mine did not show on the mammogram or ultrasound. By sight it was evident something was wrong. My tumors were 6cm and 3cm and another smaller one. I had chemo first before surgery and still had two nodes with cancer. No one explained it to me how this was possible but I read an article later that said mammograms take a two dimensional picture but cancer is three dimensional and sometimes it can't see it.
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    I discovered the lump, saw the doctor and she agreed there was something to be concerned about. I went in for mammo and ultra sound, they took the usual amount of x-rays on my right side, but on the lump side they came back 3 times for more x-rays. From there we went to ultra sound, I literally had to show them where the lump was before the techs found it. After that the radiologist doctor came in a recommended a biospy.

    He said it was hard to find, but that he did think it was something to be concerned about also. I came back for the biopsy and 2 days later was told I had cancer. I was dx's with both IDC and DCIS.

    I asked my onco about that as I have already set up my 3 month follow up appointment for December, about 2 months after rad's. She said she will be sending me out for a mammo then. I raised the point that mammo, and ultra sound would not of found it if I wasn't already aware of it, and she said we'd probably do MRI. So we'll see.

    Take Care
  • tammy2009
    tammy2009 Member Posts: 1

    I discovered the lump, saw the doctor and she agreed there was something to be concerned about. I went in for mammo and ultra sound, they took the usual amount of x-rays on my right side, but on the lump side they came back 3 times for more x-rays. From there we went to ultra sound, I literally had to show them where the lump was before the techs found it. After that the radiologist doctor came in a recommended a biospy.

    He said it was hard to find, but that he did think it was something to be concerned about also. I came back for the biopsy and 2 days later was told I had cancer. I was dx's with both IDC and DCIS.

    I asked my onco about that as I have already set up my 3 month follow up appointment for December, about 2 months after rad's. She said she will be sending me out for a mammo then. I raised the point that mammo, and ultra sound would not of found it if I wasn't already aware of it, and she said we'd probably do MRI. So we'll see.

    Take Care

    my sister
    I am worried about my sister. She has had a large lump for 3 yrs. When she had her last mammogram it showed. She needed a follow up. She has not had insurance to go in. Her husband workplace closed down. Any info on free mammos. The whole family is worried and we gotta do something. Thanks so much
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    tammy2009 said:

    my sister
    I am worried about my sister. She has had a large lump for 3 yrs. When she had her last mammogram it showed. She needed a follow up. She has not had insurance to go in. Her husband workplace closed down. Any info on free mammos. The whole family is worried and we gotta do something. Thanks so much

    The United States
    The United States Government’s National Cancer Institute can direct you to a local resource for free mammograms. Call them toll-free at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237). Be ready with your zip code.

    copied from:

    I tried this number and you do have to listen to the options, but ultimately you will need to press or say "0" to talk to a live person who can tell you where free or reduced fee mammograms are available in your area.

    My best to your sister. What a terrific sister you are. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I understand your
    I understand your disappointment. My story is pretty complicated, but involves calcifications and missed identification, even after biopsy. Stage 3 as well.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    I understand your
    I understand your disappointment. My story is pretty complicated, but involves calcifications and missed identification, even after biopsy. Stage 3 as well.

    yes, it is shocking
    I understand you are in shock as most of us.
    I discovered mass under my arm myself. My Mammogram showed 2.0 x1.2 cm, ultrasound similar, but MRI negative. We were relatively optimistic going to lumpectomy with stage 1. My surgeon removed 4.0x4.0 cm and did not get clear margins. Radical mastectomy and when pathology report came out it showed skin invasion and then 7 days later I had skin re-excision. Eventually we got clear margins, tumor 10.0 cm. 10/21 nodes positive and stage III C. Unfortunately, it could happen.
    Good luck to you in your treatments
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I get it!
    I had mammo and ULTRASOUND in December, 2008....I found the lump myself the end of March, 2009 through self exam..........3 STINKING MONTHS LATER! NOTHING, so they say, showed on the mammo or ultrasound....which quite honestly, I find hard to believe given the tumor was 2.2 cm.
    Prayers and best wishes
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Nbabq, I am sorry to hear of
    Nbabq, I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but you have come to the right place for understanding and support. I am not in the group for which mammograms showed negative, but I am sure you will hear from others here who've had that experience.

    Unhappy surprises are something I experienced, though. Before surgery, mammo and ultrasound and physical examination suggested no lymph node involvement. My surgeon and onc. were both optimistic and cheerful. Post-surgery, not so much. Instead of the no involvement we all were expecting, it was 6/15 involved. So, I can greatly sympathize--more, empathize, with the unexpected ultrasound results.

    My best to you

    My best to you.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Neither for me
    Mine was not found on mammo or ultra sound. It was found by Breast MRI. I personally believe it is the age of the equipment, the talent of the tech, and the diligence of the Radiologist. None of my cancer was found locally, but once I went out of state...bam! Lite up like a Christmas tree. Because I had fibrocystic disease, they were use to dismissing lumps and bumps. I never felt a lump, just KNEW I did not feel right. So I think the more we are check, the better chance at finding something. Pammy
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    MAJW said:

    I get it!
    I had mammo and ULTRASOUND in December, 2008....I found the lump myself the end of March, 2009 through self exam..........3 STINKING MONTHS LATER! NOTHING, so they say, showed on the mammo or ultrasound....which quite honestly, I find hard to believe given the tumor was 2.2 cm.
    Prayers and best wishes

    We have the best knowledge of our bodies
    Like Nancy I had a "clean" mammogram the end of November, 2008. I first noticed the lump in July '09 and could really feel it. When removed in Sept the tumor was 2.4 cm at its largest. I know that these things can grow quickly, but my surgeon did not believe this was the case. Up until last Thursday, I'd always had large breasts (nice not to have the back pain now). I am so thankful for my choice to lose weight because I'm not sure when I would have noticed the tumor. It must have been hiding behind the fibrous parts and fat. I wonder how big it would have been by the time of my next mammo at the end of Nov 09 and whether or not it would have spread to the nodes. With this beast we need to be proactive and advocate for ourselves and each other when things don't feel right in our bodies. Warm wishes and internet hugs. Lola