Gemzar and Platin
WelcomeMichaelaMarie said:Platin/Gemzar
I was just told that my next treatment will be Cisplatin and Gemzar. Have you girls all had some nausea with other treatments? I wonder if this combination is kind of the new one for recurrent patients?
My doctor was going to give me Carboplatin again, but after consulting with several other doctors decided on this combination.
They said my protocol will be one treatment of both, then the next week Gemzar only, then a week off. Some of you mentioned two weeks off?
I look forward to hearing that everyone gets CA-125 drops and then remission!!! This will sure help comparing notes with all of you that are on this same combination.
I have just came off of 6 cycles of Topotecan. Even though my CA-125 had come down recently, my cat scan showed quite a different story. My doctor said that sometimes the cancer stops throwing off the marker protein, and that is obviously what happened to me. It was such a huge disappointment when I got the bad news from the scan! Without my marker working, I'm wondering how often they will want to do the cat-scans?
Take good care everyone! With prayers and hugs, MM
This is my 4th recurrence of ovarian cancer in 10 yrs. The first 2 times I was treated with Taxol/Carboplatin but developed a reaction to the carbo toward the end. Third time required radiation only. Now I am on Gemzar/Cisplatin, same protocol as you. It's actually only 1 week offf of treatment in between, but until you get the next full round it is more like 2 weeks. I have just completed my first cycle. Have to say my side effects were totally different than Taxol/carbo. More stomach issues with this and just not sure what to expect from day to day. As they say, "misery loves company" and it is so nice to be able to talk to people going through exactly the same thing. My marker has always been a good for me in the past, but everyone and everything changes. Keep in touch and God bless all of us!
Jean0 -
Welcome Anitaanitarj said:Cisplatin and Gemzar
I am on my 2 round of chemo and my doctor put me on the same regime as you, 1 week both drugs, 1 week just Gemzar, 1 week off (deffinetly the best week of the bunch). I have been on this treatment since the end of May and I was hoping to be done soon but my CA125 numbers have started to level off and are not dropping very fast any more. My doctor is ordering a CT scan to compare it to my last one before I started this treatment, then I have more options which I will be learning over the next couple of weeks.
As far as side effects from this treatments all the above posts sound like what I am going through. Nausea, Fatigue, I also get severe heart burn and stomach aches.
I just found this site and am so glad to have someone to share with. Thanks for being there ladies. I hope I can help you with my responses as much as you have already helped me. My prayers will go up for each of you. Anita
This combination is a killer on my stomach. Heartburn, nausea etc. I will have another scan after 2 or 3 treatments to check progress and a CA125 next week to compare levels. Your life just becomes consumed with meds. drs. and hospitals. One day at a time is what I have always been told and is what I try to do. People don't realize how difficult it really is and how much you keep to yourself. Please keep in touch with me, it seems there are a half dozen of us all at the same point.
God bless us all.
Love, Jean0 -
Schedule can varyMichaelaMarie said:Platin/Gemzar
I was just told that my next treatment will be Cisplatin and Gemzar. Have you girls all had some nausea with other treatments? I wonder if this combination is kind of the new one for recurrent patients?
My doctor was going to give me Carboplatin again, but after consulting with several other doctors decided on this combination.
They said my protocol will be one treatment of both, then the next week Gemzar only, then a week off. Some of you mentioned two weeks off?
I look forward to hearing that everyone gets CA-125 drops and then remission!!! This will sure help comparing notes with all of you that are on this same combination.
I have just came off of 6 cycles of Topotecan. Even though my CA-125 had come down recently, my cat scan showed quite a different story. My doctor said that sometimes the cancer stops throwing off the marker protein, and that is obviously what happened to me. It was such a huge disappointment when I got the bad news from the scan! Without my marker working, I'm wondering how often they will want to do the cat-scans?
Take good care everyone! With prayers and hugs, MM
Hi to Anita and MichaelaMarie, as well as Jean and Libby! Guess we're in this together. I just had the two together last Thursday (2nd treatment of the 2 together), and when I saw my doctor I asked him if we could modify the schedule to be Day 1, Day 11, then Day 28, to help my bloodcounts recover. He agreed to day 1, 15, then 28. I am hoping this will help me avoid the Neulasta - am terrified that with my insurance plan changes i might get socked with a copay like Libby's of $1800. I am still nauseous, but it seems to be easing a little today. It is amazing to me how totally unproductive one can be with nausea, at least me anyway! I am also amazed at how the nausea starts the very day/night of chemo - it is supposed to wait until 2-3 days after!
Good luck to all! We'll all have to hang in there. I hope that all of our CA125 counts continue to decrease like my last one (93 to 46).
Love and hugs, Carol0 -
CA-125 markercarol2dogs said:Schedule can vary
Hi to Anita and MichaelaMarie, as well as Jean and Libby! Guess we're in this together. I just had the two together last Thursday (2nd treatment of the 2 together), and when I saw my doctor I asked him if we could modify the schedule to be Day 1, Day 11, then Day 28, to help my bloodcounts recover. He agreed to day 1, 15, then 28. I am hoping this will help me avoid the Neulasta - am terrified that with my insurance plan changes i might get socked with a copay like Libby's of $1800. I am still nauseous, but it seems to be easing a little today. It is amazing to me how totally unproductive one can be with nausea, at least me anyway! I am also amazed at how the nausea starts the very day/night of chemo - it is supposed to wait until 2-3 days after!
Good luck to all! We'll all have to hang in there. I hope that all of our CA125 counts continue to decrease like my last one (93 to 46).
Love and hugs, Carol
Hello everyone,
This is wonderful having all of you ladies to compare notes with and to offer suggestions about what has helped you etc. Most of you are talking about being nauseous and having stomach problems. I have been very blessed that in almost 5 years of non-stop chemotherapys, I have never had nausea. That is why I'm wondering if this is a new experience for all of you, or if you always had some problem with nausea before. My doctor gave me two prescriptions the other day for nausea, and said that she believes that it is better to hit nausea before it happens as opposed to trying to deal with it after it has already started. I sure would appreciate knowing if this particular protocol is worse with the nausea issue than you have experienced before. If so, I think I will take one of the pills before having the chemo on Wednesday. Like everyone, I really hate feeling sick to my stomach. Does it take your blood counts down lower than Topotecan? I could barely drag myself around with that drug. In that my marker doesn't seem to work anymore, do you think they will just give me a couple of cycles, then do another ct scan? My marker use to be such a good tool for me and the doctor. I'm really dreading doing all of this again, since they stopped my Topotecan about five weeks ago. Comparatively speaking, I'm feeling great without having to do the some energy back. I guess I better get busy around here and try to get things done while I feel like it, before Wednesday. We're suppose to be having weather in the 100's tomorrow and next week though. That heat just makes me feel sluggish, even in an air-conditioned house. Where's everyone from on this thread? I was diagnosed with Stage 111C just over five years ago. Is everyone Stage 111C also? I need to reread some of your posts. Congratulations to you Carol on the nice drop! How low did your RBC and WBC counts get? Let's all hang in there! Lots of hugs and love, MM0 -
Thank youjean b said:Welcome Anita
This combination is a killer on my stomach. Heartburn, nausea etc. I will have another scan after 2 or 3 treatments to check progress and a CA125 next week to compare levels. Your life just becomes consumed with meds. drs. and hospitals. One day at a time is what I have always been told and is what I try to do. People don't realize how difficult it really is and how much you keep to yourself. Please keep in touch with me, it seems there are a half dozen of us all at the same point.
God bless us all.
Love, Jean
Jean B thank you for the wonderful welcome. You are right about how our days are consumed with drs., tests, hospitals, and feeling awful. I not only am having a hard time getting my side effects under control, mostly nausea and constipation, but am stil in a lot of pain in my abdomen which the dr. can't explain. Before this happened to me I couldn't have imagined how consuming cancer can be. That is what makes finding this site so great. Thank you for responding! God's grace rest on each of us. Anita0 -
Thank youcarol2dogs said:Schedule can vary
Hi to Anita and MichaelaMarie, as well as Jean and Libby! Guess we're in this together. I just had the two together last Thursday (2nd treatment of the 2 together), and when I saw my doctor I asked him if we could modify the schedule to be Day 1, Day 11, then Day 28, to help my bloodcounts recover. He agreed to day 1, 15, then 28. I am hoping this will help me avoid the Neulasta - am terrified that with my insurance plan changes i might get socked with a copay like Libby's of $1800. I am still nauseous, but it seems to be easing a little today. It is amazing to me how totally unproductive one can be with nausea, at least me anyway! I am also amazed at how the nausea starts the very day/night of chemo - it is supposed to wait until 2-3 days after!
Good luck to all! We'll all have to hang in there. I hope that all of our CA125 counts continue to decrease like my last one (93 to 46).
Love and hugs, Carol
Thank you for your response to my posting. My CA125 has gone from 500 to 50 since April '09. I should be excited about this but the doctor is concerned that my CA125 dropping is slowing down and he is concerned that my cancer may be getting resistent to this treatment. I also get a lot of Neulasta shots, but have been blessed with double insurance coverage. I better run I just had to thank you all and look forward to going through all this together with you. Love, Anita0 -
Our gemzar/cisplatin conversation has grown!! Welcome! Maybe we should start another post so this one does not get too long. I can't remember names and what is going on!!! Chemo brain already!!!
Had my 2nd infusion yesterday of gemzar/cisplatin to complete first round. I will be having Gemzar/Cisplatin every two weeks through January. So I have one week to recuperate and then hit again. Plus neulasta next day or second day after.
This combo has been harder on me than carbo/taxol which I had once every FOUR weeks. I too have nausea the same evening. I took zofran as soon as I could after the dose I had at short stay. This morning I got up and took another and probably will every 6 hours today, tomorrow and maybe until the weekend. And tylenol pm before I go to bed this week. And did start the mirilax for the constipation I now know I will have. YUKKY.
I too have had stomach pain, but not too bad and headaches too. And tiredness..................but I am glad to be here!!! I thank God every morning that I am still here on earth not that I do not want to be with Him.
Got the results of my petscan yesterday too. I did not light up like a Christmas Tree Praise the Lord!! My thymus gland - clear! In my pelvis and chest area it showed small activity in my lymph nodes. So, I will get CTscan in both areas in 3 months. At least we know why the CA125 is going up.
I can't remember who asked what stage but I was diagnosed in January 2008 stage 3c. Had 7 of 9 treatments of carbo/taxol and then Hexalen 2 of 6. My white counts were too low to finish either treatment. Then was NED from November (maybe?) until June of 2009. And here I am again. Also, I am BRACA2 positive.
My hope is not on numbers or doctors but is built on nothing less then Jesus Christ.
"My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and salvation He is my fortress. I will never be shaken". Psalm 62:1-2
Love to you, ladies!
In His Grip,
Libby0 -
Hi Libby: I agree, ourLPack said:UPDATE
Our gemzar/cisplatin conversation has grown!! Welcome! Maybe we should start another post so this one does not get too long. I can't remember names and what is going on!!! Chemo brain already!!!
Had my 2nd infusion yesterday of gemzar/cisplatin to complete first round. I will be having Gemzar/Cisplatin every two weeks through January. So I have one week to recuperate and then hit again. Plus neulasta next day or second day after.
This combo has been harder on me than carbo/taxol which I had once every FOUR weeks. I too have nausea the same evening. I took zofran as soon as I could after the dose I had at short stay. This morning I got up and took another and probably will every 6 hours today, tomorrow and maybe until the weekend. And tylenol pm before I go to bed this week. And did start the mirilax for the constipation I now know I will have. YUKKY.
I too have had stomach pain, but not too bad and headaches too. And tiredness..................but I am glad to be here!!! I thank God every morning that I am still here on earth not that I do not want to be with Him.
Got the results of my petscan yesterday too. I did not light up like a Christmas Tree Praise the Lord!! My thymus gland - clear! In my pelvis and chest area it showed small activity in my lymph nodes. So, I will get CTscan in both areas in 3 months. At least we know why the CA125 is going up.
I can't remember who asked what stage but I was diagnosed in January 2008 stage 3c. Had 7 of 9 treatments of carbo/taxol and then Hexalen 2 of 6. My white counts were too low to finish either treatment. Then was NED from November (maybe?) until June of 2009. And here I am again. Also, I am BRACA2 positive.
My hope is not on numbers or doctors but is built on nothing less then Jesus Christ.
"My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and salvation He is my fortress. I will never be shaken". Psalm 62:1-2
Love to you, ladies!
In His Grip,
Hi Libby: I agree, our gemzar, cisplatin conversations are growing and I enjoy reading everyone of them. You and I are within days of each other as far as treatments. I had my second (short) round of Gemzar last Thurs. The nausea has pretty much been an ongoing thing since I started. Finally felt well enough to go out this weekend. I too am having trouble remembering who has what and where. Wish I could keep them all straight. I had taxol/carbo 10 yrs ago(first diagnosed as stage 2C )and then again 2 1/2 yrs ago. Side effects were so different and milder. I think the cisplatin in particular is the worst. Oh well, if it's working that is all that matters. I haven't had any hair loss yet, but I don't think I'm out of the woods. Soooooo happy your scan was no Christmas Tree. (Hate to sound stupid but what does NED mean?) As you say, it is all in God's hands. Let's just keep praying.
Love, Jean0 -
NEDjean b said:Hi Libby: I agree, our
Hi Libby: I agree, our gemzar, cisplatin conversations are growing and I enjoy reading everyone of them. You and I are within days of each other as far as treatments. I had my second (short) round of Gemzar last Thurs. The nausea has pretty much been an ongoing thing since I started. Finally felt well enough to go out this weekend. I too am having trouble remembering who has what and where. Wish I could keep them all straight. I had taxol/carbo 10 yrs ago(first diagnosed as stage 2C )and then again 2 1/2 yrs ago. Side effects were so different and milder. I think the cisplatin in particular is the worst. Oh well, if it's working that is all that matters. I haven't had any hair loss yet, but I don't think I'm out of the woods. Soooooo happy your scan was no Christmas Tree. (Hate to sound stupid but what does NED mean?) As you say, it is all in God's hands. Let's just keep praying.
Love, Jean
no evidence of disease
I did not know either until I read it on one of the posts here. Get my ctscans in October.
So you were in remission for 7 1/2 years the first time? That is wonderful.
Libby0 -
Hi Libby and Jeanjean b said:Hi Libby: I agree, our
Hi Libby: I agree, our gemzar, cisplatin conversations are growing and I enjoy reading everyone of them. You and I are within days of each other as far as treatments. I had my second (short) round of Gemzar last Thurs. The nausea has pretty much been an ongoing thing since I started. Finally felt well enough to go out this weekend. I too am having trouble remembering who has what and where. Wish I could keep them all straight. I had taxol/carbo 10 yrs ago(first diagnosed as stage 2C )and then again 2 1/2 yrs ago. Side effects were so different and milder. I think the cisplatin in particular is the worst. Oh well, if it's working that is all that matters. I haven't had any hair loss yet, but I don't think I'm out of the woods. Soooooo happy your scan was no Christmas Tree. (Hate to sound stupid but what does NED mean?) As you say, it is all in God's hands. Let's just keep praying.
Love, Jean
I love that phrase NED and am looking forwarding to using it. I just finished my fifth set of gemzar/cisplatin yesterday Ugh. I agree about the nausea and stomach pain. I have started taking pepcid for the stomach pain and it seems to be helping. I wouldn't have associated my stomach pain with acid but my dr. reccomended it. I will let you know if it continues to help.
I was origianlly diagnosed April 08 with 3c ovarian cancer. I had surgery and started Taxol and carboplatin. That was awful. I finished that in Sept.08 and was deemed NED. The cancer tried to make a snicky return in April 09 but my dr. caught it and I started gemzar/cisplatin. That is pretty much my story.
I too and trusting God for his provision and grace. He has taken such good care of me. Everyday is a blessing. Take care and God bless you dear ladies, Love, Anita0 -
Hi Anita: Since you haveanitarj said:Hi Libby and Jean
I love that phrase NED and am looking forwarding to using it. I just finished my fifth set of gemzar/cisplatin yesterday Ugh. I agree about the nausea and stomach pain. I have started taking pepcid for the stomach pain and it seems to be helping. I wouldn't have associated my stomach pain with acid but my dr. reccomended it. I will let you know if it continues to help.
I was origianlly diagnosed April 08 with 3c ovarian cancer. I had surgery and started Taxol and carboplatin. That was awful. I finished that in Sept.08 and was deemed NED. The cancer tried to make a snicky return in April 09 but my dr. caught it and I started gemzar/cisplatin. That is pretty much my story.
I too and trusting God for his provision and grace. He has taken such good care of me. Everyday is a blessing. Take care and God bless you dear ladies, Love, Anita
Hi Anita: Since you have had 5 sessions of Gemzar and Cisplatin maybe you can answer the question of hair loss, did you have any or all? My doctor said I may lose some and don't know whether or not to get the wig. My next treatment is next Thurs. the 6th. I'm still having tummy problems from the first treatment, don't know how I will be able to stand it.My cancer was stage 2C 10 yrs. ago. I was cancer free for 7 1/2 yrs and then have had recurrences 3 tims in the last 21/2 yrs. A day at a time.
Love Jean0 -
Hi Jean, Thank the Lord thatjean b said:Hi Anita: Since you have
Hi Anita: Since you have had 5 sessions of Gemzar and Cisplatin maybe you can answer the question of hair loss, did you have any or all? My doctor said I may lose some and don't know whether or not to get the wig. My next treatment is next Thurs. the 6th. I'm still having tummy problems from the first treatment, don't know how I will be able to stand it.My cancer was stage 2C 10 yrs. ago. I was cancer free for 7 1/2 yrs and then have had recurrences 3 tims in the last 21/2 yrs. A day at a time.
Love Jean
Hi Jean, Thank the Lord that this treatment isn't big on making our hair fall out. I have noticed my hair start to get alittle thinner in the last week or two but no big hair loss. My eyebrows and eye lashes are still pretty thin from my taxol treatment but I have grown back all the hair on my head and do not want to loose it again. I wouldn't run out and get a wig this really is just a thinning of the hair.
Sounds like you have been keeping a chair warm at the infusion center. My prayers are with you and all of us that this is the treatment that finally gets rid of this cancer. A day at a time is the way to go. Love, Anita0 -
Cisplatin and Gemzaranitarj said:Hi Jean, Thank the Lord that
Hi Jean, Thank the Lord that this treatment isn't big on making our hair fall out. I have noticed my hair start to get alittle thinner in the last week or two but no big hair loss. My eyebrows and eye lashes are still pretty thin from my taxol treatment but I have grown back all the hair on my head and do not want to loose it again. I wouldn't run out and get a wig this really is just a thinning of the hair.
Sounds like you have been keeping a chair warm at the infusion center. My prayers are with you and all of us that this is the treatment that finally gets rid of this cancer. A day at a time is the way to go. Love, Anita
I just had my first cycle of both yesterday. It took a long time with having to have two bags of fluids also. But, they told me that instead of doing the protocol like they had first told me (like most of you), that is, both drugs one week, and the Gemzar the second week, etc., that I will be getting both drugs both weeks, and then a week off. I guess tht the amount of Cisplatin that I am getting isn't very strong. They told me that their hopes are that it will be the "combination" that will work, since I have already had Gemzar before. Anyone else on this same regimen? I couldn't sleep last night because of the Dexamethsone (steriod), so feel a little more tired today. Plus, I have had a few minor queasy periods, but nothing you could call nausea yet. My blood counts are still pretty low, but up from the last lab a few weeks ago. So, for the first day out, I guess I am doing pretty far! About hair, I remember that my hair only thinned with the Gemzar too, but then, I wasn't really on it that long. Best wishes to everyone! MM0 -
Finally, a little good news.anitarj said:Hi Jean, Thank the Lord that
Hi Jean, Thank the Lord that this treatment isn't big on making our hair fall out. I have noticed my hair start to get alittle thinner in the last week or two but no big hair loss. My eyebrows and eye lashes are still pretty thin from my taxol treatment but I have grown back all the hair on my head and do not want to loose it again. I wouldn't run out and get a wig this really is just a thinning of the hair.
Sounds like you have been keeping a chair warm at the infusion center. My prayers are with you and all of us that this is the treatment that finally gets rid of this cancer. A day at a time is the way to go. Love, Anita
Hi Anita: The fact that all the hair won't fall out is huge! I remember how sick I felt every morning as I took my shower and just saw my hair coming up in clumps. It's not something we women take very mildly. You are so lucky to be getting to the end of your treatments. Much luck and success with your results. Please keep in touch.
Love, Jean0 -
Hi MichelaMarie: YourMichaelaMarie said:Cisplatin and Gemzar
I just had my first cycle of both yesterday. It took a long time with having to have two bags of fluids also. But, they told me that instead of doing the protocol like they had first told me (like most of you), that is, both drugs one week, and the Gemzar the second week, etc., that I will be getting both drugs both weeks, and then a week off. I guess tht the amount of Cisplatin that I am getting isn't very strong. They told me that their hopes are that it will be the "combination" that will work, since I have already had Gemzar before. Anyone else on this same regimen? I couldn't sleep last night because of the Dexamethsone (steriod), so feel a little more tired today. Plus, I have had a few minor queasy periods, but nothing you could call nausea yet. My blood counts are still pretty low, but up from the last lab a few weeks ago. So, for the first day out, I guess I am doing pretty far! About hair, I remember that my hair only thinned with the Gemzar too, but then, I wasn't really on it that long. Best wishes to everyone! MM
Hi MichelaMarie: Your regimen is the first one I heard given that way, but who knows. I have been having lots of trouble falling asleep and dreaming ALOT, not something I usually do. It took me 11 days to finally get out of the house. Good luck and keep in touch.
Love, Jean0 -
Cisp/Gemzarcarol2dogs said:Gemzar and cisplatin
I had my second infusion of both yesterday. For some reason, this combo hits me very quickly - the night of chemo. Had a rough overnight and feel very yucky today, but I took both nausea meds as soon as I got up and that helped. I also get the face flushing the day after, plus redness around my port. However, I have some very good news - my CA125 went down from 93 to 46!
I hope your counts go down as well!
Love and hugs, Carol
Hi Carol, I am new to this site. I have been on Cisplatin and Gemzar since April. I have both drugs then just Gemzar two weeks later. I feel pretty yucky too but not bad when I have just the Gemzar. The Cisp/Gemzar hits me pretty fast too. I will tell you that a lot of my hair has been falling out little by little, so back to a hat or wig! But on the bright side my ca125 was 210 in April and is now 38. Congrats to your 46. I was diagnosed in 2/2002 stage 3c. I have been on numerous chemo drugs and 38 is the lowest I have been in about 4 years. We must continue on with life!!! By the way your dog is adorable...TrishR0 -
Need a new threadjean b said:Finally, a little good news.
Hi Anita: The fact that all the hair won't fall out is huge! I remember how sick I felt every morning as I took my shower and just saw my hair coming up in clumps. It's not something we women take very mildly. You are so lucky to be getting to the end of your treatments. Much luck and success with your results. Please keep in touch.
Love, Jean
Hi Everyone.. so glad you are helping each other :-) It is getting harder to read some of the thread as they are so far off to the right. LOL Maybe start a new one? Just an idea..but if it is working for all of you.. don't do it because of me. Anyway so happy you all have connected ~ this site is amazing. Hugs Bonnie0 -
Good suggestion, BonnieBonnieR said:Need a new thread
Hi Everyone.. so glad you are helping each other :-) It is getting harder to read some of the thread as they are so far off to the right. LOL Maybe start a new one? Just an idea..but if it is working for all of you.. don't do it because of me. Anyway so happy you all have connected ~ this site is amazing. Hugs Bonnie
I am reading these with great interest these days. A new post would help....Saundra0 -
Hi Jeanjean b said:Welcome
This is my 4th recurrence of ovarian cancer in 10 yrs. The first 2 times I was treated with Taxol/Carboplatin but developed a reaction to the carbo toward the end. Third time required radiation only. Now I am on Gemzar/Cisplatin, same protocol as you. It's actually only 1 week offf of treatment in between, but until you get the next full round it is more like 2 weeks. I have just completed my first cycle. Have to say my side effects were totally different than Taxol/carbo. More stomach issues with this and just not sure what to expect from day to day. As they say, "misery loves company" and it is so nice to be able to talk to people going through exactly the same thing. My marker has always been a good for me in the past, but everyone and everything changes. Keep in touch and God bless all of us!
I just joined today...and I am encouraged by you. I just had my first recurrence after 8 months. It is reassuring to me to connect with long term survivors.
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