Just back from my post-treatment CT-Scan, belly still churning from the barium

lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
My CT-scan went soooo well! My DIL came in to work early to do my scan herself, and got the IV needle in on her very first try! (In June when I had my 'positioning' CT-scan for radiation simulation, 2 different people tried to get into a vein unsuccessfully before they called in the hospital's special 'IV Team' to get a needle in me.) But my DIL got the needle in first try. She pulled up the pictures from my April CT-scan and looked at the 2.7 mm lung nodule; the 3 CT-scan techs in the room all agreed that this was 'absolutely NOTHING' and ridiculous that it was flagged.

Then after the scan was done, she told me that I looked absolutely NED to her, and she hoped the doctor evaluating the scans will "have the bal_s to refute the nodule note from the April scan and mark these new scans NED" ! But even if it says "no change", I'll take that to mean NED! My DIL is only a CT-scan technician, not a doctor. But she sees about 40 scans a day for the past 10 years, and if she says there's nothing there, I will be VERY surprised if the official results show anything different.

So I'm not dancing with NED just yet, but we're already eyeing each other across the dance floor and smiling!



  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    You and Ned, oh, the possibilities
    wonderous about the scan.

    Fabulous last line.

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Great news Linda
    Iam so happy your scan went so well, and that you have excellent preliminary news. You just keep smiling across that dance floor. NED will be there soon. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member

    You and Ned, oh, the possibilities
    wonderous about the scan.

    Fabulous last line.


    Claudia I love you new pictures
    I enjoy seeing what new picture you have posted. You are a very talented person. I love your expressions. Thanks for sharing them with us to brighten our days. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    Ro10 said:

    Claudia I love you new pictures
    I enjoy seeing what new picture you have posted. You are a very talented person. I love your expressions. Thanks for sharing them with us to brighten our days. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.

    Aw shucks. Thanks so much. I enjoy putting them up there. This one is called the Surreal Forest. It represents all the possiblities that we might not see, but are out there. We can make the world what we want it to be if we but dream with our hearts.

    Dream Really Big!!


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    Ro10 said:

    Great news Linda
    Iam so happy your scan went so well, and that you have excellent preliminary news. You just keep smiling across that dance floor. NED will be there soon. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??

  • Teresa 61
    Teresa 61 Member Posts: 84 Member

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    Great news Linda, so happy for you!
  • Gunhild
    Gunhild Member Posts: 36

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    So happy for you and your good news. Hope you have a wonderful trip and stay NED forever more.
  • kkstef
    kkstef Member Posts: 688 Member
    Gunhild said:

    So happy for you and your good news. Hope you have a wonderful trip and stay NED forever more.

    Linda....such wonderful news! I am soooo happy for you. Your trip to Greece will be even more meaningful to you now! Dance all the way!!

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    Linda I am so happy for you
    Glad you are a dancin machine. That is wonderful news. Your trip to Greece sounds wonderful. What a way to celebrate. May you dance on forever. What a journey it has been. You have helped us all so much. Thank you again. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.
  • cookie1948
    cookie1948 Member Posts: 77

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    Congrats Linda!!!
    I am so happy for you. Keep on dancin' forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful. God Bless You and Greece????????????? OMG, how fabulous. You deserve nothing but happiness and great health and NED FOREVER........................
    Cookie :)
  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    Great News Linda
    I love your picture and the great news of your ct scan, those nodules are scary and I have been there. I am so happy you are not staring across the room any longer.

    Hug from Oregon,
  • lociee
    lociee Member Posts: 102 Member
    Fabulous Linda! Most likely
    Fabulous Linda! Most likely the result of all your positive thinking.
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    lociee said:

    Fabulous Linda! Most likely
    Fabulous Linda! Most likely the result of all your positive thinking.

    I ditto all the good wishes
    I ditto all the good wishes to you Linda. AWESOME - enjoy the dancing!!

    Mary Ann
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    So happy for you and relieved
    I am so thrilled that you have nothing to worry about and can enjoy yourself on your trip. Ah, what are we going to do without you here for guidance?? At least you actually know what's going on with all treatments. I'll miss you. Oh, wait it's not til October. Okay I can deal with that.

    Love and hugs,


    What song do want to dance to?? Slow, fast, rock and roll???? Can Can souds pretty upbeat.
    Dah, dah, dah, dah,dah.

    Or is that Shal we Dance from the King and I. Shall we dance??? ON a bright cloud of music shall we fly?
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    So happy for you Linda, that is such good news! Now you can breathe easier on this break from doctoring!
  • thank you
    thank you Member Posts: 77

    I'm a DANCIN', dancin' dancin' machine, watch me get down,...
    My DIL called. She asked a doctor to read today's CT-scan, and called me with the result: NED!! NO Evidence of Disease!! He even went so far as to add a comment behind the April CT-scan 'noted' 2.7 mm lung nodule that now reads "Lung nodule not visible". She said I have to act surprised when the oncologist calls me with the news, as she's not supposed to be reporting scan results.

    It doesn't get any better than that! My husband immediately booked a trip to Greece in for us in October to celebrate!!

    Shall we dance??


    I can't resist not to post

    being a Greek, 5 years now in USA, it's difficult not to post as soon as I read you are going to Greece!!!.
    There, you can dance ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT!! Drink and eat and enjoy every moment. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer.
    I am so jealous (my last trip to Greece was last summer to be with my mom when she had the chemo treatment. I can't wait the time I will go back, free of problems to enjoy)

    I am dancing Greek dance, NED with you
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    thank you said:

    I can't resist not to post

    being a Greek, 5 years now in USA, it's difficult not to post as soon as I read you are going to Greece!!!.
    There, you can dance ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT!! Drink and eat and enjoy every moment. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer.
    I am so jealous (my last trip to Greece was last summer to be with my mom when she had the chemo treatment. I can't wait the time I will go back, free of problems to enjoy)

    I am dancing Greek dance, NED with you

    Chrysoula : I know so little about Greece that it's embarassing!
    The Greece trip came up so suddenly and without any real planning on our part. My husband's 2 sisters had already booked this trip to Greece in October, and said off-hand "Why don't you go with us?" They are a part of a group of 12 people, and have room for 2 more in the pre-planned itinerary. My husband and I have never gone on a 'group' vacation, and I was so surprised (and pleased!) when he was willing to do this. Usually my husband reads tons of books and does tons of iternet research and carefully plans our vacations himself. This year we have been so focused on my cancer treatment and he just couldn't get into planning anything, even though we'd promised to take a vacation together this fall when I finished my initial chemo/radiation protocol, and we'd been saving $1000/month towards this 'fall vacation' since March. So when we were invited to come along on something already PLANNED, we jumped at it. So anything anyone can tell me about Athens and Rome would be VERY welcome! I know almost nothing other than of the obvious well-known historic and cultural attractions. I really need to bone up on my mythology and on Paul in the Bible and his travels to Athens.

    My husband's family loves each other, but is not the close kind of family I have where we get together for all holidays and stay in constant contact. So when my husband's 2 sisters (ages 53 and 67) decided to 're-connect' with each other by taking a vacation together, I couldn't help but want to reconnect my husband to his family also. If anything happens to me, I want him to have a solid support system I can count on to be there for him. And they are both tons of fun, rowdy and giggly and witty. This should REALLY be fun!
  • Kris Ann
    Kris Ann Member Posts: 26
    Congrats Linda!! I'm so glad
    Congrats Linda!! I'm so glad for you.

    I know I haven't posted in a while.. I'm waiting for my moms ct-scan results as we speak. She got her scan done this past Sat. Her doc said he would call me today with the results. (for those who don't know my mom refuses to take the calls... its been like that from day one) so i get them..
    I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for good news. After all don't forget Judy started as a stage 4 with upsc/clear cell cancer... so she has come a long way.

    I will post again when I get the scoop..