Back into the hospital...

BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Today, my mom called me after I was finishing dinner with my boyfriend and his family.

She went back into the ER because of stomach pain.

It wasn't just backed up gas.

It is a bowel obstruction of the small intestine.

I am scared. So I went to visit her at the hospital. We talked and laughed for about 2 1/2 hours.

This is the second bowel obstruction she has had. The last time she was in the hospital for 2 1/2 - 3 weeks with at tube down her throat.

My mom is positive.

I will try to keep my head up.

How many of you have had a bowel obstruction? There are many factors that play into it, right?


  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Your Mom
    Brittany, there are many here on this board who have had bowel obstructions. Many have been treated in a lot of different ways. Some by surgery. Some by meds. It seems to be a pretty common thing for those of us who have had abdominal surgery. My Mom had one also and she was given meds to move things along.The intestines are pretty sensitive to things and when they have been moved around even gently during surgery, they tend to get things wrong with them. It does not always mean that something has grown there to block the bowel. Sometimes the intestine gets twisted or kinked, so to speak. Other times all the meds we take slow things down and a blockage occurs. Sometimes our systems just don't work as quickly as we'd like them to anymore. Lots of things. I will keep you both in my prayers. Many hugs to you both...Cindy
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Prayers n Hugs
    Hi Brittany, sorry to hear your mom is dealing with another bowel obstruction. Praying this one is gone quickly and she can find a remedy that works to prevent them in the future. Hugs N Prayers Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    I am sorry your mom is back in the hospital. I am working daily to keep things moving as my big tumor is on the sigmoid colon and slowing things down. I dread the chemo tomorrow but read that sometimes Doxil causes loose bowels. That's what I want! Don't know if I can keep things out of obstruction or not. Sure is painful though. Saundra
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    Lots of experience on this board with bowel obstructions. My husband had one and they put the tube through the nose to stomach and within a day or so it was all cleared out. He's doing fine now. Obviously, there's lots of approaches to this and it all depends on the circumstances. But I'm sure your Mom is in good hands and will be home soon. Sending lots of hugs and prayers.

  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    mopar said:


    Lots of experience on this board with bowel obstructions. My husband had one and they put the tube through the nose to stomach and within a day or so it was all cleared out. He's doing fine now. Obviously, there's lots of approaches to this and it all depends on the circumstances. But I'm sure your Mom is in good hands and will be home soon. Sending lots of hugs and prayers.


    The doctor had tried to
    The doctor had tried to transfer my mom out of the hopital, due to the lack of rooms... It kind of made me angry.

    But the doctor planted a thought into my mom's head.

    If she could be transfered to University of Washington medical center in Seattle. It is apart of Seattle Cancer Care - where she goes for chemotheraphy.

    My mom is thinking about it, but I told her TO THINK OF HERSELF!! I will be in Seattle this coming weekend and if she transfered, I would visit!! Or I would even take the bus if I had to!

    I gave her the number for the Cancer Care Center in Seattle and she spoke to her oncologist's nurse. The nurses are really sweet and kind. They said that they HIGHLY recommend my mom being transfered over to UW Medical Center. The obstruction is from the cancer. My mom's oncologist does rounds at UW Medical Center, and if he has to, he will do surgery.

    I think my mom is scared of having another surgery.. :(
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    BrittanyC said:

    The doctor had tried to
    The doctor had tried to transfer my mom out of the hopital, due to the lack of rooms... It kind of made me angry.

    But the doctor planted a thought into my mom's head.

    If she could be transfered to University of Washington medical center in Seattle. It is apart of Seattle Cancer Care - where she goes for chemotheraphy.

    My mom is thinking about it, but I told her TO THINK OF HERSELF!! I will be in Seattle this coming weekend and if she transfered, I would visit!! Or I would even take the bus if I had to!

    I gave her the number for the Cancer Care Center in Seattle and she spoke to her oncologist's nurse. The nurses are really sweet and kind. They said that they HIGHLY recommend my mom being transfered over to UW Medical Center. The obstruction is from the cancer. My mom's oncologist does rounds at UW Medical Center, and if he has to, he will do surgery.

    I think my mom is scared of having another surgery.. :(

    A year ago the end of this month is when I went in for bowel obstruction. I had been so sick, throwing up, fever. They put the tube down my nose to my stomach(hope I never have to do that again. I don't know why but that is one of the worse things I have ever done. They pumped so much bile out of my stomach, I had that in for a few days. I ended up having surgery about 3 days in. I was in the hospital for a total of 16 days. It was rather rough, but I have not had any trouble with that since then. Praise God! This surgery was no where near as bad as the first one.

    God Bless and I pray everything goes well!

  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    JanQ said:

    A year ago the end of this month is when I went in for bowel obstruction. I had been so sick, throwing up, fever. They put the tube down my nose to my stomach(hope I never have to do that again. I don't know why but that is one of the worse things I have ever done. They pumped so much bile out of my stomach, I had that in for a few days. I ended up having surgery about 3 days in. I was in the hospital for a total of 16 days. It was rather rough, but I have not had any trouble with that since then. Praise God! This surgery was no where near as bad as the first one.

    God Bless and I pray everything goes well!


    Dear Brittany
    I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I know what a powerless and scary feeling it is watching someone you love and care about so much struggle. I also know there isn't much I can say to take your pain away. I did light a candle for you in church today and then a separate one for your Mom. Please take care of yourself too. I have only been doing this for 10 days now, but it feels like a lifetime and I am tired a lot. I think it's very important for us caretakers to take time for us as well. Our Moms are strong. As my mother said the other day, "I'm a tough old bird", and we can't be there for them if we aren't well rested ourselves. I actually applied for a much reduced schedule at work this Fall and my boss was great about it. I am glad you are on the board. Stay strong even though it is so scary. You can get through this!!!!!! You are being an awesome daughter and your mom is so lucky!! Lisa
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    Lisa13Q said:

    Dear Brittany
    I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I know what a powerless and scary feeling it is watching someone you love and care about so much struggle. I also know there isn't much I can say to take your pain away. I did light a candle for you in church today and then a separate one for your Mom. Please take care of yourself too. I have only been doing this for 10 days now, but it feels like a lifetime and I am tired a lot. I think it's very important for us caretakers to take time for us as well. Our Moms are strong. As my mother said the other day, "I'm a tough old bird", and we can't be there for them if we aren't well rested ourselves. I actually applied for a much reduced schedule at work this Fall and my boss was great about it. I am glad you are on the board. Stay strong even though it is so scary. You can get through this!!!!!! You are being an awesome daughter and your mom is so lucky!! Lisa

    Thank you Lisa :)
    My mom got

    Thank you Lisa :)

    My mom got transfered to UW Medical Center last night. She likes it a lot better there. She feels like she will receive better care there.

    The doctor spoke to her last night and he is questioning the bowel obstruction.

    The only sympthoms that my mom had was: stomach pain/spasms and no appetite.

    I read that bowel obstructions can be more like: nausea, vomiting, pain, etc.

    But the doctor and oncologist is going to keep my mom at the hospital for a few days to monitor her.

    She called me at work to tell me that she is doing fine. She said she wanted me to get a good nights sleep last night.

    I'm going to visit her for a bit today and I'll see how she is doing
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    BrittanyC said:

    Thank you Lisa :)
    My mom got

    Thank you Lisa :)

    My mom got transfered to UW Medical Center last night. She likes it a lot better there. She feels like she will receive better care there.

    The doctor spoke to her last night and he is questioning the bowel obstruction.

    The only sympthoms that my mom had was: stomach pain/spasms and no appetite.

    I read that bowel obstructions can be more like: nausea, vomiting, pain, etc.

    But the doctor and oncologist is going to keep my mom at the hospital for a few days to monitor her.

    She called me at work to tell me that she is doing fine. She said she wanted me to get a good nights sleep last night.

    I'm going to visit her for a bit today and I'll see how she is doing

    Hi Brittany,
    Tell Mom we're all thinking of her and wishing her good health.
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    BrittanyC said:

    Thank you Lisa :)
    My mom got

    Thank you Lisa :)

    My mom got transfered to UW Medical Center last night. She likes it a lot better there. She feels like she will receive better care there.

    The doctor spoke to her last night and he is questioning the bowel obstruction.

    The only sympthoms that my mom had was: stomach pain/spasms and no appetite.

    I read that bowel obstructions can be more like: nausea, vomiting, pain, etc.

    But the doctor and oncologist is going to keep my mom at the hospital for a few days to monitor her.

    She called me at work to tell me that she is doing fine. She said she wanted me to get a good nights sleep last night.

    I'm going to visit her for a bit today and I'll see how she is doing

    Good job
    Your mother is in good hands at the larger hospital, I would think. We are praying for her and You as you care for her. Keep us posted. Saundra
  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    BrittanyC said:

    Thank you Lisa :)
    My mom got

    Thank you Lisa :)

    My mom got transfered to UW Medical Center last night. She likes it a lot better there. She feels like she will receive better care there.

    The doctor spoke to her last night and he is questioning the bowel obstruction.

    The only sympthoms that my mom had was: stomach pain/spasms and no appetite.

    I read that bowel obstructions can be more like: nausea, vomiting, pain, etc.

    But the doctor and oncologist is going to keep my mom at the hospital for a few days to monitor her.

    She called me at work to tell me that she is doing fine. She said she wanted me to get a good nights sleep last night.

    I'm going to visit her for a bit today and I'll see how she is doing

    Glad it's not an obstruction
    I am so glad to hear that they don't think your mom has a bowel obstruction. It also sounds like she is in a much better place now, where they understand OVCA better. This is good news along with the fact that her ca-125 went down, I have a feeling you're on a winning track right now. Your Mom is right. You need to make sure your get your sleep and exercise and eat right. I am making a concerted effort to do that so when I return to NY in 3 weeks, I am ready to help her fight on!! Please keep me posted. I have a special affinity for you as a fellow daughter of a brave Mom.
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    Lisa13Q said:

    Glad it's not an obstruction
    I am so glad to hear that they don't think your mom has a bowel obstruction. It also sounds like she is in a much better place now, where they understand OVCA better. This is good news along with the fact that her ca-125 went down, I have a feeling you're on a winning track right now. Your Mom is right. You need to make sure your get your sleep and exercise and eat right. I am making a concerted effort to do that so when I return to NY in 3 weeks, I am ready to help her fight on!! Please keep me posted. I have a special affinity for you as a fellow daughter of a brave Mom.

    My mom got out yesteday
    My mom got out yesteday night.

    The CT scan revealed that her intestine was swollen - the reason that food could not go through. There was no obstruction.

    She had liquids yesterday morning and had dinner.. real meal! She loved the sandwich and was able to keep it down. She just had diarrhea, which is normal after the intestines begin to work again.

    The doctor had said that there will be no surgery, but if she keeps coming back in and if an obstuction becomes worse, surgery is the last thing on the list.

    Anyways, my mom is happy that she is out. I did some grocery shopping for her afterward and bought her some red carnations :) She was happy.

    Good News - the hospital before my mom got transfered did a CT scan.

    It revealed that the tumor is shrinking.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    BrittanyC said:

    My mom got out yesteday
    My mom got out yesteday night.

    The CT scan revealed that her intestine was swollen - the reason that food could not go through. There was no obstruction.

    She had liquids yesterday morning and had dinner.. real meal! She loved the sandwich and was able to keep it down. She just had diarrhea, which is normal after the intestines begin to work again.

    The doctor had said that there will be no surgery, but if she keeps coming back in and if an obstuction becomes worse, surgery is the last thing on the list.

    Anyways, my mom is happy that she is out. I did some grocery shopping for her afterward and bought her some red carnations :) She was happy.

    Good News - the hospital before my mom got transfered did a CT scan.

    It revealed that the tumor is shrinking.


    How wonderful to have so much good news! - no obstruction, Mom out of the hospital, cancer is shrinking! So many blessings in one day. Please tell your Mom we're doing the HAPPY DANCE for her and you. And I hope this gives all of you some breathing time.

    Have a blessed, beautiful weekend!
