it isn't my colon BUT

Patteee Member Posts: 945
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
man I hurt...

Think it is just a flare up from cartilage repair surgery I had in April. Suppose I should call the knee orthopedist tomorrow-

My left elbow, ring finger and baby finger- I have had issues for over a year. I have a nerve entraped at the elbow, causing finger problems- this and neuropathy in my hands, well let's just say it hurts. The hand orthopedist wants to wait at least 6 more months to see if the neuropathy will quiet it down more.

My thumbs joints- severe arthritis in both, had cortisone injections in the joints in June. The hand orthopedist says the next step is surgery to retether tendons through the joints. You can imagine that I am hesitating. How do I want my pain is another way of looking at it.

My upper right arm, maybe my shoulder. Slept wrong 3 nights ago, arm up over my head, rolled with all my weight onto the arm/shoulder- the sensation of muscle detaching from bone is what woke me up. I have limited movement and use of that arm. It hurts. I think the hand surgeon does this part of the body, or I will have to find me a 3rd orthopedist who will look at it.

I am on tordale and darvocet and neither is touching these various issues.

I am so grateful my colon doesn't hurt! But I am pretty tired of not feeling well. I had a relatively uneventful medical life up until age 50. And for the last several years, I have without a doubt been sinking into the world of body aches and pains. Aside from colon cancer!!

Dang, it is tough to get old.


  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Feeling you pain
    Oh, man...can i EVER feel your pain! I have the same problem with my shoulder. I've only been aware of it over the past three months, but my Mother says i've been complaining about it for a long time. It got to the point, similar to yours, where if i used that arm, it felt like the arm was coming out of the socket. I saw an orthopod last week about it, and he gave me a cortisone shot. He thinks i need SURGERY!!! The shot hasn't helped much, but i don't want any more surgery. As for the rest of my you, i hurt just about everywhere. I don't understand what's going on. I'm only 40. My doctors all think it's damage from the radiation. Would this be a form of radiation poisoning? I take oxycodone and tons of high mg ibuprofen everyday for the colon and hip pain, but it doesn't touch the shoulder pain. I'm seeing a pain management specialist at the end of the month, so maybe they will finally help. I suggest you do the same!

    Hang in there, girl!

  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945

    Feeling you pain
    Oh, man...can i EVER feel your pain! I have the same problem with my shoulder. I've only been aware of it over the past three months, but my Mother says i've been complaining about it for a long time. It got to the point, similar to yours, where if i used that arm, it felt like the arm was coming out of the socket. I saw an orthopod last week about it, and he gave me a cortisone shot. He thinks i need SURGERY!!! The shot hasn't helped much, but i don't want any more surgery. As for the rest of my you, i hurt just about everywhere. I don't understand what's going on. I'm only 40. My doctors all think it's damage from the radiation. Would this be a form of radiation poisoning? I take oxycodone and tons of high mg ibuprofen everyday for the colon and hip pain, but it doesn't touch the shoulder pain. I'm seeing a pain management specialist at the end of the month, so maybe they will finally help. I suggest you do the same!

    Hang in there, girl!


    well I know the knee issue
    well I know the knee issue wasn't related to cancer treatment- although it wouldn't suprise me if the recovery is.

    The thumbs I have had for a number of years.

    My shoulder- I actually was thinking about this today. Can I make a connection with this injury, the healing of it and the pain to cancer or cancer treatment? I didn't do radiation, but I do wonder if muscles/tendond/bones are weaker and not easy to bounce back after what our bodies have been through. Makes perfect sense to me.

    The elbow and neuropathy without a doubt is related to chemo. The hand surgeon as well as a neurologist think after chemo #1 that the drugs found the weakness in the elbow issue and attacked it. My oncologist however doesn't buy this one. Again, on the other side of the fence with this. His comment, "everybody wants to blame chemo on everything!!"

    Did they do any testing on your shoulder? I can see myself getting massive MRIs this week....
  • Julie 44
    Julie 44 Member Posts: 476 Member
    Patteee said:

    well I know the knee issue
    well I know the knee issue wasn't related to cancer treatment- although it wouldn't suprise me if the recovery is.

    The thumbs I have had for a number of years.

    My shoulder- I actually was thinking about this today. Can I make a connection with this injury, the healing of it and the pain to cancer or cancer treatment? I didn't do radiation, but I do wonder if muscles/tendond/bones are weaker and not easy to bounce back after what our bodies have been through. Makes perfect sense to me.

    The elbow and neuropathy without a doubt is related to chemo. The hand surgeon as well as a neurologist think after chemo #1 that the drugs found the weakness in the elbow issue and attacked it. My oncologist however doesn't buy this one. Again, on the other side of the fence with this. His comment, "everybody wants to blame chemo on everything!!"

    Did they do any testing on your shoulder? I can see myself getting massive MRIs this week....

    I am right there with you about getting old and falling apart....Now that I am NED I have had sooo many aches and pains...Now I need my gallbladder out and I have 2 hernias that need repair..I will have this surgery on the 17th...It is making me crazy needing to have another operation..My husband comes home from work and says whats the health problem of the day!!!!!!!!!!!UGH UGH I am sooo sick of it all I just want to be healthy and go on with my life now that I am NED....I guess it all comes with it...JULIE
  • Julie 44
    Julie 44 Member Posts: 476 Member
    Patteee said:

    well I know the knee issue
    well I know the knee issue wasn't related to cancer treatment- although it wouldn't suprise me if the recovery is.

    The thumbs I have had for a number of years.

    My shoulder- I actually was thinking about this today. Can I make a connection with this injury, the healing of it and the pain to cancer or cancer treatment? I didn't do radiation, but I do wonder if muscles/tendond/bones are weaker and not easy to bounce back after what our bodies have been through. Makes perfect sense to me.

    The elbow and neuropathy without a doubt is related to chemo. The hand surgeon as well as a neurologist think after chemo #1 that the drugs found the weakness in the elbow issue and attacked it. My oncologist however doesn't buy this one. Again, on the other side of the fence with this. His comment, "everybody wants to blame chemo on everything!!"

    Did they do any testing on your shoulder? I can see myself getting massive MRIs this week....

    I am right there with you about getting old and falling apart....Now that I am NED I have had sooo many aches and pains...Now I need my gallbladder out and I have 2 hernias that need repair..I will have this surgery on the 17th...It is making me crazy needing to have another operation..My husband comes home from work and says whats the health problem of the day!!!!!!!!!!!UGH UGH I am sooo sick of it all I just want to be healthy and go on with my life now that I am NED....I guess it all comes with it...JULIE
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Patteee said:

    well I know the knee issue
    well I know the knee issue wasn't related to cancer treatment- although it wouldn't suprise me if the recovery is.

    The thumbs I have had for a number of years.

    My shoulder- I actually was thinking about this today. Can I make a connection with this injury, the healing of it and the pain to cancer or cancer treatment? I didn't do radiation, but I do wonder if muscles/tendond/bones are weaker and not easy to bounce back after what our bodies have been through. Makes perfect sense to me.

    The elbow and neuropathy without a doubt is related to chemo. The hand surgeon as well as a neurologist think after chemo #1 that the drugs found the weakness in the elbow issue and attacked it. My oncologist however doesn't buy this one. Again, on the other side of the fence with this. His comment, "everybody wants to blame chemo on everything!!"

    Did they do any testing on your shoulder? I can see myself getting massive MRIs this week....

    The only test he ran was a series of x-rays. Yes, the chemo is definitely one of the culprits. I remember when i was doing both the rads and chemo. My radiation oncologist blamed many of my problems on the chemo, and my medical oncologist blamed many of my problems on the radiation. My med onc said the same thing yours did about everyone blaming the chemo. In the long wrong, he ended up admitting that the folfox can damage bones. I blame the radiation because my bones are weakest and break the most in my pelvis and tailbone area...happens to be right where the radiation was focused!

    I think as survivors of not just cancer, but of it's treatments, we probably should be taking vitamin and mineral supplements up the wahoo, but i hate them so, and i fear them constipating me. I think after this next dilation, i will start taking a good multi-vitamin, and tripling up my calcium supplements. The radiation caused me to go through menopause too, so i have to consider what that is doing to my bones. Sometimes i feel so horrible i think my bones are dissolving and i'll eventually turn into a pile of living mush! Thank goodness i remembered to take my fossamax this morning!!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    consider acupunture for pain

    Have you ever tried acupuncture for the pain? If not, I'd try it if I were you. I've had it myself now three times. Three times doesn't make me an expert and I'm still in the stages of not being totally sure if the acupuncture really helped, or if it was just coincidence. Each time, I have gotten great relief from it. Now, my pain has always come and gone before too, but it has never gone away so completely so quickly. So, I really think it's working & I've heard many other people say it really helps them too.
    Some cancer centers even offer this service for free for their patients. If yours doesn't, there may be another center nearby who does (even if you're not a patient there). Check into it. If there's none free around, I'd consider trying it for pay, if that's something you can afford. What have you got to lose??

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