New member-terrified

d_ray Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Had a hysterectomy for a cyst that per the Ultrasound and MRI did not appear cancerous and CA125 was within normal range, I think 15 so lymph nodes were not removed. Was positive for serous adenocarcenoma staged at 1C. Biopsies done had spread to a lymph node now classified stage 3c yesterday. Go in next week to have port installed for chemo. How do you go on being this frightened and not knowing what will happen. Please help.


  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear d-ray,

    Sorry to hear you have to join this site, but glad you found it. you will hear from so many women that can relate. Know that once you start your chemo the fear will lessen and the fight mode takes over. It sounds like they found it before it got further than the lymph nodes so that is good. I am going by first thought it 1c and then biopsy confirmed 3c.

    Come back often for support and information. Sending lots of prayers ♥ hugs your way.
  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member

    I think we all understand how you feel. I have had surgery and one chemo treatment. Five more treatments to go. The hospital here has a program to match you up with a survivor who has had the same or similiar cancer and treatments. It helps to talk to someone that has already been thru it. You might check into it. The program here is called "The Hope Connection".
    This site is great place for support as well.
    You'll be in my prayers, Kathryn
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    You are welcome here
    We hate to hear your news, but know that the chemo that you will start with (probably Taxol and Carboplatin) will knock out those left over cells. You will feel at a loss for awhile until you get your bearings. It took me about two months to absorb all of the bad news and develope a plan to live and fight for another day. So the panic feeling is normal for you now. The port is wonderful and saves the veins. I have had mine 2.5 years now. Not used in the last 10 months until last week. I'm Stage IV so have a lot more than you. BE sure to check in before starting the chemo because we who have been thru it have lots of suggestions to get you through easier. (((Hugs)) Saundra
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Help is here
    This is a great support site! I too have a port and am using for 2nd time around. Sure is frightening to find out you have cancer and then to top it off stage 3c. My family and I were very shocked!

    But with friends and family and support groups and Faith you will survive all the circumstances you find yourself in. This is a wonderful place to ask questions and so many have been through so much more than me. Don't be afraid to ask anything. Chances are, someone has already been there.

    In His Grip,
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  • sweetp1950
    sweetp1950 Member Posts: 24
    Dear D-Ray,
    I have been diagnosed since July with stage 3C OVCA. You are going to go through a lot of emotions, and each step will bring you closer to acceptance and somewhat back to normal. Dont be afraid of your feelings, cry as much as you need to, its cleansing, get a prayer partner to talk to that is very understanding. Get a good OBGYN/ONC to help you fight agressivly for you. This is a great website too. It will help you to read it daily and to get some very good information. We are here to help on another. May God give you piece and comfort.

    Gods Blessings
  • Frightened
    Dear D-Ray,
    I have been diagnosed since July with stage 3C OVCA. You are going to go through a lot of emotions, and each step will bring you closer to acceptance and somewhat back to normal. Dont be afraid of your feelings, cry as much as you need to, its cleansing, get a prayer partner to talk to that is very understanding. Get a good OBGYN/ONC to help you fight agressivly for you. This is a great website too. It will help you to read it daily and to get some very good information. We are here to help on another. May God give you piece and comfort.

    Gods Blessings

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