


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    meena1 said:

    I had a port put in last
    I had a port put in last July, I still have it in. At first it is so annoying!! But after awhile, i forgot about it. Seat belts and bra straps really bothered me, and so did carrying a shoulder bag. I don't blame you for being scared, I was terrified at the thought of a port and chemo. I was on Taxol and Herceptin. I did not have any major problems at all. I was tired, had some constipation, mouth sores, but I never got really sick, Here are some suggestions:
    1. Drink lots of water
    2. Take walks, try to walk at least 30 minutes each day
    3. eat healthy. Eat fruits, veggies, applesauce. I did well eating smaller meals, and lighter meals.
    4. Avoid greasy foods
    5. If you get mouth sores, have your doctor prescribe "magic Mouthwash"
    6. Ginger ale helps an upset stomach, not too much or you will get gas
    7. I did have a lot of indigestion so my doctor prescribed Prilosec.
    Unfortunately, we cannot undo the cancer, but we can beat it! I cannot believe everything I went through. I feel really good now. I had 12 chemo treatments. Take Care.

    Meena1 .. Thank you ever so much for the list
    I have printed it out your shopping list .. Thank you for caring and sharing.

    I am so happy that you had 12 chemo treatments, and now are feeling good.

    Take care.

    Vicki Sam
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    lynn1950 said:

    This is what I posted earlier to Vickie Sam ." I was given a choice of local or general anesthetic when I got my port. Since I had a hematoma that needed to be drained (from my mastectomy), I ended up having a general anesthetic anyway. I had very little pain from my port. It was a godsend during chemo. I had it removed last spring (it was on my right chest wall below my collarbone) with a local anesthetic and Valium and that was not very painful either. Oooh, and I loved that Valium! " I had my port for about a year, and I am very thankful that I had it.

    Hi Lynn
    I do know I want to be "out"! Don't want to know nothing, feel nothing, just get it over with!
    Very familiar with Valium, it's my mother's drug of choice. Did your port leave a big scar?
    Thanks for the info!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    mickeymom said:

    My port isn't too bad
    I have a port in my upper right chest, about 2 inches from my color bone just in the top of my right breast. Having it put in wasn't bad. I had valium and something they called awake anesthesia.(I forget the drug) I was pretty groggy but I remember a lot of it. They had a screen so I didn't see anything and they did ask a few questions during the procedure. There was a nurse who sat right at my head and talked to me for a lot of the time. It was a little painful the first couple days but advil took care of it. It bugged me for month or so but I don't really notice it too much now. I was really glad to have it once chemo started and I thought about that stuff going through an IV. It seems much easier and safer than an infusion through an IV. Much easier on your arm. They have to do blood tests before each chemo and it makes that so easy. They can remove it as soon as your chemo is over.

    I didn't have any of those chemo drugs, but I am currently on Taxol, which is in the same drug family as Taxotere. It's really nothing on the nausea and sickness side, at least for me. I get muscle and joint pain and some tingly numbness in my fingers and toes, but it is pretty manageable so far. I still have two treatements to go.

    You are not being a big baby and doctors are jerks sometimes. It's normal for you to be anxious and scared. I know I was then and I still get that way now. Just remember that everything you're doing is getting you closer to being a survivor. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thanks MM!
    You make it sound like a breeze! I will keep that in mind, you are absolutely right in saying that everything I'm doing is getting me one step closer...hadn't thought of it that way!
    Prayers & hugs to you,
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Rague said:

    I never had a second thought
    I never had a second thought about rather or not I wanted a port - pictures of what can happen to veins used for IV's only confirmed my decision.

    Unfortunately, there are those who have had real problems with the implantation and I feel so sorry for them - but for me - I had very little discomfort (no pain) at all. (Actually, the only 'pain' I felt was when I tried to pick the stalls the next day so Hubby had to do them for a week [lifting the manure fork caused a sharp pain - mowed my yard with a push mower with no pain at all though]. Oh well - I'm strange. LOL)

    I had only seen my surgeon once before he did the port. I have IBC so chemo is the first line of action before surgery and I had only seen him right after the biopsy and he sent me straight to chemo. He told me that it usually took 30 - 45 min. but I might very well take longer as "you're tiny". "TINY"? - me? - no way! - I'm 5'6", 160 lbs. - that's not "tiny"! I thought he was being sarcastic and told him so (the pre surgery relaxers were already taking effect). He very patiently explained to me that I am smaller boned (I still think I'm more a medium bone), narrow shoulders and hips (have to agree with that) and legs are portotional much longer than body (again have to agree) so that made the area he had to work in "tiny". I apologized but I still don't think I'm "tiny".

    I was given Vicodin and Hubby made me take it that afternoon and evening - I didn't even feel like I needed reg. tylenol but I humored him and took 1 both times (refused to take 2 which the bottle said I could) but when he WOKE me up at midnight to take another 1 - I flat refused. I did take 1 in the morn and at noon (Aug 26th) because I was going to first chemo and didn't want to have any problems - didn't have any - they numbed the area and all I felt was a little pressure when they inserted. That is the last pain meds of any kind I have taken (so far). There was some slight discomfort and tenderness to touch but pain - no.

    I was started on A/C every 2 weeks (2nd dose will be on Sept 9). Dr. said that if it doesn't give the results he's looking for then we'll try something else - I see him (blood work done too) Wed before 2nd dose so will find out more then. There are different ones used for different reasons. I was given a lesson/class (and a loose leaf notebook with gobs of info to take home) for about 1 hr. directly before the first chemo. I have no idea how long I'll have my port in - it depends on so many things - chemo now, then surgery, then chemo, the rad. as it stands now but who knows what the future holds.

    For every horror story, there is 1 that is the opposite end of the spectrum. Most fall somewhere in-between. I'm going to say the same thing your Dr. said - "Try not to worry." Believe me - I know it's easier said than done but worrying accomplishes nothing positive. Thoughts and prayers.


    You just jumped right up & got busy huh? I believe I would "milk it" for at least a few days!
    Me-I am tiny, 5'7 and now down to 106. (Usually stay at 110). So I wonder if they will even have a place to put it! I'm starting to feel better about this port thing thanks to all of you! I know worrying accomplishes nothing, it's in my nature thanks to my mother!
    Thanks for your help!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192

    I didn't mean to scare you either with my experience with my port but you can see that there are very few ladies that seemed to have a**holes that performed the surgery. Once it was over I was fine and am glad that I have a port.

    As for treatment everyone is different. I had Taxol w/Herceptin every week for 12 weeks. Now I am on Herceptin alone every three weeks for a year.


    Hi Margo!
    It wasn't you that scared me. My surgeon seems ok so far. I've only met with him once. I go back to discuss this port thing the 15th. He's on vaca now so hopefully he's well rested! Wow you sure have had and are doing alot of chemo! How are you doing on the Herceptin?
    Keep those jokes coming! It's good to at least count on one laugh each day!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hey Cat
    The port is the best thing ever invented for those of us who hate needles!!! Have you ever met a nurse who hated to have a flu shot, a blood draw or an IV? I am needle phobic and the port is wonderful.

    GET THE EMLA CREAM!!! Yes I am shouting because it will numb the area and make the needle stick almost painless...trust me on this...I HATE NEEEDLES!!!

    I am on taxol and herceptin after having had 4 cycles of Adriamycin/cytoxan. I get fatigue, and muscle and bone pain and today noticed some constipation which is new. My biggest advise is to try to keep exercising in some way...Take the dog for a walk, stretch, ride an exercise bike and or all 3. It really helps the fatigue which is cummulative.

    Hang in there...and please GET THE EMLA CREAM

    Linda T

    Hi! Just want to say good
    Hi! Just want to say good luck to you! You have been given good advice by these other posts.
