We still know how to have fun!!



  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565

    Yet another promotion?
    Good gosh, J - do my eyes deceive me? I am now the ESTEEMED Secretary of The Daft Sods Club? WOW! AWESOME! Thank you, dear Esteemed LEADER. I bow, and deeply, before you. Am I to assume that this new title also extends to The Pets of Daft Sods? BUGGER, I'm not gonna wait for your answer. I'll take the bulls by the horns and announce it here myself: I AM now also the ESTEEMED Secretary of The Pets of Daft Sods Club! Not bad... Began Unofficial, then Official, now Esteemed. Am impressed with myself, must admit.

    Thank you, again.

    I am grateful that the manner in which I've carried out my responsibilities thus far have pleased you. And I will work to exceed your expectations in the future.

    Kind regards, Susan
    Newly promoted (and quite proud of it!) to
    ESTEEMED Secretary of both The Daft Sods Club
    and The Pets of Daft Sods Club

    P.S.: Ya know I luv ya back, J!

    to you,Susan! I know you will do a wonderful job in each one of your roles!
    And Tasha,you have great taste!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    See what I mean?..........Susan is a STAR!

    Hugs jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Once again...
    Dear J - Once again, due to your kind benevolence, I am overwhelmed... Humbled... And blushing. (Not really - I simply do NOT blush. Not possible.)

    In fact, I'm so overcome with emotions, am exhausted! Almost too much excitement for one day! (Obviously, I lead a sheltered life.) Another promotion, and now you name me a... a... star? (Almost couldn't type the word.)

    Again, thank you, with all my heart. And now, I must say goodnight. Otherwise, I might faint.

    Kind regards, Susan
    Newly proclaimed by J a Star

    Whooda thunk it, ever?
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Susan??????? NOT a Joke Poster?
    You are Hilarious Sis! Although you may not post jokes, you sure have some funny one-liners'!

    Esteemed Secretary of the Daft Sods Club......Cummon fess up! Admit it!

    Anyone new in here, be warned... Susan is the QUEEN of the throw-away comment! She's just being a 'Big Girls' Blouse' and doing the butter wouldn't melt bit. ROFLMAO!

    Hey Susan........Tell that one again about the Tart and the Vicar! LOL

    Hugs J........She really has got a great sense of humour...Or I wouldn't dare post this lot.

    Susan....Luv Ya! Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Hey, did I miss.......
    Did I miss the one about the Tart and the Vicar? Susan?? J??

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Hey, did I miss.......
    Did I miss the one about the Tart and the Vicar? Susan?? J??


    Cindy - You now force me to admit...
    ... that I have absolutely NO IDEA what J refers to as "the Tart and the Vicar"! Which implies that - regretfully - I have been remiss in my duties. I hope I'm not demoted...

    Kind regards, Susan