Ct scan results

jane65 Member Posts: 277
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Ladies,
My oncologist just called with good news, my CT scan didn't show any sign of my cancer, so I won't have to restart chemo this month.

He said with my CA rising steadily, there is definitely something going on, but we'll keep checking it monthly, and we'll need to restart treatments at some point.

He said that at Fox Chase where he trained, the feeling is to wait until there's evidence of disease on the scan to restart chemo, regardless of the CA increasing.

So, for the month of August I'm free of chemo appointments and side affects, and I'm so thrilled.

I hope you all are feeling well today, and have a pleasant tomorrow.



  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    Hello Jane,

    Congratulations! What good news to receive! How wonderful to have a whole month to not have to worry about everything! I am thrilled for you! Luv and hugs, MM
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    What great news! Enjoy the vacation. I'll be praying that your numbers will go down, and the CT will continue to show NED!

  • jean b
    jean b Member Posts: 77
    Hi Jane - Hooray for you. A
    Hi Jane - Hooray for you. A whole month to ENJOY!!!! Keep good thoughts.
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    jean b said:

    Hi Jane - Hooray for you. A
    Hi Jane - Hooray for you. A whole month to ENJOY!!!! Keep good thoughts.

    Do a happy dance :)!!

    Do a happy dance :)!!
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Good News!
    Jane, this is great news! I will keep hoping for even better news next month..continued NED and decreasing CA125 levels.Enjoy this month! Cindy
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Doing the dance with you! May you continue to be NED.
    Hugs and Prayers, Terry
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    thank you
    Thank you to every wonderful lady who wrote to share my good news. I wish you all the best of health, and only good news with your test results.

    My CA is steadily going up, but I'll relax and breathe this month.

    {{{hugs}}} and prayers,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    ♪♫ Congratulations ♫♪
    Dear Jane, I am so happy for you and of course doing the dance with everyone! Hugs Bonnie
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    BonnieR said:

    ♪♫ Congratulations ♫♪
    Dear Jane, I am so happy for you and of course doing the dance with everyone! Hugs Bonnie

    Thanks Bonnie,
    I love your musical notes!
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thank the Lord
    You just enjoy this month to the max!!! What a good CT report and my doctors don't panic at a rise in CA125 alone either. They trained at MD Anderson in Houston. (((Hugs))) Saundra