Checking In

ninjamom Member Posts: 142
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello everyone

Just checking in to let you know I was thinking of all of you. Been busy getting ready for Relay For Life. On Aug. 30th, my family hosted a Fashion Show Fund Raiser, very exciting, we raised $2566.00 everyone had a great time and requested to be invited next time.

Today is Relay, I have been doing this for 7 years,this is my second as survivor,I don't understand why I'm so nervous. As I walk the survivors lap, all of you will be in my thoughts I am also lighting a luminaria in honor of all of you.

Health wise...I'm doing OK, slowly getting stronger (cardio workouts up to 15 min. with some weight training). Well my friends..time to hit the shower and get ready to go.

Big hugs to everyone.



  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Hi Patty! Thanks for the update on you! Enjoy and have fun at the Relay today! Thank you for walking for all of us!

    Kylez ♥
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Kylez said:

    Hi Patty! Thanks for the update on you! Enjoy and have fun at the Relay today! Thank you for walking for all of us!

    Kylez ♥

    Glad you are doing ok Patty!
    Glad you are doing ok Patty! I have never been to a Relay For Life but I hope someday too. Thanks for doing this for bc!

    Sue :)
  • rainbow4
    rainbow4 Member Posts: 137
    Super! Relay for Life
    I became a member of the steering committee for the local Relay two years ago - a lot of work but it's so worth the effort. This year unfortunately I moved to the category of Survivor. I'll of course continue as a committee member and team member (our Relay is in June). Ladies, it's such a valuable, uplifting effort - I hope you all attend at some time and do the Survivor's Lap. I'll be "walking" with you tonight, Patty.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I have missed you!
    Have a great relay and thanks for remembering us in a luminary, how wonderful of you!

    Much Love,

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    RE said:

    I have missed you!
    Have a great relay and thanks for remembering us in a luminary, how wonderful of you!

    Much Love,


    Glad you are checking in!
    Glad you are checking in! Enjoy your relay and thanks for remembering us!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Glad you are checking in!
    Glad you are checking in! Enjoy your relay and thanks for remembering us!


    Good to see you! I hope you
    Good to see you! I hope you enjoy the relay. Thanks for lighting a luminary for us!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Good to see you! I hope you
    Good to see you! I hope you enjoy the relay. Thanks for lighting a luminary for us!


    You will love the relay!
    You will love the relay! Thanks for doing this for us! Post some pics or let us know how it went when you can!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣