Options Post Surgery- High PSA

mrgreek Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Hello everyone,

I'll make it short. Gleason of 7 or 8... Had surgery, seemed okay (no lymph nodes[2] spread, and margins were negative), but it must have escaped because of a rising PSA after surgery. PSA before surgery was about a 22. After surgery it was a 22, 25, 35.

On Hormone Therapy now. Bone scans and other scans came back negative.

Every doctor we've seen says its aggressive (because of the timetable of the rising PSA was really steep).

Does hormone therapy really last 6months-5 years? Anyone have any experience with Provence or AstraZeneca's drug in clinical trials? Is it easy to get into the clinical trials? Anyone have experience with DCA?
Those three have been the ones that I've read about the most on the internet.

Sorry for it being long,
