Just a friendly Hello from The Chick in the Sticks

BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to make sure you all saw I was home and not in the hospital. :-) I came home Monday, started the new chemo Tuesday(abraxane) got a transfusion on Thursday and had our Relay on Friday/Saturday. I am suffering with the bone pain and even taking pain meds to help, but other than that doing well.

I am thinking I shared this already but if I didn't and you have been concerned at all, I apologize deeply and blame it on chemo brain.

I will add new pictures from the relay ~ Randy had purple hair and we exceeded our goal.

Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    So sorry about that bone pain! That hurts. :(
    I really hope the abraxane is a good treatment for you, effective and not too harsh. & hope the transfusion gives you that boost! I feel like a vampire when I get a transfusion, sooooo much better with that new blood strengthening me. We need you here, Bonnie! (((Bonnie))))
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Great news
    Glad you made the relay and did so well. Randy even looks like he enjoyed the purple hair! Hope the bone pain comes under control with some rest. Take it easy a day or so. We will pray it disappears. Saundra
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    bone pain

    Thanks for the update. That bone pain is a pain! I still have it myself. Love the picture.

  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    LPack said:

    bone pain

    Thanks for the update. That bone pain is a pain! I still have it myself. Love the picture.


    Chick that Sticks
    Hi Bonnie, glad to hear that you had so much fun at the Relay. I love Randy's purple hair. I hope the bone pain disappers fast. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
    Teal Hugs and Love, Terry
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Love the hair!!
    Hi Bonnie, I saw you pictures on CB and loved the purple hair! Congratulations on raising so much money too. You must be exhausted, hope you get some down time now!
    Hugs, Kathleen:)
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    LPack said:

    bone pain

    Thanks for the update. That bone pain is a pain! I still have it myself. Love the picture.


    what do you do?
    Hi Libby, what do you do for it? Did you get it from taxol? My feet and ankles hurt so bad I cry sometimes. My legs are better, so at least it didn't all stay, but can't stand anything on my feet and can barely walk. Sure has me limited to what I am doing and boy I am not use to this. I took ativan to sleep without the oxycodiene last night, that was a first. I keep hoping the new day will bring relief and even doing foot soaks in cool water with epson salts.

    Any help would be appreciated. I am taking L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, multi vitamins, iron 3 times a day and then advil and tylenol ~ ugh that list is long ~ I was stronger pain meds and ativan but now just used the ativan to get to sleep. Hate to sound whinny but if this doesnt' get better not sure I'll try another dose.

    Thanks for the help ~ thank you all for the notes and prayers. Love ♥ Prayers ♥ Hugs
  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    Hi Bonnie
    I'm so glad to hear you are out of hospital and home again. I hope the bone aches get better soon, you are a real trooper!!!
    Take care and rest up
    Luv Carolyn xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    Bone pain from taxol
    Bonnie, for my 1st 3 rounds of carboplatin/taxol, I had that awful bone pain around the 4th & 5th days following treatment, and I know that if you get the Neulasta shot the day after chemo, it can be even worse and more prolonged. (I only got Neulasta once; so I know this second-hand.) I would put a pillow between my knees and keep my feet out of the covers because I couldn't stand any pressure on my aching bones. But it went away after a couple of bad days, and I hope it will soon go away on its own for you. I will also tell you that when I started to have trouble getting my chemo every 3 weeks because of low blood counts, and had to start waiting 4 weeks, I had no more bone pain for my last 3 chemo rounds. I don't know if you have the option of spacing out your chemo more, but I had NO bone pain for the last 3 rounds when I had that extra week of down time. ((((Bonnie))))) I hate to see a strong woman hurting and 'off her game'. Big hugs, sweetie. I'm so sorry you are going through this bad time.
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    BonnieR said:

    what do you do?
    Hi Libby, what do you do for it? Did you get it from taxol? My feet and ankles hurt so bad I cry sometimes. My legs are better, so at least it didn't all stay, but can't stand anything on my feet and can barely walk. Sure has me limited to what I am doing and boy I am not use to this. I took ativan to sleep without the oxycodiene last night, that was a first. I keep hoping the new day will bring relief and even doing foot soaks in cool water with epson salts.

    Any help would be appreciated. I am taking L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, multi vitamins, iron 3 times a day and then advil and tylenol ~ ugh that list is long ~ I was stronger pain meds and ativan but now just used the ativan to get to sleep. Hate to sound whinny but if this doesnt' get better not sure I'll try another dose.

    Thanks for the help ~ thank you all for the notes and prayers. Love ♥ Prayers ♥ Hugs


    Yes, it is from taxol and that has been since last August. My bone marrow is still not normal!

    Also, because of the lack of estrogen, I have pain in my joints, etc.

    I take multi vitamins complete, B 100 complex, slow release iron, isotonix calciu, complete, isotonix OPC-3, maximum orac formula, and essential omega III. And tylenol............no presciptions as if yet.

    And I try to walk to keep myself limber, but that does not always happen.

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