Day 15 of Pammy's Rads

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Don't know what happened today, but I was teary eyed all day. Just going through an emotional rough spot that just didn't want to leave me. My tech pretty much realized I was not myself and I don't think she was buying my act. It actually was somewhat awkward because she has never seen me like that. I know she was concerned. But we went through the motions, got zapped, and said "see you tomorrow".
I did, however, later discover that I no longer sweat under the arm, where my nodes were removed, that is getting radiated!! Woohoo!! It's about time Rads pays me back with something GOOD!! We can now officially mark day 15 as "loss of sweat glands" day. Plus I haven't had to shave as often!
Life is Good!!! (so is retail therapy to cure the tears!!)


  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    Awe Pammy
    So sorry you had a bad day, but some how you always find away to make it come around, don't you? Hey when the hair stops growing completely let me know. I want something out of rad's too! and hoping I never have to shave that arm again would ease my worry, about cutting myself. ( I'll let you in on a little secret, I've shaved that arm since my surgury!) I'm so afriad to use a razor.
    Hope you found something nice for yourself today!

    ♥ Aurora
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Lynn is Right
    Pammy, you handled yesterday's treatment so well. Fatigue, I think, too, is probably affecting you a bit now. Tiredness always makes me weepy.

    You just rest, and try to rest even more as the treatments proceed. Remember what you all wrote to me, about resting. Good advice for you, too. And retail therapy? Best therapy there is. Christmas Girl can help you if you need encouragement.

    As far as sweat glands, I'd noticed no sweat under that arm. I haven't shaved out of fear of cutting myself. Was sort of embarrassed with the European look on that side, but my PT said she wouldn't try to shave, either. So I don't worry about it anymore.

    The countdown continues, then, and you're doing great, Pammarama.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    So Glad You Are Writing
    So sorry to hear about your rough day. I bet the tireds are really creeping up on you. Glad that retail therapy is helping. Hope you had a good find! Remember: Life is Good; A Nap is Good, too! : ) ♥Lynn
  • traceyt
    traceyt Member Posts: 77
    Life IS good!
    So sorry to hear about your day...I always get comfort out of thinking tomorrow is another day and it is going to be better :)
    Funny how that saying keeps popping up everywhere I go "life is good" I was doing a little retail thearpy of my own yesterday and there it was a bag "life is good" then a fellow shopper with a shirt "life is good" a coffee cup yep you guessed it "life is good" I was begining to think someone is trying to tell me something. Then today leaving the Dr from my second opinion and there was a lady carrying the "life is good" bag. It really makes you ponder what is truely and no matter what all of us are going through we HAVE to find the good in it to get us through this journey and fight the fight of our lives!
    To all my sisters "Life is Good"
    ((hugs)) to you, Pammy tomorrow will be brighter :)
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Oh.... okay just as you have
    Oh.... okay just as you have sent them to me, I am sending you the cyber tissues... it's okay ... these are the moisturizing ones.... soft on the nose... my grandma once told me that "tears are good... the more you cry the less you pee"... I don't know if there is any truth to that.. it's just something that she said... okay did you crack a little smile even?? Well, don't worry I will not quit my day job to take the comedy curcuit... I just want you to know I'm thinking of you sweety... and retail therapy sounds like a good fix.... sending lots of hugs your way!

    ♥ & HUGS

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    taleena said:

    Oh.... okay just as you have
    Oh.... okay just as you have sent them to me, I am sending you the cyber tissues... it's okay ... these are the moisturizing ones.... soft on the nose... my grandma once told me that "tears are good... the more you cry the less you pee"... I don't know if there is any truth to that.. it's just something that she said... okay did you crack a little smile even?? Well, don't worry I will not quit my day job to take the comedy curcuit... I just want you to know I'm thinking of you sweety... and retail therapy sounds like a good fix.... sending lots of hugs your way!

    ♥ & HUGS


    Oh Taleena!!!
    I am laughing sooooo hard that I about peed my pants plus I am crying!!! You absolutely made my week with that one! That is my T-shirt saying now. That is exactly what I will anounce from now on whenever I am crying. Thank you, dear T!! hugs.
    Also, thanks everyone else for your encouragement. I think your right about getting weepy from being tired. This kind of tired sucks! Then again, Cancer sucks. So I guess we just forge ahead one day at a time. Thanks to all my friends, love ya! Pammy