How to cope witrh hair loss
shaving your legs!!TraciInLA said:Too young to be demure...
Hey, outdoorgirl -
From what I can tell from the waiting room and chemo room, I think I'm one of my oncologist's youngest patients -- by far -- so maybe older women are a little more demure than I am in discussing their more private parts? Me, hell -- I put it on my side effects log that I make him read every time I see him!
Halfway through chemo -- and I STILL have to shave my legs! Is there NO justice in this world?!?
I used to joke about the same thing. Couldn't believe...not a hair on my bod EXCEPT just enough on my legs to have to shave all summer. BUMMER!!0 -
you're rightTraciInLA said:CafePress
Hi, Sheryl -
Not sure which website countrypharmgirl likes (I'm sure she'll see your question soon and let you know), but I get mine from If you search on "breast cancer" and/or "chemo," you'll see literally hundreds of choices.
Thanks Traci. You're right it is I love that sight. I would just sit and read t-shirts and laugh about some of them. It sure does help make an uncomfortable situation for some easier.0 -
By the waycountrypharmgirl said:try to keep a sense of humor-even though it's hard...
When I found out that I was going to lose my hair I went and got it cut really short.I thought that it wouldn't be so dramatic when it started to fall out (especially for my kids). My girlfriend had a "hat party" to honor me and my friends brought hats and also something for me to put into my chemo bag (chapstick, books, lotion, CD's etc) When my hair started falling out I went to my hairdresser with my favorite hat in hand and had her shave it off. I felt so prepared.
Also, I went to a t-shirt website and bought a cool t-shirt that says " Bald is part of my cure" There are also some funny ones that say "hairstyle compliments of my oncologist!" People who aren't sure what to say (like in the grocery store) would always laugh and say they like my shirt!!
By the way...this is why I chose my profile picture to be a baldy one. It is a badge of courage..nothing to be ashamed about. At first, it's hard to look in the mirror, but once I got used to it I felt proud of my baldy head.
My favorite joke line when someone was stressing me out "good thing I don't have any hair or you would've just made it gray!"0 -
It's not easy but you'll
It's not easy but you'll make it through this too. I have had 2 chemo treatments and my hair started shedding like you describe by day 14. I, too, was very upset about losing my hair. I think the main reason was because now it was very evident that I was "sick". I had my hairdresser shave my head and I'll be honest I cried like a baby the entire time. I told my husband I felt like I needed to go get a tatoo on my forehead that said "cancer". I am now over the stress I felt losing my hair and feel like it's just a part of the whole process. I would recommend that you save this thread to "my favorites" because you may want to read everyone's encouraging words again. I know I have re-read some of the hair loss comments and they have helped me get through this part. Best of luck to you!!0 -
I am so sorry Angel Nurse.
I am so sorry Angel Nurse.
Hugs!0 -
Hey,I'm 47TraciInLA said:Too young to be demure...
Hey, outdoorgirl -
From what I can tell from the waiting room and chemo room, I think I'm one of my oncologist's youngest patients -- by far -- so maybe older women are a little more demure than I am in discussing their more private parts? Me, hell -- I put it on my side effects log that I make him read every time I see him!
Halfway through chemo -- and I STILL have to shave my legs! Is there NO justice in this world?!?
and I don't have much modesty left after all those exams! Almost to the point but not quite of why bother with a gown anymore!! My medical onc has seen just about every part of me possible after everything plus a bone marrow biopsy and a rectal exam...
You are still having to shave your legs? Give it time.0 -
Curioustgf said:hair
I was on weekly taxol/herceptin for 12 weeks and the oncologist told me my hair would "thin." To me that mean a few hairs here and few hairs there. HA! 15 days after my first treatment I ran my hand through my hair and ended up with a hand ful of hair. It was "thinning" alright ... but it was a hunk here and hunk there. I called a friend who had clippers and told her I was on my way over. I grabbed my the little denim hat I'd ordered from "tlc" ... and my had my friend shave my head. For some reason it was never a big deal to me. But ... what was bothersome was my eyes. They really itched and I even stopped wearing makeup because it was smearing all over the place when I'd rub my eyes. So ... I hadn't looked in a mirror ... up close ... for awhile. One day I did ... and realized why my eyes were so itchy. My eyelashes were coming out. Other eyelashes were coming in ... but the old ones were coming out. Very itchy! Anyway ... my chemo is over and I finished radiation a month ago ... and the hair is slowly coming back. I have very fine "baby hair" coming in on my head ... and my eyelashes are getting a bit longer. I just kept telling myself that it's all part of the process.
You'll do fine. It's only hair ... and it will grow back.
When the eyelashes and eyebrows come out, what do you do about makeup? Are there any special techniques so we don't get that "stare" look. Mine have thinned some, but havent come out yet. When they do, I wonder if using more eyeliner would work on the lash area? How do you keep from eyebrows looking drawn on? I appreciate any information.0 -
mizv,mizv said:Curious
When the eyelashes and eyebrows come out, what do you do about makeup? Are there any special techniques so we don't get that "stare" look. Mine have thinned some, but havent come out yet. When they do, I wonder if using more eyeliner would work on the lash area? How do you keep from eyebrows looking drawn on? I appreciate any information.
Head on over to
Look Good...Feel Better is an ACS program that provides workshops on hair loss, makeup and skincare tips for women going through cancer treatment. If there isn't a workshop being held in your area, there are videos on the website that address exactly what you're asking about, or you can always call the ACS and ask them to send you the DVD of the program -- that's what I did, and it has lots of great tips.
Traci0 -
Angel Nurse
I started my chemo the last week of August. I've always worn a short "do" so losing it wasn't as bad as it would be for someone who has long hair. A week after my first treatment I stopped by the local barber shop with my trusty bandana, and told him to shave it all off. I closed my eyes while he did it, and then put the bandana on before I opened them. It was shocking to see all that hair in my lap and on the floor. But I was a coward, I just could not make myself look at my head in the mirror for 2 full weeks. The other night I was brushing my teeth before bed and I thought, oh heck, why don't you just go ahead and look, so I did. I was surprised that it didn't look all that bad. Actually looks better bald than it does with the bandana on my head. But I still haven't let hubby see me without the head covering.
I think the main point is to not rush yourself emotionally. Cope with it a stage at a time. Will I ever allow him to see me bald? I don't know right now, but I do know when it will be the right time.
I dreaded losing my hair, and while it hasn't been easy, it's not the worst thing in the world. I have some really cute bandanas that I bought at Hobby Lobby and also have some cute ball caps that I wear when out (with the bandana under them). I think I'm getting ready to wear the caps without the bandana - but one day at a time is my motto.
So hang in there and allow yourself to feel the emotions that go along with all of this mess of treatments, but then pick your self back up and move forward - for today only.
Val0 -
Curiousmizv said:Curious
When the eyelashes and eyebrows come out, what do you do about makeup? Are there any special techniques so we don't get that "stare" look. Mine have thinned some, but havent come out yet. When they do, I wonder if using more eyeliner would work on the lash area? How do you keep from eyebrows looking drawn on? I appreciate any information.
Check with your local Amer Cancer Society office to see if and when they schedule the "Look Good Feel Better" demonstration. I went to one about a month ago, and they gave us a bag full of makeup. They demonstrate on you how to draw in eyebrows, using fake lashes, and give you cleansers and stuff to make you look good. I wish I had gone to one while going through treatment, by the time I went, all my hairs were growing back! Its fun and educational.
Pat0 -
Thank YouTraciInLA said:mizv,
Head on over to
Look Good...Feel Better is an ACS program that provides workshops on hair loss, makeup and skincare tips for women going through cancer treatment. If there isn't a workshop being held in your area, there are videos on the website that address exactly what you're asking about, or you can always call the ACS and ask them to send you the DVD of the program -- that's what I did, and it has lots of great tips.
Thank you so much for the website - I will head on over there shortly. You all have SO much information that I would not know where to look.
Val0 -
I'm Curious Toolanie940 said:OK, I am curious, do you
OK, I am curious, do you loose your pubic hair also?
I've been going to post a new thread on this topic, but I can probably get it answered here. My pubic hair started coming out about a week after the 1st chemo - before that I had never thought of losing it there,lol!! Anyway, I am experiencing a lot of irritation where it rubs against my panties and I am wondering if there is anything to put on it to help that. Does the irritation go away after awhile?
Val0 -
awe Angel Nurse
I know how you feel. Im sorry you are having such a hard time. I had long hair too and cut it up to my chin right after my first treatment. Around day 11 or so, it did the same thing yours is doing now. Washing it was horrible, brushing it forget it. Just sitting it was coming out. I finally had to make up my mind and just shave it. It was actually a relief for me when i did. I cried when it started to come out, but once i shaved i didnt cry at all. I was so afraid of feeling so ugly bald and being embarrased. My kids think i look cool though and now i have just learned to accept it and know that it will grow back. Please dont feel ashamed. Just know the reason you are loosing it is because the medicine is working.
Take care
laura0 -
Angel Nurselolad said:awe Angel Nurse
I know how you feel. Im sorry you are having such a hard time. I had long hair too and cut it up to my chin right after my first treatment. Around day 11 or so, it did the same thing yours is doing now. Washing it was horrible, brushing it forget it. Just sitting it was coming out. I finally had to make up my mind and just shave it. It was actually a relief for me when i did. I cried when it started to come out, but once i shaved i didnt cry at all. I was so afraid of feeling so ugly bald and being embarrased. My kids think i look cool though and now i have just learned to accept it and know that it will grow back. Please dont feel ashamed. Just know the reason you are loosing it is because the medicine is working.
Take care
I did it! I took my first baby step! Now it's your turn! I went today and had my hair chopped to right above my collar! It took all the red from the sun out, it's back to being a darker brown, it's sooo much lighter! She even told me I looked younger! (how sweet but doubtful!)She said they could probably make 2 wigs so that's even better! It feels good. I expected to be saddened by the loss, however it's just the opposite! So, for now I'll just enjoy my new doo while it lasts! Keep me posted on your progress.
Cathy0 -
Yeah Val,mizv said:I'm Curious Too
I've been going to post a new thread on this topic, but I can probably get it answered here. My pubic hair started coming out about a week after the 1st chemo - before that I had never thought of losing it there,lol!! Anyway, I am experiencing a lot of irritation where it rubs against my panties and I am wondering if there is anything to put on it to help that. Does the irritation go away after awhile?
I was going to mention that when we all started posting about losing our pubic hair,but I didn't.I experienced irritation there as well and got some sores. I figure it's because normally probably the hair shields(for lack of a better word)your genitals -but when there isn't any there,there's nothing to protect it and it rubs against your underwear.
Once your hair grows back,the protection is back.
Other than vaseline and neosporin,I didn't put anything on mine-and I'm not sure what else you could use. I would ask one of your chemo nurses or your onc if you feel comfortable enough doing that. Just keep that area very clean-I use Summers Eve feminine wash.And wear cotton underwear or underwear with a cotton crotch.0 -
I like itcountrypharmgirl said:By the way
By the way...this is why I chose my profile picture to be a baldy one. It is a badge of courage..nothing to be ashamed about. At first, it's hard to look in the mirror, but once I got used to it I felt proud of my baldy head.
My favorite joke line when someone was stressing me out "good thing I don't have any hair or you would've just made it gray!"
Country! It is nothing to be ashamed of,and good for you!You are a beautiful gal and you don't need hair to be beautiful! You go,girl!!0 -
how to cope with hair lossppurdin said:Angel nurse
Hi,i am sorry you are losing your hair.I am right behind you.I start Chemo in two dr. told me i would loss my hair by the second Chemo treatment.I had cryed so many tears over it and i will probly cry more when it happens.but I have been scared about how shocking it will be.But i made up my mind this is part of the healing process.I have an appointment this Friday to get it cut a spike hair cut,so when it comes out hopefully it won,t be as shocking this will be through that by the time I am their.Good Luck to you.I will pray for you.God bless(Pat)
Thank you for your kind comments. There is nothing good to say about losing your hair. I had myself a big pity party. I am so glad to have the support of all of you here, it helps a lot!!! I pray that your treatment goes as well as mine has. The only good that has come from my hair loss is that I look more like my identical twin sister than I have in years!!! She cut her hair short recently.0 -
Vicki,VickiSam said:Angel Nurse .. From what I've been told, read, and spoken to
several chemo breast cancer sisters in PINK, 14 to 16 days after your first chemo cocktail, hair start to fall out - Everywhere. My story is very much like TraciinLA and countrypharmgirl .. I took the bull by the horns, put my hair in a pony and snipped snipped away. I donated my pony to the american cancer society to be used. My family and friends were shocked .. I've never had such a short cut - I truly felt liberated. 2 days later, my son's girlfriend came by to even out my locks.. there went another few inches. Talk about a short hair cut, my family are in shock .. as I explained to them .. enjoy the shorty do, as there will be no hair on mom's scalp in 3 weeks. Had my first chemo cocktail today, so I am preparing for total hair lost by the 25th of September.
I have purchased too many to count .. hats, scarves and beenies. I will wear them with pride along with my pink ribbon earrings. I even had 2 3/4 long sleeve t-shits made up to wear to the grocery store, target or walmart .. wording " I am fighting breast cancer " ask me how you can help .. American Cancer Society .. 1-888 xxx you get the picture. Once I am dancing with NED, I will donate all my hats etc to the ACS. What a terrific organization. My son Andrew will be particpating in the Susan G Koomen race for breast cancer, and well as the breast cancer walk. I will be there proudly bald scalp and all.
Best of luck .. with any decisions you make about cutting your hair. It is a part of our personality and everyday life. Why the hair ... I could almost trade losing my hair for gaining 40 lbs.. Believe me when I say ... the weight thing is not a good thing for me. But I would consider this trade.
Courage and strength for you Angel Nurse,
that's awesome about the tshirts!Good for you!0 -
I ordered some tshirts fromcountrypharmgirl said:you're right
Thanks Traci. You're right it is I love that sight. I would just sit and read t-shirts and laugh about some of them. It sure does help make an uncomfortable situation for some easier.
I ordered some tshirts from that site too and love them! They do have some very good ones!
Lex♥0 -
Yes.... I lost ALL mylanie940 said:OK, I am curious, do you
OK, I am curious, do you loose your pubic hair also?
Yes.... I lost ALL my hair...
I handled this by first... cutting my hair short before I even started treatment., Then once It started falling out.. I shaved my head. I had already gotten my wig and a army of scarfs. Nothing can truely prepare you. Its a shock no matter what. I lost my eye lashes after they changed my chemo.. they were gone in a week.. luckly I didn't lose my eye brows.. I found losing the eye lashes even harder than the hair on top of my head.
Good luck to you..0
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