CLUBS/Associations etc...Cummon, fess up!

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
OK, In here we have the DBs, Daft Sods, Pets of Daft Sods, and several other clubs...

Now, Here's the question?????? What other clubs/associations are you all members off...?

This could be a shocking revelation.

I will admit to being an associate member of the British Horse Society. the British Driving Society. The Church Bellringers Guild..(Hey I guess that shocked the pants of some of you... EH?). The Canadian Jeep Drivers, wave at each other Also in the Horticultural Society, and CSN!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man do I sound stuck-up! ROFLMAO!

Cummon....Give it up... What do you all do in your spare time?

Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxx


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Ok, I'll go
    I'm high as a kite right now on pre-chemo steroids, so my defenses are down (you knew that, didn't you, Tasha?).

    I am a card-carrying member of MECDA, the Middle Eastern Culture and Dance Association -- yep, I'm a bald bellydancer!

    (What's the statute of limitations on this, Tasha? I don't have to tell you about my Official Star Trek Fan Club membership from back in my 20s, do I? :-)

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    TraciInLA said:

    Ok, I'll go
    I'm high as a kite right now on pre-chemo steroids, so my defenses are down (you knew that, didn't you, Tasha?).

    I am a card-carrying member of MECDA, the Middle Eastern Culture and Dance Association -- yep, I'm a bald bellydancer!

    (What's the statute of limitations on this, Tasha? I don't have to tell you about my Official Star Trek Fan Club membership from back in my 20s, do I? :-)


    Traci, I belly dance too! Just don't think I could take one step at the moment. I learned because I was told I had to exercise and this was the funniest thing I could find to do. where is that shimmy belt?
    As far as clubs go....the only other one I belong to is the "Code Blue" club. Nope, not telling what it have to guess!! Pammy
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Traci, I belly dance too! Just don't think I could take one step at the moment. I learned because I was told I had to exercise and this was the funniest thing I could find to do. where is that shimmy belt?
    As far as clubs go....the only other one I belong to is the "Code Blue" club. Nope, not telling what it have to guess!! Pammy

    I do not belong to any clubs
    I do not belong to any clubs currently but once I was in a Corvette Club and I have been a band booster. Pammy and Traci, my daughter was and is a belly dancer. She danced with Urban Tribal in San Diego. When they did their Sparks Tour, she danced until she was 7 1/2 or 8 months pregnant with her son. Truly a belly dancer then. She also made some of their costumes. She danced with another troupe in Arcata and is looking for a group in the Bay Area now that her youngest is one. At the least she wants to take lessons again, maybe even teach. I always thought it would be fun to learn belly dancing but I stuck more to the tap dancing, very aerobic and lots of fun. It is so interesting to see hear all of the other activities we are involved in. And I must be not only flaky but dense what is Code Blue. I am thinking like the Polar Bear Club or a very bad hospital experience, neither club I want to join. Oh, or it is to do with your hubby's police work. I give up. Maybe we need a thread to ask what other interesting hobbies, skills we all have. It is so nice to see what we have in common outside of the cancer. And to see the big picture of who we are.
  • Booberta
    Booberta Member Posts: 61
    fauxma said:

    I do not belong to any clubs
    I do not belong to any clubs currently but once I was in a Corvette Club and I have been a band booster. Pammy and Traci, my daughter was and is a belly dancer. She danced with Urban Tribal in San Diego. When they did their Sparks Tour, she danced until she was 7 1/2 or 8 months pregnant with her son. Truly a belly dancer then. She also made some of their costumes. She danced with another troupe in Arcata and is looking for a group in the Bay Area now that her youngest is one. At the least she wants to take lessons again, maybe even teach. I always thought it would be fun to learn belly dancing but I stuck more to the tap dancing, very aerobic and lots of fun. It is so interesting to see hear all of the other activities we are involved in. And I must be not only flaky but dense what is Code Blue. I am thinking like the Polar Bear Club or a very bad hospital experience, neither club I want to join. Oh, or it is to do with your hubby's police work. I give up. Maybe we need a thread to ask what other interesting hobbies, skills we all have. It is so nice to see what we have in common outside of the cancer. And to see the big picture of who we are.

    Not much of a joiner here
    However, I think that this is a fabulous thread!! It is so great know that we are so much more that our disease. A personal glimpse into my new best friends lives.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    What about the Canadian Horse Society?
    Tasha, what's wrong with the Canadian Mounties? Did they balk at turquoise Clydesdales? I'd love to be a church bellringer.

    As for clubs, I'm not so extroverted. However, I'm big on magazine subscriptions. Does that count?

    I've normally subscribed alternately to Time or Newsweek (til I got mad during the last election and canceled), Whole Dog Journal, Dog Fancy, Consumer Reports, local newspaper (such as it was). I used to read Joe's The Economist mags, and I just subscribed to Southern Living (for travel stuff). Since my bc diagnosis, I've flirted with a mind candy subscription to People or Entertainment Weekly or some celebrity rag like that. I also like USA Today. Then there's the mag subsriptions for the neighborhood kids. This time, the cheapest was Good Housekeeping, though I never was a good housekeeper and don't expect that bc helped.

    If mags don't count, all I can say is: I was a Girl Scout.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    I belong to my county's
    I belong to my county's emergency management team. I have met the most interesting people I never would have met otherwise. We are somewhat inactive now, due to our commander's maternity leave, but the simulation exercises are fun! We also play "victims" for other groups to practice their life-saving techniques.

    I wanted to become Red Cross certified this summer, but bc surgery stopped me from taking the classes--I hope I can get certified later.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Does Costco count? I'm not a
    Does Costco count? I'm not a joiner. I joined CSN and it took me about a year before I even started to post on this board. It's taking me 3 years to brave chat. I've only been in there a few times.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Does Costco count? I'm not a
    Does Costco count? I'm not a joiner. I joined CSN and it took me about a year before I even started to post on this board. It's taking me 3 years to brave chat. I've only been in there a few times.

    Marcia, I'm jealous. I would love to shop at Costco, but there's not one where I live. Costco membership ought to count is my OP.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    After reading this thread, I'm bummed that my life is so boring...

    Am a member of my neighborhood Historical Society, and an active volunteer there. Member here, of course - and, volunteer for the ACS.

    Wow, lame.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    fauxma said:

    I do not belong to any clubs
    I do not belong to any clubs currently but once I was in a Corvette Club and I have been a band booster. Pammy and Traci, my daughter was and is a belly dancer. She danced with Urban Tribal in San Diego. When they did their Sparks Tour, she danced until she was 7 1/2 or 8 months pregnant with her son. Truly a belly dancer then. She also made some of their costumes. She danced with another troupe in Arcata and is looking for a group in the Bay Area now that her youngest is one. At the least she wants to take lessons again, maybe even teach. I always thought it would be fun to learn belly dancing but I stuck more to the tap dancing, very aerobic and lots of fun. It is so interesting to see hear all of the other activities we are involved in. And I must be not only flaky but dense what is Code Blue. I am thinking like the Polar Bear Club or a very bad hospital experience, neither club I want to join. Oh, or it is to do with your hubby's police work. I give up. Maybe we need a thread to ask what other interesting hobbies, skills we all have. It is so nice to see what we have in common outside of the cancer. And to see the big picture of who we are.

    Your a little warm, Stef!
    And that's all I'm saying! Pammy
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655

    After reading this thread, I'm bummed that my life is so boring...

    Am a member of my neighborhood Historical Society, and an active volunteer there. Member here, of course - and, volunteer for the ACS.

    Wow, lame.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Other then memberships here
    I don't belong to nothin, nobody loves me every body hates me i'm going to eat some worms, oh wait not i'm not that is just gross
    how about i don't belong to the NRA cause they don't trust me with a gun (tantrums)
    i don't have a library card, cause i don't return books (chemo brain)
    i don't belong to any gardening clubs, i keep forgetting what I planted (flakyness)

    oh wait this was suppose to be what we are a part of, so never mind, no memeberships here

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    tjhay said:

    Other then memberships here
    I don't belong to nothin, nobody loves me every body hates me i'm going to eat some worms, oh wait not i'm not that is just gross
    how about i don't belong to the NRA cause they don't trust me with a gun (tantrums)
    i don't have a library card, cause i don't return books (chemo brain)
    i don't belong to any gardening clubs, i keep forgetting what I planted (flakyness)

    oh wait this was suppose to be what we are a part of, so never mind, no memeberships here


    Too Funny!
    You lot are really crazy! I love it! Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I get volunteered for!
    I met a friend when I was an ACS Ambassador that volunteers for many things...and then she says "And my friend will LOVE to do it with me...."

    I just found out that if I want to play golf in Holland, I need a license (?!?!?!?!), and it would REALLY help to join a golf club (at 90 Euros per month...). We are also studying for a license to pilot a boat here...

    Dutch government income....ROFL!

    GREAT post, Tasha!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Where do I belong...
    Well...let's see. I actually was an officer in my local PTA when my kids were in elementary school (my 20-30 year old self is gagging), belonged to the Library Board, and (gulp) Beta Sigma Phi (I quit because it was a gossip club). I just won a membership to the National Association of Gifted Children and I belong to our state's G/T organization and the I EA and NEA. My arm is being twisted to join a local gardening venture, but I'm resisting, although I have agreed to paint signs for it. It's a community garden to help everyone be able to eat locally, but I can't even keep up with my own garden!

    My favorite club is book club. We meet once a month and I don't know how we all found each other, but I love each and every one of our members. Our latest book is "Tractors in Ukrainian." The books vary so much...Jon Krakauer stuff, Russell Banks, John Irving, Isabel Allende, "Reading Lolita in Tehran" - each month a different member chooses a book and we are all so different, that we all are exposed to stuff we would never have picked on our own. Some turn out to be terrible duds. Those evoke the most spirited criticism and whoops of laughter. Our next book is "The Book Thief" by Marcus Zusak. I've already read it (and all my children have read it, too). I highly recommend it.

    Moopy, we get the Economist too. My husband reads it cover to cover; I'm a browser. Also hunting magazines (my son and husband's, but I peek - the ads are hilarious) and Discover. People magazine is my secret pleasure when I have doctors' appointments or I'm travelling.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Your a little warm, Stef!
    And that's all I'm saying! Pammy

    Could you at least

    Could you at least eliminate one of my 3 guesses?
  • mberg
    mberg Member Posts: 62
    I am a little embarrassed to
    I am a little embarrassed to admit in here that i am a member of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, but only because that is who my license for work is from. TRUST ME I know nothing about this area!!!!!I don't have any other memberships I am pretty boring! monica
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    tjhay said:

    Other then memberships here
    I don't belong to nothin, nobody loves me every body hates me i'm going to eat some worms, oh wait not i'm not that is just gross
    how about i don't belong to the NRA cause they don't trust me with a gun (tantrums)
    i don't have a library card, cause i don't return books (chemo brain)
    i don't belong to any gardening clubs, i keep forgetting what I planted (flakyness)

    oh wait this was suppose to be what we are a part of, so never mind, no memeberships here


    HaHaHa Tjhay you are so
    HaHaHa Tjhay you are so funny!
    I joined a meetup for beading over a year ago and have never once been to a meeting.
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    mberg said:

    I am a little embarrassed to
    I am a little embarrassed to admit in here that i am a member of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, but only because that is who my license for work is from. TRUST ME I know nothing about this area!!!!!I don't have any other memberships I am pretty boring! monica

    Costco AND Sam's Club. I
    Costco AND Sam's Club. I was in a knitting guild and a leather carvers' association until we moved out of the city. I also was a member of the local business association until a few years ago. Now, the Sisters in Pink is my primary club. [as they say, "the club no one wants to join]. We're all members of this one. Gracie