Great results using Visualize Healing Cd's - Surprised my oncologist

joesjoey Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I will be posting my healing journey soon. I just wanted to share to other women and men that there's additional tools out there assisting in the healing.

I was diagnosed in January 2008 and underwent chemotherapy in February 2008. I had tumors in both breasts and they were palpable. Left breast (4cm -5cm) was called infiltrating ductal carcinoma and the right (3cm), ductal carcinoma in situ. They were both malignant. The plan was to do the surgery after the chemo. She told me the chemo will only help the left breast and will not affect the right breast.

Each night, I diligently listened to my hypnotherapist's cd's she created for me. After the first treatment, a week later, the doctor monitors the white blood count and exams the breast. She looked at me with a surprised look and said, "they're both shrinking". I immediately told her, "Hey, doc, didn't you tell me that the chemo will not work on my right breast?" She just smiled. Weeks, Months passed and she continued to tell me they're shrinking. On May 16, 2008, she advised that she cannot feel them anymore. I asked her to write a paper on this, then she replied, "After you have surgery".

Even though the tumors continued to shrinking (via ultrasounds), I ultimately decided to have the bi-lateral mastectomy. Radiation was subsequently done and finished this past January 2009.

To prevent recurring, I'm continuing to listen to the cd's.


  • confused123
    confused123 Member Posts: 251
    Thanks for sharing this. I
    Thanks for sharing this. I am always looking for another avenue to help with the rest of the treatment I am doing.
