Advanced PC and disability

grlinfl Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Has anyone had any luck with applying for disability and being approved? It is getting harder and harder for my husband to work. His doctors and other people have told him to apply for disability. But we have heard that it is very hard to get approved, and we can't afford to take the chance and get denied. His cancer has spread to his spine, and ribs. He gets very fatigued. He doesn't have much pain, but ONLY because he takes the drugs to keep him out of pain! If he didn't take them, he wouldn't be able to get out of bed or move. Please let me know if anyone has had any similiar situations and luck. Thank you.


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  • Member Posts: 49
    Armed Forces?
    Sorry to hear of what your husband and you are going through.
    Did your husband serve in the armed forces. I have a friend at work that was in during the Vietnam era and I believe he is going to draw 50% disability from the Service. All his things have not came through yet.
    Hope this helps.
  • jimbeam50
    jimbeam50 Member Posts: 47
    My husband has advanced PC also. He was in the service and they attribute his PC to exposure to agent orange so he is rated 100%. That was a long process. He also applied and is receiving Social Security disability. The application is very long, best to do it on the internet first then they do a phone interview which takes about five minutes but the application took about three hours to do on line. It took only three weeks for his SSD application to be approved and he was paid retroactive to Jan. I think you have to be out of work six months before you are eligible. I was shocked really how easy it was to apply for Social Security. They do ask you on the application if his illness will result in his death. As hard as it was for me to admit to it I checked yes. They are supposed to review these applications quicker. I quess it also helps to have a really nice person at SS helping you which we did. Good luck. Sheila
  • Kentr
    Kentr Member Posts: 111
    Social Security
    I don't quite understand why you said, "But we have heard that it is very hard to get approved, and we can't afford to take the chance and get denied."

    If you were to be denied, all you need to do is appeal the initial decision. It's not like you only get one "chance" to do this.

    Given what you have said, I'd bet BIG money he will be approved without a problem.

    My very best to both of you!



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