head and neck cancer

Jan Trinks
Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi al again!

Have another question. My husband is three months post radition treatment to head and neck. He returned to work on June 8. He's feeling good and eating better; but off and on his voice sounds like it's dropped two octaves! It's not like he's hoarse and he doesn't have sore throat or scratchy throat or anything like that; no difficulty swallowing either. Just wondering if anybody's experienced this post treatment. His radiation oncologist said he could feel side effects for up to a year after treatment. He received radiation to the side of his neck. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

Jan Trinks


  • pattynonews
    pattynonews Member Posts: 176
    Yea he will probaly not get
    Yea he will probaly not get his regular voice back, my husband was dx a year ago with head and neck cancer stage 4, and went through 33 days of radiation, his treatment was so intense,( 33 days ) that he had to have 8 teeth pulled and it burned his throat so bad he has not eating in a year, They got rid of the one tumor but one came back on the other side and he is maxed out with radation and we have tried so many different chemo, we start another one on Monday, We just hope for the best and pray that we will find the one that works, but it has been a year and Jack still has side effects,
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jan
    He will have a lot of side effects from the radiation, some or most will start now and others a year or more from now up to five years. Don’t get worried about it have him go for his normal check-ups on time with his doctor. I been out of treatment now for about 5 ½ years and I am starting to have numbness in my face where the radiation was the strongest, I look at it this way it is my new (normal me). God bless you both.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Yea he will probaly not get
    Yea he will probaly not get his regular voice back, my husband was dx a year ago with head and neck cancer stage 4, and went through 33 days of radiation, his treatment was so intense,( 33 days ) that he had to have 8 teeth pulled and it burned his throat so bad he has not eating in a year, They got rid of the one tumor but one came back on the other side and he is maxed out with radation and we have tried so many different chemo, we start another one on Monday, We just hope for the best and pray that we will find the one that works, but it has been a year and Jack still has side effects,

    Hi Patty

    Sorry to hear your husband is still having problems, I too am max out on radiation when mine came back about three years ago I opt for no more chemo. I have been doing the natural treatment and doing very well on it. I will be going to MD Anderson on Monday for an MRI to check and see if there is any new growth of the tumor. Remember Radiation & Chemo are only one option to cancer treatment there is a lot of other type of treatment out there but be carful there are a lot of people just wanting to make money off your problem. Faith in God is the best point to start and let him do the leading.

    God bless
  • ronniepaisa
    ronniepaisa Member Posts: 11 Member

    My side effects started two months after finishing 33radiation treatments. I hope your husband does very well and will not have to face any more serious ones. He should keep doing everything his Care Team suggested for post treatment. Wishing you the best and Happy New Year.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member


    hope your husband does very well? you're talking to someone who posted this 12 years ago! look at the dates.

  • ronniepaisa
    ronniepaisa Member Posts: 11 Member

    Oh gosh, still getting used to this website. Have to be more attuned to dates. Thanks for pointing it out. BTW, I’m the patient , my husband is fine. Happy New Year.