Lots of love to all of you and i made it!!!! :)



  • guitarmom2
    guitarmom2 Member Posts: 39
    Lelana said:

    Scarfs !
    Go with the scarfs ! The gypsy look is always in !
    Do cut your hair soon ! It's one decission you can make yourself and have control over !
    When the hair starts to go it goes pretty fast.
    1 1/2 years ago I was starting all of this.
    Yesterday my doctor took me off all chemotheropy sessions.
    I only have to see him once a month now for check-ups, blood tests !
    I can now let my hair grow back in !
    I'm CANCER FREE !!!!!
    Four tumors in my left lung, and fluid around that same lung with cancer cells filled it up.
    That is all gone !
    Then they found out that I had a spot on my liver and a spot on my rib.
    That is gone also !
    I was at stage four cancer.
    All gone, All gone, All gone !
    I can't say that enough !
    Where there is hope, you'll find me !
    This is my third time with cancer.
    Three times I have beat it !
    It can be done ! It will be done ! And I did it !
    It wasn't easy !
    Loni Randall

    WOW! You are a true survivor!
    I am inspired by your courage and success. I am in the midst of my first and hopefully only battle with cancer (breast treated with bilat mastectomies whcih I am told "cured" me). I am having a little trouble with the whole thing. You must be made of steel to have fought so hard so many times. What an inspiration. I will think of you on my journey. Congratulations Loni!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    I hope they get your meds straightened out soon. That is one that you need, now especially. I was to get my port last week but the insurance company said no, they won't authorize it until after they get the results back from my pet scan to o.k. the next step. Since I have my appointment with my oncologist Tuesday to get the results and my chemo treatment plan, they said they can then put my port in on Thursday. They had wanted me to start chemo next week but now I'll see what the oncologist says when I go in Tuesday, if he'll wait until after they put the port in.

    I went headcovering shopping a little yesterday with my daughter. After looking in a few stores and only finding bandanas (I wanted a couple for when I am just around the house or want to run down and get the mail or something, we turned to the internet. Anyway, after we came back we went to this website www.headcovers.com and they had the cutest caps for reasonable. I went under turbans and on page three found an adorable cap called the Emily. Love the old time lace look of it and the price wasn't bad either. So I have decided most of my shopping for head gear is going to be online. I live in Florida (hot as heck here right now) and all of the stores already have winter hats out so that isn't going to help me at all.

    I have felt a connection with you since first posting because we are so close in the same time frame in starting our treatments (and everything else that goes along with it). You are going through all the things that I am going to be feeling (and am already) and reading your posts has helped me a lot.

    I hope you start feeling better from the chemo soon.

    Love and Light,

    There was another site
    There was another site posted on here too Vicki for headcovers. Did you see it?
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    laura I am glad you made it
    laura I am glad you made it and are doing well. AC was difficult for me---thank goodness its only 4! I can relate to the vein thing. My veins never want to cooperate so I'm glad I had a port. I will be thinking of you as you have your treatments.