So I have a question.....
Fun for the priest in me
As an unbeliever (an agnostic) I may not be the one to answer this from the perspective you would be most comfortable with.
I do, however, have some things for you to think about, as I have been thinking about for nearly 40 years.
Let us assume that the God you reference is the Christian God.
If that is a given, then you need look no further than the trials and tribulations of both Abraham and Job to understand that God tests you.
Abraham was asked to kill his own son to show his belief; Job went through so much that the mere mention of his name is recognized by most as the epitome of misery.
Incidentally, if I am not mistaken both of those stories come from the Old Testament and are therefore affirmed by not one, not two, but three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
If I am missing one, I apologize.
To be honest, I cannot, cleary, subscribe to your notion that God gave you cancer, no more than I can subscribe to your friend's silly notion that it simply appeared but that God will cure it.
Of course, as I advised, I am an unknower.
Even so, I would suggest that unless you are some sort of chosen one, God is not going to be there to cure you all by Himself. The saying, I think, is that God helps those who help themselves.
As for evolution and God, I am rather rationally inclined in this regard and side with evolution, although I cannot preclude the existence of a higher power. I am, as I stated above, an unknower.
I think it is possible that evolution is the real deal (I happen to believe that it is so) while also holding open the option that there is a higher power, whatever you want to call it. This one is not an either/or proposition, my friend, unless you want it to be.
Regrettably, I am not a believer. But any number of very bright people, including Einstein, to name but one, have studied, do study, the cosmos, and believe that there is a divine power.
It is probably hubristic of me to stay out here where I am, to be honest. But, to be honest to myself, I must.
In the meantime, yes, it can work both ways.
It is clear to me that cancer is a form of evolution. Some adapt and live on and make the world a different thing, while others die out and are, if not forgotten, at least marginalized.
Cancer, at the moment, is not marginalized. It soon will be.
Cockroaches, my friend, are another story.
Take care,
Joe0 -
Once upon a time....
in an unknown place and situation, a little living cell started to mutate in a totally unconventional, unhealthy manner. The rest is history.
For me, it really becomes a question of 'why me' vs 'why not me'. And since I not only believe in God, but also trust his wisdom and power and grace and mercy and omniscience, I don't even care why I got cancer. It is what it is, and I am striving to handle it with the resources God makes available to me. And the battle and the aftermath thereof is stretching me to the limits. So I don't waste energy trying to answer unanswerable questions.
If God wants to make it all clear to me at some time and place in the future, fine. If not, fine.
It's called peace. And I am still working on it, but getting there.
God bless.0 -
Something to think about...soccerfreaks said:Fun for the priest in me
As an unbeliever (an agnostic) I may not be the one to answer this from the perspective you would be most comfortable with.
I do, however, have some things for you to think about, as I have been thinking about for nearly 40 years.
Let us assume that the God you reference is the Christian God.
If that is a given, then you need look no further than the trials and tribulations of both Abraham and Job to understand that God tests you.
Abraham was asked to kill his own son to show his belief; Job went through so much that the mere mention of his name is recognized by most as the epitome of misery.
Incidentally, if I am not mistaken both of those stories come from the Old Testament and are therefore affirmed by not one, not two, but three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
If I am missing one, I apologize.
To be honest, I cannot, cleary, subscribe to your notion that God gave you cancer, no more than I can subscribe to your friend's silly notion that it simply appeared but that God will cure it.
Of course, as I advised, I am an unknower.
Even so, I would suggest that unless you are some sort of chosen one, God is not going to be there to cure you all by Himself. The saying, I think, is that God helps those who help themselves.
As for evolution and God, I am rather rationally inclined in this regard and side with evolution, although I cannot preclude the existence of a higher power. I am, as I stated above, an unknower.
I think it is possible that evolution is the real deal (I happen to believe that it is so) while also holding open the option that there is a higher power, whatever you want to call it. This one is not an either/or proposition, my friend, unless you want it to be.
Regrettably, I am not a believer. But any number of very bright people, including Einstein, to name but one, have studied, do study, the cosmos, and believe that there is a divine power.
It is probably hubristic of me to stay out here where I am, to be honest. But, to be honest to myself, I must.
In the meantime, yes, it can work both ways.
It is clear to me that cancer is a form of evolution. Some adapt and live on and make the world a different thing, while others die out and are, if not forgotten, at least marginalized.
Cancer, at the moment, is not marginalized. It soon will be.
Cockroaches, my friend, are another story.
Take care,
I like what you wrote. I will have to read it a couple times to digest it. Thank you for responding.0 -
Not there yet either...zahalene said:Once upon a time....
in an unknown place and situation, a little living cell started to mutate in a totally unconventional, unhealthy manner. The rest is history.
For me, it really becomes a question of 'why me' vs 'why not me'. And since I not only believe in God, but also trust his wisdom and power and grace and mercy and omniscience, I don't even care why I got cancer. It is what it is, and I am striving to handle it with the resources God makes available to me. And the battle and the aftermath thereof is stretching me to the limits. So I don't waste energy trying to answer unanswerable questions.
If God wants to make it all clear to me at some time and place in the future, fine. If not, fine.
It's called peace. And I am still working on it, but getting there.
God bless.
I wish he would make it clear - would make my life alot easier!0 -
God and canzer
So, what you are saying is that you believe God gave you the last cold you got, the last raise you got, caused the economy to collapse, your college degree and that flat tire during the thunderstorm? As you said, you can't have it both ways. Because He CAN intervene in all things, doesn't mean He DOES.
Free will. Since I am a believer (I don't profess to be a knower so I guess that makes me an unknower, too.) I also believe in the presence of evil. The devil I guess. Angels and fallen angels. Equal and opposite effects. And in some way, evolution. In the last hundred years we have gotten taller, bigger feet, fatter, and increased our life expectancy.
Disease? I guess that is the nature of life. This is NOT heaven and is not supposed to be perfect. We are to have trials of all sorts, including illness and death. How else could we appreciate the help He offers or the glory of Heaven?
Blessings come in strange packages. I don't think canzer is a blessing, nor do I believe God gave it to me. I do believe He is blessing me through and in spite of this trial. Will He cure me? I don't know. I do know He is blessing me each day and has a plan to my greater good. Even through suffering and hardship.
Kimby0 -
BLAME!unknown said:This comment has been removed by the Moderator
Maybe I'm not getting the point. But it seems like the original post was looking for someone or something to BLAME for having cancer.
I believe in God. I believe in miracles. I believe in man's free will. I believe that a weakened immune system is not able to fight off illness as effectively as a strong immune system. I believe in the power of meditation, prayer, music, positive thinking, exercise, good nutrition, etc.
I know people who are still alive many many years after being given the cancer death sentence. One of the posters said it well - let's not waste energy blaming. Let's get busy participating in and supporting our wellness with responsible behavior which includes, in my view, taking advantage of science and holistic means to heal mind and body.
Blessings to all,
Mary Ann0 -
"The wages of sin are death", I was told.
I live nearby a rural church and on a recent Sunday, a youth leader and several teenagers stopped by my front yeard while I was outside cleaning my rabbit's cage. They told me who they were and said that they were taking a survey, and would I participate. I agreed and was asked if I knew the 10 Commandments and if I had ever broken any of them. I told them that of course I tried to follow the Commandments, but that I had lied, and surely broken others. I told them that I had cancer (in case the bald head wasn't a give-away!), and they offered to pray with me. I agreed. But the prayer they said was for me to be cured of my cancer, and when we finished, I told them that I never prayed anymore to be spared, that I felt it was inappropriate. I told them that I looked around at the people getting chemo with me, knowing each one was praying hard to be spared, each one throwing up "help me; help me, God!" to the heavens. And how could I ask for preferential treatment, knowing how wonderful so many of these people were, or remembering the little bald children coming in for radiation with me? What would make me more worthy than they were? So instead, I told him, I felt the appropriate communication with God at this point in my life, should be one of praise and thanks for the wonderful life I have lived. I told him that I would not want to risk my eternal soul by asking God for something He may deny me, and risk ending my days bitter and disappointed in His response to my begging.
The man from the church told me that several people in his congregation had been cured of their cancer through prayer. I told him that many who pray to be cleaned of their cancer die anyway, and that I just didn't think God GAVE people cancer OR took the burden of cancer away. I think cancer falls under the 'free will' category of earthly existence, and that we have polluted our earth, allowing these cell mutations. I just don't see God's hands in this cancer business.
(I'm finally getting to my point, I promise.) The man from the church actually said to me, "Well, the wages of sin are death, and you admitted earlier that you have lied and broken some of God's Commandments." Apparently this 'man of faith' believes that I brought my cancer on myself as God's punishment for my sins. How else could I take this?? I'm no saint, but I never did anything black enough to deserve THIS punishment!
I just said "THAT"s it. This conversation is over. Get off my lawn.", and went inside. I am thankful that my faith is strong and that such twisted thinking does not make me bitter with God or shake my faith in salvation. I'd love your comments.0 -
Let he who is without sinlindaprocopio said:"The wages of sin are death", I was told.
I live nearby a rural church and on a recent Sunday, a youth leader and several teenagers stopped by my front yeard while I was outside cleaning my rabbit's cage. They told me who they were and said that they were taking a survey, and would I participate. I agreed and was asked if I knew the 10 Commandments and if I had ever broken any of them. I told them that of course I tried to follow the Commandments, but that I had lied, and surely broken others. I told them that I had cancer (in case the bald head wasn't a give-away!), and they offered to pray with me. I agreed. But the prayer they said was for me to be cured of my cancer, and when we finished, I told them that I never prayed anymore to be spared, that I felt it was inappropriate. I told them that I looked around at the people getting chemo with me, knowing each one was praying hard to be spared, each one throwing up "help me; help me, God!" to the heavens. And how could I ask for preferential treatment, knowing how wonderful so many of these people were, or remembering the little bald children coming in for radiation with me? What would make me more worthy than they were? So instead, I told him, I felt the appropriate communication with God at this point in my life, should be one of praise and thanks for the wonderful life I have lived. I told him that I would not want to risk my eternal soul by asking God for something He may deny me, and risk ending my days bitter and disappointed in His response to my begging.
The man from the church told me that several people in his congregation had been cured of their cancer through prayer. I told him that many who pray to be cleaned of their cancer die anyway, and that I just didn't think God GAVE people cancer OR took the burden of cancer away. I think cancer falls under the 'free will' category of earthly existence, and that we have polluted our earth, allowing these cell mutations. I just don't see God's hands in this cancer business.
(I'm finally getting to my point, I promise.) The man from the church actually said to me, "Well, the wages of sin are death, and you admitted earlier that you have lied and broken some of God's Commandments." Apparently this 'man of faith' believes that I brought my cancer on myself as God's punishment for my sins. How else could I take this?? I'm no saint, but I never did anything black enough to deserve THIS punishment!
I just said "THAT"s it. This conversation is over. Get off my lawn.", and went inside. I am thankful that my faith is strong and that such twisted thinking does not make me bitter with God or shake my faith in salvation. I'd love your comments.
Cast the first dare him!
Unless this punk (regardless of age) is more perfect than anyone I have ever met, he has a lot of 'damned gall' to borrow from a song I've heard somewhere along the way.
Before you got to the part where he was being so self-righteous, I was simply going to applaud you for an excellent perspective on your God's involvement with respect to the disease.
Now my applause is of the standing ovation type.
I will now shut up, and look forward, as you do, to comments from believers like yourself.
Bravo, Linda!
Take care,
Joe0 -
So Truelindaprocopio said:"The wages of sin are death", I was told.
I live nearby a rural church and on a recent Sunday, a youth leader and several teenagers stopped by my front yeard while I was outside cleaning my rabbit's cage. They told me who they were and said that they were taking a survey, and would I participate. I agreed and was asked if I knew the 10 Commandments and if I had ever broken any of them. I told them that of course I tried to follow the Commandments, but that I had lied, and surely broken others. I told them that I had cancer (in case the bald head wasn't a give-away!), and they offered to pray with me. I agreed. But the prayer they said was for me to be cured of my cancer, and when we finished, I told them that I never prayed anymore to be spared, that I felt it was inappropriate. I told them that I looked around at the people getting chemo with me, knowing each one was praying hard to be spared, each one throwing up "help me; help me, God!" to the heavens. And how could I ask for preferential treatment, knowing how wonderful so many of these people were, or remembering the little bald children coming in for radiation with me? What would make me more worthy than they were? So instead, I told him, I felt the appropriate communication with God at this point in my life, should be one of praise and thanks for the wonderful life I have lived. I told him that I would not want to risk my eternal soul by asking God for something He may deny me, and risk ending my days bitter and disappointed in His response to my begging.
The man from the church told me that several people in his congregation had been cured of their cancer through prayer. I told him that many who pray to be cleaned of their cancer die anyway, and that I just didn't think God GAVE people cancer OR took the burden of cancer away. I think cancer falls under the 'free will' category of earthly existence, and that we have polluted our earth, allowing these cell mutations. I just don't see God's hands in this cancer business.
(I'm finally getting to my point, I promise.) The man from the church actually said to me, "Well, the wages of sin are death, and you admitted earlier that you have lied and broken some of God's Commandments." Apparently this 'man of faith' believes that I brought my cancer on myself as God's punishment for my sins. How else could I take this?? I'm no saint, but I never did anything black enough to deserve THIS punishment!
I just said "THAT"s it. This conversation is over. Get off my lawn.", and went inside. I am thankful that my faith is strong and that such twisted thinking does not make me bitter with God or shake my faith in salvation. I'd love your comments.
Well, what he said was true. (Although his intentions were certainly not Godly!). The wages of sin are death. We all sin and we all die. Yep. You also can't be saved through good works. So, what does all this mean? Who really knows for sure? My take: we all sin; we all die; we all do the best we can while we're here. We do the best we can with what we've got. Sheesh....another nut job!
When I was 7 my 4 year old brother was hit in the road and died. My mother blamed herself and went into a deep depression. The pastor from OUR church came and explained to her during all of this that my brother would certainly go to hell because he had not been properly baptized. That was the day I lost the mother I have always known. He took her from me and the 3 children she had not given birth to yet. He also robbed her of her salvation. Sometimes evil comes clothed as religion. I LOVE God with all my heart and soul. I don't trust religion at all.
Your friend in Christ,
Kimby0 -
I agree with you totally. Ilindaprocopio said:"The wages of sin are death", I was told.
I live nearby a rural church and on a recent Sunday, a youth leader and several teenagers stopped by my front yeard while I was outside cleaning my rabbit's cage. They told me who they were and said that they were taking a survey, and would I participate. I agreed and was asked if I knew the 10 Commandments and if I had ever broken any of them. I told them that of course I tried to follow the Commandments, but that I had lied, and surely broken others. I told them that I had cancer (in case the bald head wasn't a give-away!), and they offered to pray with me. I agreed. But the prayer they said was for me to be cured of my cancer, and when we finished, I told them that I never prayed anymore to be spared, that I felt it was inappropriate. I told them that I looked around at the people getting chemo with me, knowing each one was praying hard to be spared, each one throwing up "help me; help me, God!" to the heavens. And how could I ask for preferential treatment, knowing how wonderful so many of these people were, or remembering the little bald children coming in for radiation with me? What would make me more worthy than they were? So instead, I told him, I felt the appropriate communication with God at this point in my life, should be one of praise and thanks for the wonderful life I have lived. I told him that I would not want to risk my eternal soul by asking God for something He may deny me, and risk ending my days bitter and disappointed in His response to my begging.
The man from the church told me that several people in his congregation had been cured of their cancer through prayer. I told him that many who pray to be cleaned of their cancer die anyway, and that I just didn't think God GAVE people cancer OR took the burden of cancer away. I think cancer falls under the 'free will' category of earthly existence, and that we have polluted our earth, allowing these cell mutations. I just don't see God's hands in this cancer business.
(I'm finally getting to my point, I promise.) The man from the church actually said to me, "Well, the wages of sin are death, and you admitted earlier that you have lied and broken some of God's Commandments." Apparently this 'man of faith' believes that I brought my cancer on myself as God's punishment for my sins. How else could I take this?? I'm no saint, but I never did anything black enough to deserve THIS punishment!
I just said "THAT"s it. This conversation is over. Get off my lawn.", and went inside. I am thankful that my faith is strong and that such twisted thinking does not make me bitter with God or shake my faith in salvation. I'd love your comments.
I agree with you totally. I don't even talk religion to anyone. I don't attend church but am spiritual. I don't have all the answers. I don't try to convince people to believe the way I do. Some people are just warped in their thinking (if they are thinking and not just brain washed). I'm not perfect but have had visions, and a prophetic dream. I know I'm not the one controlling these events. So why am I having them if I'm not perfect? I'm not crazy either. I think a higher power is controlling things (I mean the visions and stuff like that). I don't believe for a minute that I was given cancer because I've sinned. I just got it. I also got Parkinson's. We only have to deal with it in this life time and really a lifetime is not really that long when compared to eternity.0 -
This comment has been removed by the ModeratorMarcia527 said:I agree with you totally. I
I agree with you totally. I don't even talk religion to anyone. I don't attend church but am spiritual. I don't have all the answers. I don't try to convince people to believe the way I do. Some people are just warped in their thinking (if they are thinking and not just brain washed). I'm not perfect but have had visions, and a prophetic dream. I know I'm not the one controlling these events. So why am I having them if I'm not perfect? I'm not crazy either. I think a higher power is controlling things (I mean the visions and stuff like that). I don't believe for a minute that I was given cancer because I've sinned. I just got it. I also got Parkinson's. We only have to deal with it in this life time and really a lifetime is not really that long when compared to eternity.0 -
????lindaprocopio said:"The wages of sin are death", I was told.
I live nearby a rural church and on a recent Sunday, a youth leader and several teenagers stopped by my front yeard while I was outside cleaning my rabbit's cage. They told me who they were and said that they were taking a survey, and would I participate. I agreed and was asked if I knew the 10 Commandments and if I had ever broken any of them. I told them that of course I tried to follow the Commandments, but that I had lied, and surely broken others. I told them that I had cancer (in case the bald head wasn't a give-away!), and they offered to pray with me. I agreed. But the prayer they said was for me to be cured of my cancer, and when we finished, I told them that I never prayed anymore to be spared, that I felt it was inappropriate. I told them that I looked around at the people getting chemo with me, knowing each one was praying hard to be spared, each one throwing up "help me; help me, God!" to the heavens. And how could I ask for preferential treatment, knowing how wonderful so many of these people were, or remembering the little bald children coming in for radiation with me? What would make me more worthy than they were? So instead, I told him, I felt the appropriate communication with God at this point in my life, should be one of praise and thanks for the wonderful life I have lived. I told him that I would not want to risk my eternal soul by asking God for something He may deny me, and risk ending my days bitter and disappointed in His response to my begging.
The man from the church told me that several people in his congregation had been cured of their cancer through prayer. I told him that many who pray to be cleaned of their cancer die anyway, and that I just didn't think God GAVE people cancer OR took the burden of cancer away. I think cancer falls under the 'free will' category of earthly existence, and that we have polluted our earth, allowing these cell mutations. I just don't see God's hands in this cancer business.
(I'm finally getting to my point, I promise.) The man from the church actually said to me, "Well, the wages of sin are death, and you admitted earlier that you have lied and broken some of God's Commandments." Apparently this 'man of faith' believes that I brought my cancer on myself as God's punishment for my sins. How else could I take this?? I'm no saint, but I never did anything black enough to deserve THIS punishment!
I just said "THAT"s it. This conversation is over. Get off my lawn.", and went inside. I am thankful that my faith is strong and that such twisted thinking does not make me bitter with God or shake my faith in salvation. I'd love your comments.
I am sorry, what church is this man attending the church of the ignorant. I know that is probably not correct to say but how could he say such a thing to do while professing his faith...shame on him. I agree while we are here many, many things will happen to us and we must deal with them. In my life time I have had to deal with Epilepsy as a child that nearly killed me several times, near drowning, cancer and its side effects along with things I just don't wish to share here. God did not bring these things to my doorstep, it is just my walk in life however knowing he was walking with me made my walk much easier. I have a pastor who is a wonderfully Godly man with 9 children. His wife battled breast cancer for 5 years and recently passed. He is in pain and saddened, he plans to ask God why she had to leave so soon when he gets there. His wife knowing that she was dying wrote her own handout for her send off, she never once complained that God was not going to cure her, she said she was sorry for leaving us and getting to go to Heaven first. She used her illness as a way to help others in need, she saw it as a gift even if it was a painful one. While she struggled with the cancer she asked for prayers for her family as she went through the process, she never asked for prayers for a cure. It seems to me that none of us get out alive, we will all pass of something including the man who apparently forgot that he will not live forever as he attempted to chide you on your own lawn. God is good my friend, even to the ignorant.
RE0 -
:-(kimby said:So True
Well, what he said was true. (Although his intentions were certainly not Godly!). The wages of sin are death. We all sin and we all die. Yep. You also can't be saved through good works. So, what does all this mean? Who really knows for sure? My take: we all sin; we all die; we all do the best we can while we're here. We do the best we can with what we've got. Sheesh....another nut job!
When I was 7 my 4 year old brother was hit in the road and died. My mother blamed herself and went into a deep depression. The pastor from OUR church came and explained to her during all of this that my brother would certainly go to hell because he had not been properly baptized. That was the day I lost the mother I have always known. He took her from me and the 3 children she had not given birth to yet. He also robbed her of her salvation. Sometimes evil comes clothed as religion. I LOVE God with all my heart and soul. I don't trust religion at all.
Your friend in Christ,
Religion is a concept as I have previously posted it is many things to many people. God on the other hand is God and not a concept if you know him and feel his presence then you have captured a true gift one that is elusive to too many. For as far back as my memory goes I have always known God, I do not recall a moment in my life that his presence was not known to me. I was quite ill as a child and nearly passed on a few occasions, my little sister thinks that is why I have always felt a connection with God. I agree Kimby that sometimes evil can present itself as good and often times does. I truly am sorry that this pastor did not choose his words more carefully and chose to cast such an unkind judgment that simply was his opinion.
Indeed your friend in Christ,
Rena0 -
My Answer
Whenever this dialogue comes up, I simply say:
"I don't know if God GAVE me the cancer but I believe he's ALLOWING me to have it"
I have had countless blessings since my diagnosis and, honestly, I wouldn't trade who I am today for who I was prior to diagnosis. That means, I wouldn't trade my cancer. It's all in the perspective. So, for me, if God GAVE me cancer, it was a gift horse and I'm not looking it in the mouth. God knows what he's doing.
Someone once told me that we only use 1/3 of our brains. Maybe the other 2/3's are reserved for eternal life. If that's the case, perhaps only then can we really understand these things...and sadly, as in the yard incident, it doesn't seem as if some of us even use the full 1/3 we have here ;-)
KC0 -
faithandprayer said:
My Answer
Whenever this dialogue comes up, I simply say:
"I don't know if God GAVE me the cancer but I believe he's ALLOWING me to have it"
I have had countless blessings since my diagnosis and, honestly, I wouldn't trade who I am today for who I was prior to diagnosis. That means, I wouldn't trade my cancer. It's all in the perspective. So, for me, if God GAVE me cancer, it was a gift horse and I'm not looking it in the mouth. God knows what he's doing.
Someone once told me that we only use 1/3 of our brains. Maybe the other 2/3's are reserved for eternal life. If that's the case, perhaps only then can we really understand these things...and sadly, as in the yard incident, it doesn't seem as if some of us even use the full 1/3 we have here ;-)
Your response put a smile on my face.
Take care,
Joe0 -
Backatcha'soccerfreaks said:
Your response put a smile on my face.
Take care,
...and you, friend, have made me smile. Enjoyed your "About Me" & will continue to catch up on your blog. Love your spirit, candor & perspective!
It's not whatcha' got, but whatcha' do with it!
-KC0 -
My two cents...
I was raised bouncing from church to church.... so I've heard everything from "God is punishing you because you didn't give him the glory" to "The Devil has overtaken your life and God can't help you anymore"
For me the answer to this question is something I had to come to on my own as I believe for everyone it will be different... Someone once told me Faith is just that... the belief in someone/something with no known proof.... a blind belief however no matter what your belief is in or based on, It somehow for many brings hope and courage just to know they're not alone.
What I believe is, When you look at the book of Genesis... Adam and Eve lived amongst evil. I believe when they took the bite of the friut from the tree after God said not to, that evil gained more power. I believe everyday life on Earth is a struggle of good/evil - God/Satan. Then I look forward to the book of Job... That hardships are a test... however I believe God gave man freedom of choice and Satan is testing man's true content - How strong is our faith?
When I was diagnosed with cancer I believe Satan/evil was trying to gain control over my life and what happens from that point forth is up to me. I can stay true to my faith and even though I'm facing cancer I can make the best of my life and continue to pursue my faith
or, I can go the opposite direction and use cancer as my reason to not follow the path that God has planned for me.
> I realize this is an ACS board, I apologize if my post offends anyone. <
I hope that was not too jumbled up.
Sally0 -
Actually I believe ACS/CSNSally08 said:My two cents...
I was raised bouncing from church to church.... so I've heard everything from "God is punishing you because you didn't give him the glory" to "The Devil has overtaken your life and God can't help you anymore"
For me the answer to this question is something I had to come to on my own as I believe for everyone it will be different... Someone once told me Faith is just that... the belief in someone/something with no known proof.... a blind belief however no matter what your belief is in or based on, It somehow for many brings hope and courage just to know they're not alone.
What I believe is, When you look at the book of Genesis... Adam and Eve lived amongst evil. I believe when they took the bite of the friut from the tree after God said not to, that evil gained more power. I believe everyday life on Earth is a struggle of good/evil - God/Satan. Then I look forward to the book of Job... That hardships are a test... however I believe God gave man freedom of choice and Satan is testing man's true content - How strong is our faith?
When I was diagnosed with cancer I believe Satan/evil was trying to gain control over my life and what happens from that point forth is up to me. I can stay true to my faith and even though I'm facing cancer I can make the best of my life and continue to pursue my faith
or, I can go the opposite direction and use cancer as my reason to not follow the path that God has planned for me.
> I realize this is an ACS board, I apologize if my post offends anyone. <
I hope that was not too jumbled up.
Actually I believe ACS/CSN created this discussion board to voice our belief in our faith. So people reading these postings shouldn't get offended.0 -
This comment has been removed by the ModeratorSally08 said:My two cents...
I was raised bouncing from church to church.... so I've heard everything from "God is punishing you because you didn't give him the glory" to "The Devil has overtaken your life and God can't help you anymore"
For me the answer to this question is something I had to come to on my own as I believe for everyone it will be different... Someone once told me Faith is just that... the belief in someone/something with no known proof.... a blind belief however no matter what your belief is in or based on, It somehow for many brings hope and courage just to know they're not alone.
What I believe is, When you look at the book of Genesis... Adam and Eve lived amongst evil. I believe when they took the bite of the friut from the tree after God said not to, that evil gained more power. I believe everyday life on Earth is a struggle of good/evil - God/Satan. Then I look forward to the book of Job... That hardships are a test... however I believe God gave man freedom of choice and Satan is testing man's true content - How strong is our faith?
When I was diagnosed with cancer I believe Satan/evil was trying to gain control over my life and what happens from that point forth is up to me. I can stay true to my faith and even though I'm facing cancer I can make the best of my life and continue to pursue my faith
or, I can go the opposite direction and use cancer as my reason to not follow the path that God has planned for me.
> I realize this is an ACS board, I apologize if my post offends anyone. <
I hope that was not too jumbled up.
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