outside the VA - where do I go from here?



  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    I know it is weird that they would source a test, especially when I would think an Ultra-sound would be effient since the lumps can be felt. That's for the mammogram. Trying not sound negative. If the test comes back positive, the sugeon will do something, although I would think they would do a lumpectomy just to get them out. If I am diagnosed, I have the choice of where to get my treatments, because we qualitied for the medical card. That is a huge PLUS for me. It isn't that that VA wouldn't give me great care, I have almost always had great care, and of course no system is perfect but in my situation it would be much better to only have to go to Erie which is about 45 min. vs 2½ hours to Pitt. That's all I want to say about that... OK? Thank you for your support, I sure appreciate it.
    Take Care, Semper Fi,

    Semper Fidelis.........Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxx