look good feel good

tiara555 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My name is Tiara and I'm from Glendale, Arizona ~ Is there any program here in Arizona
on look good feel good ~ can't seem to find anything in my area.

I'm getting ready to start chemo ~

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Tiara I live in Phoenix
    Try Palo Verde Oncology (602) 978-6255 Ask for Loretta, she does sceduling. There is one in September but it may already be full. I can't find it listed on their site anymore. Usually there is a list of them for this area...Also try Phoenix Baptist Hospital. I wanted to go to the one at Palo Verde since that is where my Oncologist is but I never reserved myself a spot.
    Good luck with your Chemo!
  • ritazimm
    ritazimm Member Posts: 171
    I believe the program is
    I believe the program is called Look Good Feel Better and the link below will let you put in your location to see if there is one in your area. I went to one during chemo and I really enjoyed it and learned a lot too.

    Goo luck,
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Just want to say hi tiara555
    Just want to say hi tiara555 and welcome. I hope you find that program near you. You might call the ACS and see if they can help you!

    Kylez ♥
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Tiara I hope you see this in
    Tiara I hope you see this in time.
    There is one tonight at Palo Verde Oncology and tomorrow night at Baptist Hospital!