Back again. Will be having chemo before surgery.....

chelle0617 Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went yesterday to my first oncologist appointment. My best friend of 32 years went with me. I found out that I will be starting chemo on the 21st. Very scared, you know of the UNKNOWN. I will be getting Adriamycin and cytoxin every 2 weeks x4, then I will get Taxotine every three weeks x4. She also mentioned that I would have to do radiation but I thought that my surgeon said I would not have to do radiation. That is a question for all the Monday morning calls I have to do. I will be getting a pet scan and a Muga test sometime this week. Plus I need to get an annual done along with a flu shot. Then on Friday I will be going to a chemo class and I will be gettin a port put in. So many overwhelming things. If anyone has had this type of treatment could you please let me know your experience. She said that I will be losing all of my hair and going into menopause . Never would have thought about menopause at 39. Can I also have some input about the hair loss from some of you ladies. Would like to know a little about what to expect. My oncologist di say that the one bad thing is that it always seems that when the hair starts to grow back it is usually on your legs and your hoo ha(southern region). I laughed my butt off at that. I just wanted to say that I greatly appreciate all the input I received on my initial question. Keep the info coming ladies because I feel like that empowers me even more. Hugs to everyone.
Thanks chelle


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Hi, Chelle
    I read your first post a few days ago, and can totally understand how overwhelmed you must be feeling right now. I'm 40, and, I certainly thought I was too young to be worried about breast cancer!

    I'm currently halfway through 4 rounds of chemo, though a different cocktail than you're on, so other ladies who are doing AC can speak about their experiences.

    As far as hair loss -- if you can try to keep a sense of humor about it, it's just so strange and crazy, really. Mine actually started in my "southern region," days before my head. I had cut my already-short hair even shorter, but, by day 17 after I started chemo, it was coming out in clumps in my hand and in my food, so we buzzed it down to almost nothing with the clippers. I haven't gone completely bald yet, and my eyebrows are just starting to go -- and I still have to shave my legs! There's really no rhyme or reason to it, and every woman's experience is different.

    What most women on this board will advise you about hair loss is to not let it control you. Cut your hair as short as you feel comfortable with *before* you start chemo, and have either clippers or your hairdresser ready by about 12-14 days into it, so that you can take whatever action you want to when you want do -- buzz it, shave it all off, whatever. Go shopping ahead of time for any accessories you think you want -- hats, scarves, a wig -- so that you have them. The ACS' tlc site (, is a great resource -- I chose not to wear a wig, but have bought all my hats from them.

    Ask any other questions you have -- I know we'll all have way more advice than you probably want! :-)

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    HI, and welcome. I am 53yo
    HI, and welcome. I am 53yo and was diagnosed last July with breast cancer, it all seems so surreal to me now. I had chemo for 12 weeks, then a masectomy, and then radiation. I did not have many problems with chemo, just feeling tired. I would suggest drinking a lot of water, and eating small, healthy meals. The hair thing was a bit depressing, you will loose all your hair, eyebrows and eye lashes. Sunglasses are a must. Buy a wig before you lose your hair, i had a really cute on, I also had a baseball cap that i liked to wear. You can try scarfs also. In the winter, it was very cold with no hair. I also liked to sleep with a turban on. The American Cancer Society has a catalog called TLC that I got my wig from. I really liked it, It was called the Nicole, in sunkissed brown. They sell the turbans also. Ok, so then it took about 6 months after chemo for my hair to start growing back in. It came in really curly and dark. I love it now, i keep it short with blonde hi-lites, I love it! Oh yeah, and mascara is your new friend, it helps when your lashes start thining.
    I will give some advise from a survivor, try not to worry too much, think positive, and try to live your life as normal as possible (with a few adjustments, of course). You will get through this journey. Take Care.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Glad you are checking in, posting, and asking questions! Yes this is all very scary to say the least. You have these different doctors all of a sudden telling you things you'd never thought you'd hear or have to know, & you feel like your head is spinning! We can do this! Piece of cake!(yeah right!) I think radiation is done after your surgery.? Haven't had the Pet scan, Muga I'm having done Thursday. That is done to check your heart for the Chemo. Mental Pause!Argg...I read that it was one of the possible side effects of Chemo, but of course mine just started on it's own! I'm only 44. Guess the hormones wanted to jump ahead. Just keep the faith,try to stay positive & don't forget that you have your sisters here for whatever you need!
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    Im going to have my port
    Im going to have my port placed in the morning, beginning to feel scared, anxious and nervous, but also excited to get treatment going. One thing my surgeon mentioned that I didnt think about was, placing the port on the side that doesnt have cancer just incase something happened while im in treatment and had to have breast removed it wouldnt interfer with the port.
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    Deb1969 said:

    Im going to have my port
    Im going to have my port placed in the morning, beginning to feel scared, anxious and nervous, but also excited to get treatment going. One thing my surgeon mentioned that I didnt think about was, placing the port on the side that doesnt have cancer just incase something happened while im in treatment and had to have breast removed it wouldnt interfer with the port.

    i loved my port it was a walk in park for me good luck never at anytime did i hsve trouble with my poty good luck
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Deb1969 said:

    Im going to have my port
    Im going to have my port placed in the morning, beginning to feel scared, anxious and nervous, but also excited to get treatment going. One thing my surgeon mentioned that I didnt think about was, placing the port on the side that doesnt have cancer just incase something happened while im in treatment and had to have breast removed it wouldnt interfer with the port.

    Good luck having your

    Good luck having your port in tomorrow. I understand how you feel, it all sounds so terrifying. I did not have any problems with my port placement, I had a twilight anesthesia. I just came home and slept. I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    your onc would probably know more about your treatments coming up then your surgeon would because that's what an oncologist does!So I would be more likely to believe your onc about whether or not you'll need rads then I would your surgeon...