
aurore Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I need an advice.

I am a breast cancer survivor. I have been deserted by my husband who is an MD just after I finished all my cancer treatments. He hasn't provided me even with health insurance.

Now he is asking me for a divorce based on the grounds that I abandoned him, which is a lie.

Can this organization help me with an advice? Does anyone have had a similar experience?

Thank you



  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Ain't That a B
    I cannot believe that. An MD even. You would think he would be more understanding. I am so sorry. I am having a little trouble with my Bro, well mainly his wife, regarding care for me during my cancer. I think it is just too much for them or maybe they are just too selfish to make that sacrifice.

    Sorry, back to you. A lawyer can help you with the legal side of things. You may contact the Legal Advocate Agency in your area. They are a free organization and may be able to help you contacting someone who can help you pay your medical bills and provide insurance.

    A social worker in your area may be able to get you some aid while you go through this. You may even qualify for Medicaid.

    I will look up some other organizations that may be able to help you with medical bills. They may not pay anything, they may pay a bit, but any little bit helps.

    I am so sorry this happened but we will help any way we can.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Contact this site, the ACS,
    Contact this site, the ACS, and see if they can help you. That would be one place to start.

    Good luck!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    I am so sorry that this has happened to you. OMG! What a dirt bag! This certainly doesn't say much for his character. But he does not deserve you, and you deserve so much better.
    I do know that cancer pulls some of your friends out of the woodwork, and some leave you behind in the dust, same with family and marriages. It makes or breaks them.

    I think our sisters here have given you the best advice on where to go for help. I would also contact domestic violence, they can help you emotionally with this kind of abuse.

    Also know that we are here, if you need to cy, vent, or just to laugh with friends you are in the right place dear, and my best to you
    Hugs, jackie
  • faithandprayer
    faithandprayer Member Posts: 177
    I am so sorry this is happening to you. I can only imagine what you might be going through right now.

    In addition to all of the excellent suggestions above, I would contact a good attorney right away. Your attorney will let you know what some of your legal rights are. Although I am not divorced, unfortunately, it is an all too familiar situation. One thing I've learned is that "the other side" will blow a bag of wind that can scare the heebee's out of you until you have your own legal advocate assuring you it's a bag of wind.

    Also, contact your city, county and state agencies. Health & Human Services might be a good start since your concerns are related to insurance. Social Security might be an option to call, as, you may qualify for things you otherwise would not have.

    Regardless, in our state, I believe health insurance has to remain intact until a divorce is final...although that might be something stipulated with an initial hearing. Again, find some peace of mind and get with an attorney ASAP.

    Many, many hugs and prayers,
  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member

    I am so sorry this is happening to you. I can only imagine what you might be going through right now.

    In addition to all of the excellent suggestions above, I would contact a good attorney right away. Your attorney will let you know what some of your legal rights are. Although I am not divorced, unfortunately, it is an all too familiar situation. One thing I've learned is that "the other side" will blow a bag of wind that can scare the heebee's out of you until you have your own legal advocate assuring you it's a bag of wind.

    Also, contact your city, county and state agencies. Health & Human Services might be a good start since your concerns are related to insurance. Social Security might be an option to call, as, you may qualify for things you otherwise would not have.

    Regardless, in our state, I believe health insurance has to remain intact until a divorce is final...although that might be something stipulated with an initial hearing. Again, find some peace of mind and get with an attorney ASAP.

    Many, many hugs and prayers,

    Hi my name is Aurora, I've never met anyone who's name was even close to mine, so I wanted to welcome you to the site.

    I wish I had some better advice for you but I think the other ladies have already said everything I can think of, try calling the legal aid department in your area, or the family law court, they should also have a hotline that can help you out. And tell you were you can get free legal advice and support.

    Meanwhile please come back, and let us know how you're doing, you are a surviver and can get through this too. And we'll be here to help in anyway we can,

    Much love.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    I am so sorry this is happening to you. I can only imagine what you might be going through right now.

    In addition to all of the excellent suggestions above, I would contact a good attorney right away. Your attorney will let you know what some of your legal rights are. Although I am not divorced, unfortunately, it is an all too familiar situation. One thing I've learned is that "the other side" will blow a bag of wind that can scare the heebee's out of you until you have your own legal advocate assuring you it's a bag of wind.

    Also, contact your city, county and state agencies. Health & Human Services might be a good start since your concerns are related to insurance. Social Security might be an option to call, as, you may qualify for things you otherwise would not have.

    Regardless, in our state, I believe health insurance has to remain intact until a divorce is final...although that might be something stipulated with an initial hearing. Again, find some peace of mind and get with an attorney ASAP.

    Many, many hugs and prayers,

    So sorry. Contact your
    So sorry. Contact your legal aid or Health service in your city. Ask around, someone will be able to steer you in the right direction. Good luck!
  • cathlinberreth01
    cathlinberreth01 Member Posts: 38
    don't take it
    Hi there

    If you are still married you still have access to his money, assets, etc. You can probably get an attorney that will waive the retainer because you will be able to pay him later after the divorce is settled.

    If he has provided you insurance in the past, he might be forced by the judge to continue paying for your insurance while you continue to work through the divorce.

    A really good attorney is your best bet, honey. And it needs to be a good one, because you can bet he will have a good one.

    It will be worth it in the end and you obviously deserve better than your current husband.

    That is the practical side.

    On the other side, I am so sorry that you are going through this on top of the cancer. It just isn't right or fair. Keep your chin up. A divorce is NOT unlike fighting cancer. And you need to take care of you and stand up for yourself in the face of his accusations.

    Good luck.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    sorry about your situation-I cannot believe that!!What a rotten time to ask for a divorce-but I guess dirt bags really don't think about that!!
    I hope that someone is able to help you out...
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    sorry about your situation-I cannot believe that!!What a rotten time to ask for a divorce-but I guess dirt bags really don't think about that!!
    I hope that someone is able to help you out...

    Hi Hun, being in a similar situation to you I have every sympathy. If he won't play ball and insists on dragging this through court, just remember... Most judges would NOT look kindly on a man who abandons his wife when she is at her lowest ebb ;o}
    Contact ACS and your local womens shelter, they have all sorts of help, not just for battered women.

    I wish you all the best. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Hi Hun, being in a similar situation to you I have every sympathy. If he won't play ball and insists on dragging this through court, just remember... Most judges would NOT look kindly on a man who abandons his wife when she is at her lowest ebb ;o}
    Contact ACS and your local womens shelter, they have all sorts of help, not just for battered women.

    I wish you all the best. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    The ACS will help you out
    The ACS will help you out and point you in the right direction. Good luck!