survive metastasized breast cancer

dizzydaisyme09 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone as of April 4th I was celebrating a one year remission from Inflammatory breast cancer. 10 days later I had a seizuer and was rush to the ER were they found two tumors in my brain, which turned out to be the same cancer. Now I am labeled as stage !V cancer
and can not shake it. As of now I am cancer FREE - but how long is that going to last. I have a very aggressive form of cancer - and my
thought process just wants to shut down and hide from it. I know all the steps to get back on the healthy road - but I am at the crossroads of what is the use. How do you move on and find hope in all of the medical crap.


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I am sorry for your diagnosis. Can't imagine what you're going through and I'm sure that I would have the same questions you do.
    Please don't give up!!
    I wish I could think of more to say.
    I'm glad that you found this board-if anyone can give you encouragement ,this group can! And anytime you want to vent,so be it! Please keep us posted.
    Love and a prayer,
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hi daisy.....
    And welcome.

    I'm very sorry about your dx. That is certainly NOT what anyone wants to hear.

    But I will say that even though you are labeled at stage IV today, there are so many new and good things in the way of cancer research on the horizon, who knows what tomorrow will bring. There are many "miracle" stories right here on the bc site. It makes me feel that one must NEVER give up hope!

    Please continue to put one foot in front of the other, and go on fighting. I believe that there is hope for every case, no matter what.

    Great big hugs for you...

  • confused123
    confused123 Member Posts: 251
    Sorry to hear of the stage 4
    Sorry to hear of the stage 4 diagnosis. I was scared when I heard of my cancer diagnosis and as hard as it is I try to live each day thankful I am still here and spend it with a smile on my face.

    There is a book I always recommend called "There is No Place Like Hope"(not a novel) written by Vicky Girard. It is at Barnes and Noble. She had breast to bone cancer and was given 1yr to live. She lived 15 years and I am not sure what she ended up dying from in 2007. I find it so positive. I think positive thinking and living life is a key part to survival. Please keep taking one step in front of the other.

    I too am trying to shake the feeling of a reoccurence, I am scared of leaving my young kids but don't know how to stop worrying. It is always in the back and sometimes front of my mind but I keep living.

  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670

    Sorry to hear of the stage 4
    Sorry to hear of the stage 4 diagnosis. I was scared when I heard of my cancer diagnosis and as hard as it is I try to live each day thankful I am still here and spend it with a smile on my face.

    There is a book I always recommend called "There is No Place Like Hope"(not a novel) written by Vicky Girard. It is at Barnes and Noble. She had breast to bone cancer and was given 1yr to live. She lived 15 years and I am not sure what she ended up dying from in 2007. I find it so positive. I think positive thinking and living life is a key part to survival. Please keep taking one step in front of the other.

    I too am trying to shake the feeling of a reoccurence, I am scared of leaving my young kids but don't know how to stop worrying. It is always in the back and sometimes front of my mind but I keep living.


    I had...
    3 cancer diagnoses from age 38 to 48. I turned 61 last month and am in a better place than I have been for a long time. You just never know. Don't take a chance on missing out on something GOOD that may be down the road for you.
  • dizzydaisyme09
    dizzydaisyme09 Member Posts: 3
    zahalene said:

    I had...
    3 cancer diagnoses from age 38 to 48. I turned 61 last month and am in a better place than I have been for a long time. You just never know. Don't take a chance on missing out on something GOOD that may be down the road for you.

    Thanks for sharing - your right don't let this stop me from everything in the future.
    I am going to sign up for some yoga classes, on Monday. Thanks for the encouragment.
  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549

    Thanks for sharing - your right don't let this stop me from everything in the future.
    I am going to sign up for some yoga classes, on Monday. Thanks for the encouragment.

    Everyone who posted is right!
    There is always hope. The book recommended is a great way to help you find it. On this site, too, there have been others who were dx with Stage IV and they are fighting hard not to be beaten by it. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now, but I (all of us) know about the fear of recurrance and of where this disease may show up next.

    I am so sorry for your dx, but you have found many friends here and we will be with you every step of the way. The yoga class sounds like an excellent first step towards a healthy attitue and a sign that you are gearing up to give this can*r a strong fight.

    Here is a quote from the book, "There's No Place Like Hope," maybe it will help to give you the strength you need to continue your fight:

    Grasp a new perception of this disease by looking at what it is not; what it has not.
    Cancer does not have a brain, or a heart, or a spirit. It doesn't have the ability to
    plan or be cunning. It doesn't have a heart that causes us to fight, or a spirit that
    gives it the reason to. It is you who has the brain, the ability to strategize. It is
    you who has the abilty to plan its demise. And it is you who has the heart and the
    soul to bring to this fight (1).

    Keep us posted when you are able, we will not let you down.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    CR1954 said:

    Hi daisy.....
    And welcome.

    I'm very sorry about your dx. That is certainly NOT what anyone wants to hear.

    But I will say that even though you are labeled at stage IV today, there are so many new and good things in the way of cancer research on the horizon, who knows what tomorrow will bring. There are many "miracle" stories right here on the bc site. It makes me feel that one must NEVER give up hope!

    Please continue to put one foot in front of the other, and go on fighting. I believe that there is hope for every case, no matter what.

    Great big hugs for you...


    I am so sorry Daisy about
    I am so sorry Daisy about your diagnosis. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    dmc_emmy said:

    Everyone who posted is right!
    There is always hope. The book recommended is a great way to help you find it. On this site, too, there have been others who were dx with Stage IV and they are fighting hard not to be beaten by it. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now, but I (all of us) know about the fear of recurrance and of where this disease may show up next.

    I am so sorry for your dx, but you have found many friends here and we will be with you every step of the way. The yoga class sounds like an excellent first step towards a healthy attitue and a sign that you are gearing up to give this can*r a strong fight.

    Here is a quote from the book, "There's No Place Like Hope," maybe it will help to give you the strength you need to continue your fight:

    Grasp a new perception of this disease by looking at what it is not; what it has not.
    Cancer does not have a brain, or a heart, or a spirit. It doesn't have the ability to
    plan or be cunning. It doesn't have a heart that causes us to fight, or a spirit that
    gives it the reason to. It is you who has the brain, the ability to strategize. It is
    you who has the abilty to plan its demise. And it is you who has the heart and the
    soul to bring to this fight (1).

    Keep us posted when you are able, we will not let you down.

    Just wondering how you're doing....
    Since I"m about to battle the 2 tumors in my brain.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    so sorry to hear about your dx. It's hard I'm sure to take it all in. Wish it had been better news. There are several ladies who post who are Stage IV and are doing as well as humanly possible. With new treatments, there's always hope. Never give up. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    so sorry to hear about your dx. It's hard I'm sure to take it all in. Wish it had been better news. There are several ladies who post who are Stage IV and are doing as well as humanly possible. With new treatments, there's always hope. Never give up. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Dizzy .. Hope and Prayers for you and your new
    battle. Medical studies, and new treatments are available - clinical trials are out there as well .. I pray that you have 'wonderful' unlimited insurance coverage - and hook up with a well established Cancer Center.

    I am sorry for the recurrence, and added stress, anxiety and insomina this news has brought to your life.

    We are here 24/7 -- for you.

    Stength and Courage

    Vicki Sam