Doctor Appts



  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    taleena said:

    You mean you can't move
    You mean you can't move during an MRI... oh my... looks like my techs will have quite the challange.... yikes...


    If this is a Breast MRI that you are having done, VERY IMPORTANT TO LAY VERY STILL!! I took a xanax before hand so I would not even feel like moving. If you move, they will get an image with 4 boobies instead of two. Then sometimes they have to re-do it and not always the same day as they have schedules to keep.
    It does take a while to get through and you lay face down with your boobies in two holes and your arms over your head like you are swimming. They will put in a catheter so they can inject you half way through with more radioactive material. It is very loud!!!
    You know, it's a wonder we aren't glowing with all the "radioactive" materials they use in almost every test we have!! So if any of us start getting super powers, we wll know where they have come from!! Look at me!!! I'm starting to look like a chimp!! And it seems to be reversing my age!! Seriously though, you will be fine. We will all be right there with you. Kinda a cool thing about cyber space....we can go ANYWHERE we want!! :) Pammy
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    taleena said:

    You mean you can't move
    You mean you can't move during an MRI... oh my... looks like my techs will have quite the challange.... yikes...


    Just for my peace of mind have them give you somthing to relaxe, we will both need it, i to will have them give me somthing, we will hole hands and be high togeather
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670

    Hoping all of it works out for you...
    Hoping you get some relief for the extreme mood swings (which I don't ever get a sense of, here on the board, by the way - you seem pretty mellow... and funny, too!).

    And best of luck with the upcoming scan.

    Kind regards, Susan

    I will be thinking of you on Thursday when you see your dr and hope they can bring you some kind of relief. Also on Friday when you have your test done as well. Stay strong and keep that awesome funny personality you have. You have brought me smiles several times and you have no idea how good that feels.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    tjhay said:

    Just for my peace of mind have them give you somthing to relaxe, we will both need it, i to will have them give me somthing, we will hole hands and be high togeather

    The only problem with them
    The only problem with them giving me something is that I'm driving myself... poor Liz (my niece) has had her well child check up rescheduled 3 times since my dx... her appointment is tomorrow morning at 10 am so hubby is taking her.... I guess I just put on my big girl panties and suck it up.... oh gosh ... my hands are getting sweaty...


  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    taleena said:

    The only problem with them
    The only problem with them giving me something is that I'm driving myself... poor Liz (my niece) has had her well child check up rescheduled 3 times since my dx... her appointment is tomorrow morning at 10 am so hubby is taking her.... I guess I just put on my big girl panties and suck it up.... oh gosh ... my hands are getting sweaty...



    Well I guess it is a good thing that I dont mind sweaty hands. I will still hold yours why you get your scan. So if you feel your hand squeesed know it is me my friend just reminding you that you are not alone
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    tjhay said:

    Well I guess it is a good thing that I dont mind sweaty hands. I will still hold yours why you get your scan. So if you feel your hand squeesed know it is me my friend just reminding you that you are not alone

    Hey, good luck tomorrow Tj!
    Hey, good luck tomorrow Tj! Keeping you in my prayers!

    Hugs, Kristin
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    lolad said:

    I will be thinking of you on Thursday when you see your dr and hope they can bring you some kind of relief. Also on Friday when you have your test done as well. Stay strong and keep that awesome funny personality you have. You have brought me smiles several times and you have no idea how good that feels.


    Good luck tomorrow Tj!
    Good luck tomorrow Tj!

    I hope everything turns out ok!

    We need our drummer!

    Keeping you in my prayers!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Kylez said:

    Good luck tomorrow Tj!
    Good luck tomorrow Tj!

    I hope everything turns out ok!

    We need our drummer!

    Keeping you in my prayers!


    Wishing you good luck today
    Wishing you good luck today Tj!

    Hugs, Diane
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Thinking of you!
    Hey there TJ, been thinking of you today, wondering how things went. Keeping you in my prayers as always.
