MRI and Mammo Are Ordered, but my Surgeon does NOT think it's a recurrance!!!!!



  • traceyt
    traceyt Member Posts: 77
    Great news
    Claudia that is such great news!
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member

    And Hallelujah! (extra points if you know the rest of the song). I just got off work and needed to find out what was going on. I am very happy for you and look forward to you letting us know that the other 15% has been wiped out!

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    That is fantastic news. I am glad things are going in the right direction. Sounds like you have a great Doc. Best to you and Reggie. More prayers to follow.

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Wow, wonderful news!!
    So, very, very happy for you, dear Claudia!! I can breath now, along with Tasha and the rest of the crew. What a wonderful reason to celebrate. I will be doing roll call early this week -- tomorrow -- and will be in a much better, celebratory mood than last week!! Happy, happy day.

  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    We will be with you..............
    through the mri and mamo too. I read this little saying and thought about you. I altered it just a

    When it hurts to look back,
    and you're scared to look ahead,
    you can look beside you and
    your best friends from CSN
    will be there

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Akiss4me said:

    I'm sorry claudia....
    .....ROFLOL....I am laughing sooooo hard at what outdoorgirl posted that I can't talk!! Just the thought of powered milk totally killed my consentration!! But, anyway, happy for the good news!! I just know that there will be more good news to follow!! :(-) Pammy

    Well, if you had been at my
    Well, if you had been at my Jazzercise class when that Body Powder started poofing out of my shirt and onto my nipple area, and seen the looks on the ladies faces when I announced I was lactating powdered milk~you would have realized I should keep my off the wall comments confined to CSN! I mean, I excercise with these women, but do they REALLY know me???? LOL
    Shower-to-shower Body Powder, $3.00, Claudia making a fool of herself in public, No Charge,the reaction of the women who saw Claudia making a public fool of herself~ PRICELESS!

    Ya know how when you are watching a movie and someone says something really clever ( as in lactating powdered milk, which I thought was pretty damn funny!) ?? Evidently in real life, things aren't as hilarious! (except to me and my CSN-Gansta-Girls!)

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Jadie said:

    We will be with you..............
    through the mri and mamo too. I read this little saying and thought about you. I altered it just a

    When it hurts to look back,
    and you're scared to look ahead,
    you can look beside you and
    your best friends from CSN
    will be there


    Sweeeet Jadie! I love that~
    Sweeeet Jadie! I love that~ and it sure is true!
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    chenheart said:

    Well, if you had been at my
    Well, if you had been at my Jazzercise class when that Body Powder started poofing out of my shirt and onto my nipple area, and seen the looks on the ladies faces when I announced I was lactating powdered milk~you would have realized I should keep my off the wall comments confined to CSN! I mean, I excercise with these women, but do they REALLY know me???? LOL
    Shower-to-shower Body Powder, $3.00, Claudia making a fool of herself in public, No Charge,the reaction of the women who saw Claudia making a public fool of herself~ PRICELESS!

    Ya know how when you are watching a movie and someone says something really clever ( as in lactating powdered milk, which I thought was pretty damn funny!) ?? Evidently in real life, things aren't as hilarious! (except to me and my CSN-Gansta-Girls!)


    Maybe our humor was like
    this before and going through cancer only loosened us up more-I don't know-but for me at least,I'm conservative and serious when I need to be,and definately not when I don't need to be. My husband used to roll his eyes and say TMI,but he hasn't done that for a long time.
    When something strikes me as funny-I'm sorry-but I've got to let loose a big belly laugh-it's healthy!!
    Have you guys ever seen the movie"White Chicks"? Too funny! If you like slapstick,and don't mind a little crude,and you havn't seen it yet,you should!At one point they are doing "yo momma jokes",and one goes... Your momma is so old that when she was breast feeding you,only powdered milk came out and you looked like someone on crack(this is paraphrased of course!!)!That's what your shower to shower story reminded me of!
  • jojo elizapest
    jojo elizapest Member Posts: 122

  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    you know I stayed online til 7pm last nite waiting to hear from you. Finally gave up.
    Today has been busy at work, and I am trying to keep my thoughts from wandering, as it is the three year anniversary of losing my dad. So I came online to check on you and that is the best news! I am so glad for you, and you have made me come out of my funk a bit!
    I can't believe you actually showed your face again in the jazzercise class.....he he (kidding-in case you couldn't tell).
    And I would say you are completely in the city again girl!

  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    cats_toy said:

    you know I stayed online til 7pm last nite waiting to hear from you. Finally gave up.
    Today has been busy at work, and I am trying to keep my thoughts from wandering, as it is the three year anniversary of losing my dad. So I came online to check on you and that is the best news! I am so glad for you, and you have made me come out of my funk a bit!
    I can't believe you actually showed your face again in the jazzercise class.....he he (kidding-in case you couldn't tell).
    And I would say you are completely in the city again girl!


    I would rather it be 100% but I'll take the 85% for now. So very glad to hear your words and your doctor's encouragement. With all this love surrounding you, how can you not get to 100%? Hugs, Cindy
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101
    Cindy54 said:

    I would rather it be 100% but I'll take the 85% for now. So very glad to hear your words and your doctor's encouragement. With all this love surrounding you, how can you not get to 100%? Hugs, Cindy

    Wonderful, Happy

    Wonderful, Happy News, and hope your appointments are really soon so you can be told even better news!!!!
    Big hugs and still in my prayers,
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    cats_toy said:

    you know I stayed online til 7pm last nite waiting to hear from you. Finally gave up.
    Today has been busy at work, and I am trying to keep my thoughts from wandering, as it is the three year anniversary of losing my dad. So I came online to check on you and that is the best news! I am so glad for you, and you have made me come out of my funk a bit!
    I can't believe you actually showed your face again in the jazzercise class.....he he (kidding-in case you couldn't tell).
    And I would say you are completely in the city again girl!


    I feel bad that some sad memories came back for you today(a lot of good ones as well I'm sure-but I know this date is hard on you of course).I'm glad that Claudia's news was able to bring you out of your funk a bit!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    cats_toy said:

    you know I stayed online til 7pm last nite waiting to hear from you. Finally gave up.
    Today has been busy at work, and I am trying to keep my thoughts from wandering, as it is the three year anniversary of losing my dad. So I came online to check on you and that is the best news! I am so glad for you, and you have made me come out of my funk a bit!
    I can't believe you actually showed your face again in the jazzercise class.....he he (kidding-in case you couldn't tell).
    And I would say you are completely in the city again girl!


    oh sweetie~ I am so very
    oh sweetie~ I am so very sorry about your dad, I truly inderstand the feeling as I too lost mine, and I have really never gotten over it, or him.

    My dr's office called today. I have an MRI and a Mammo scheduled for the afternoon of Aug 17th , and a follow up with my DR on the 25. My sister says that is GOOD news; she is confident at if my surgeon had any red cancer flags showing, she wouldn't wait 2 weeks to get me to the MRI...and a week to give me the results. I so hope she is right! I have never been afraid of the mammogram, but my breast is so tender and sore, just the thought of compression~ is freaking me out!!! No eye-make up that day, I know I will be crying!

    I am not a crocheter, or knitter, nor do I play chess or parchisi. But Lord knows, I sooo wish that we had all met each other in a chatrooom/discussion board meant for those of us who do those other things!

  • Sherry_Ranuio
    Sherry_Ranuio Member Posts: 28
    Give it up for the 50ft. woman!!!
    You go girl! Jazz up the night! That's wonderful news! So glad things are looking up! I will continue to pray for you until you are 100%! Thank goodness Reggie won't have to shave his beautiful braid!

    Best wishes,
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    chenheart said:

    oh sweetie~ I am so very
    oh sweetie~ I am so very sorry about your dad, I truly inderstand the feeling as I too lost mine, and I have really never gotten over it, or him.

    My dr's office called today. I have an MRI and a Mammo scheduled for the afternoon of Aug 17th , and a follow up with my DR on the 25. My sister says that is GOOD news; she is confident at if my surgeon had any red cancer flags showing, she wouldn't wait 2 weeks to get me to the MRI...and a week to give me the results. I so hope she is right! I have never been afraid of the mammogram, but my breast is so tender and sore, just the thought of compression~ is freaking me out!!! No eye-make up that day, I know I will be crying!

    I am not a crocheter, or knitter, nor do I play chess or parchisi. But Lord knows, I sooo wish that we had all met each other in a chatrooom/discussion board meant for those of us who do those other things!


    I agree with your sister
    they would rush all the tests etc if they thought it was a recurrence, and I don't blame you about not wanting the tender boobie being squished. I wouldn't even let them do a mammo on me before surgery, I said MRI and ultrasound, but this poor painful boob will not be squished. And it wasn't not for two years later. Hopefully they will be able to do the diagnostic, it compresses a little less than the regular one.
    I know it will all be good news, but I will have to wait to hear that one, my surgery is scheduled for the 17th. I am checking with the hospital to see if my laptop will work there, and if so, I will be checking on your post as soon as I am able.

    And yes, I am the baby of the family, I was named after my dad, and we have been close from day one. I was born in a dr office as they did not allow dads in the hospitals way back then, and since I was going to be the last, he wanted to be a part of the birth. He did tell my mom that if he did that one the first one, they may not have had anymore. he he I think about him and miss him everyday. I always wonder when it gets better, but I figure this is going to be the norm for awhile. Sorry about your dad too, it is hard, and it makes me want to keep my mom even closer.
    Thank you too Patty for your sweet comments.

    Take care of yourself, and tell Reggie not to get those clippers out anytime soon!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    chenheart said:

    oh sweetie~ I am so very
    oh sweetie~ I am so very sorry about your dad, I truly inderstand the feeling as I too lost mine, and I have really never gotten over it, or him.

    My dr's office called today. I have an MRI and a Mammo scheduled for the afternoon of Aug 17th , and a follow up with my DR on the 25. My sister says that is GOOD news; she is confident at if my surgeon had any red cancer flags showing, she wouldn't wait 2 weeks to get me to the MRI...and a week to give me the results. I so hope she is right! I have never been afraid of the mammogram, but my breast is so tender and sore, just the thought of compression~ is freaking me out!!! No eye-make up that day, I know I will be crying!

    I am not a crocheter, or knitter, nor do I play chess or parchisi. But Lord knows, I sooo wish that we had all met each other in a chatrooom/discussion board meant for those of us who do those other things!


    Thanks for the update, Kindred Spirit...
    Yep - I'll wholeheartedly agree with your wise and confident sister regarding your upcoming tests and appointments, as scheduled. Thinking of your mammo to come, though: ooh, ouch!

    Let's continue to hope that one day, we'll all be forced to leave this site - because it'll be closed down for lack of need. Then, we'll have to start our own online group. "Kindred Spirits" would encompass all, no matter their hobbies.

    Kind regards, 12/25
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565

    Thanks for the update, Kindred Spirit...
    Yep - I'll wholeheartedly agree with your wise and confident sister regarding your upcoming tests and appointments, as scheduled. Thinking of your mammo to come, though: ooh, ouch!

    Let's continue to hope that one day, we'll all be forced to leave this site - because it'll be closed down for lack of need. Then, we'll have to start our own online group. "Kindred Spirits" would encompass all, no matter their hobbies.

    Kind regards, 12/25

    Maybe we should start thinking of and planning that new online group!Should we call it Kindred Spirits or something else?
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    That is WONDERFUL news
    That is WONDERFUL news Claudia!!!! I will continue to be hopeful that your tests will further confirm that everything is A-OK. Love and hugs, Eil
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    Eil4186 said:

    That is WONDERFUL news
    That is WONDERFUL news Claudia!!!! I will continue to be hopeful that your tests will further confirm that everything is A-OK. Love and hugs, Eil

    I'm so happy you got some good news. And glad you already have your appointments too. I agree with your sister if your Dr. was really concerned she would of got you in sooner. I can't wait till you get the final confirmation that says all is Okay. You're always in my prayers.
