I cut my finger...

Don't panic, jeanne...
First, good for you for practicing all the precautionary measures to hopefully prevent lymphedema. I do, too. Diligently. And, you know - no matter how hard we try, stuff's gonna happen.
What's important now is to prevent infection. So, I'll assume that you've already carefully washed the cut with soap and water. I always also apply an OTC antibacterial/antibiotic cream and keep the cut covered with a band-aid for the first two day or two, 'til it begins to close up.
As long as you avoid infection, you'll be fine.
Kind regards, Susan0 -
Okay.. my ignorance to allChristmas Girl said:Don't panic, jeanne...
First, good for you for practicing all the precautionary measures to hopefully prevent lymphedema. I do, too. Diligently. And, you know - no matter how hard we try, stuff's gonna happen.
What's important now is to prevent infection. So, I'll assume that you've already carefully washed the cut with soap and water. I always also apply an OTC antibacterial/antibiotic cream and keep the cut covered with a band-aid for the first two day or two, 'til it begins to close up.
As long as you avoid infection, you'll be fine.
Kind regards, Susan
Okay.. my ignorance to all of this is showing again... First Jeanne I'm sorry you cut your finger and I hope it heals up quickly. I don't know much about lymphedema other than it's swelling to the arm which had nodes removed? Do you know how many have to be removed before that becomes a concern. After my surgery I was told to use my arm.. but absolutely no lifting with it.. right now it's numb all the way down to my elbow.. can't feel my underarm..From everything I've read that seems to be par for the course... if you can tell me what it is I'd appreciate any information you can share.
~T0 -
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsytaleena said:Okay.. my ignorance to all
Okay.. my ignorance to all of this is showing again... First Jeanne I'm sorry you cut your finger and I hope it heals up quickly. I don't know much about lymphedema other than it's swelling to the arm which had nodes removed? Do you know how many have to be removed before that becomes a concern. After my surgery I was told to use my arm.. but absolutely no lifting with it.. right now it's numb all the way down to my elbow.. can't feel my underarm..From everything I've read that seems to be par for the course... if you can tell me what it is I'd appreciate any information you can share.
I had a sentinel lymph node biopsy nine years ago, and they took eight nodes. This was at a time when very few doctors performed this surgery. Before that, if a patient had lymph node surgery, they took 30+ nodes. I was told that the risk of lymphadema was greatly reduced because they were taking so few nodes. But, I have always been very careful about treating that arm 'special', not using it for blood draws, blood pressure checks, etc., and I've tried as much as possbile to use my other arm for lifting heavy items. The insect repellant is interesting, since I have found that if I have a reaction to insect bites, this arm swells more than the rest of my body. So far, it's only been a temporary swelling, so I'll start to be extra cautious when I'm around biting insects.
Joyce0 -
Special Armtaleena said:Okay.. my ignorance to all
Okay.. my ignorance to all of this is showing again... First Jeanne I'm sorry you cut your finger and I hope it heals up quickly. I don't know much about lymphedema other than it's swelling to the arm which had nodes removed? Do you know how many have to be removed before that becomes a concern. After my surgery I was told to use my arm.. but absolutely no lifting with it.. right now it's numb all the way down to my elbow.. can't feel my underarm..From everything I've read that seems to be par for the course... if you can tell me what it is I'd appreciate any information you can share.
I got sloshed on saturday night (home brew) and fell off me chair onto my beak.......Ohhhhh it hurt. 2 days later I discovered a massive bruise inside the top of my special arm. It's ok though, it's totally numb so I can't feel it..see there's an up-side to everything! LOL
Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 -
Jeanne, it sounds like yourjk1952 said:Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
I had a sentinel lymph node biopsy nine years ago, and they took eight nodes. This was at a time when very few doctors performed this surgery. Before that, if a patient had lymph node surgery, they took 30+ nodes. I was told that the risk of lymphadema was greatly reduced because they were taking so few nodes. But, I have always been very careful about treating that arm 'special', not using it for blood draws, blood pressure checks, etc., and I've tried as much as possbile to use my other arm for lifting heavy items. The insect repellant is interesting, since I have found that if I have a reaction to insect bites, this arm swells more than the rest of my body. So far, it's only been a temporary swelling, so I'll start to be extra cautious when I'm around biting insects.
Jeanne, it sounds like your having a tough time right now. I hope things start looking up soon, and you'll start feeling much better, less tired and stronger!
Joyce0 -
Okay Tasha... quicktasha_111 said:Special Arm
I got sloshed on saturday night (home brew) and fell off me chair onto my beak.......Ohhhhh it hurt. 2 days later I discovered a massive bruise inside the top of my special arm. It's ok though, it's totally numb so I can't feel it..see there's an up-side to everything! LOL
Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Okay Tasha... quick question.. how long does it stay numb?? Will I get the feeling back under my arm? My arm hurts pretty good still.. no swelling just ouch!.. and numb to the elbow.. will that go away.. or will it stay.. Man I ask way too many questions.
PS.. bet that fall brused your... pride..lol.. and you should share!0 -
Taleenataleena said:Okay Tasha... quick
Okay Tasha... quick question.. how long does it stay numb?? Will I get the feeling back under my arm? My arm hurts pretty good still.. no swelling just ouch!.. and numb to the elbow.. will that go away.. or will it stay.. Man I ask way too many questions.
PS.. bet that fall brused your... pride..lol.. and you should share!
It may be different for everyone. I was operated on dec 2007. There is very little pain now, just the odd sting now and then, nothing to worry about. But, it is still totally numb. I hope you get the feeling back quicker than me, It doesn't bother me much now, I guess you just learn to live with it.
I can lift a bottle to my lips without any effort now...Aren't I doing well? LOL
Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 -
I would say don't panic...which is hard because we all now have to learn a new way of life when lympnods are removed. Everyone jokes with me and says "you might want to put that arm in a plastic bubble.... My affected is arm is my dominate hand..a lefty...so I try to do as much as possible with right arm. lifting, mouse, calculator,etc...
jeanne, you can go to any lymphodima website and read the do's and do nots. did your surgeon or onc. give a list of ways to prevent?
Julie0 -
LOL, J!tasha_111 said:Special Arm
I got sloshed on saturday night (home brew) and fell off me chair onto my beak.......Ohhhhh it hurt. 2 days later I discovered a massive bruise inside the top of my special arm. It's ok though, it's totally numb so I can't feel it..see there's an up-side to everything! LOL
Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's quite an image. Please be careful!!0 -
Just to clarifymimivac said:LOL, J!
That's quite an image. Please be careful!!
I didn't mean LOL to Jeanne for cutting her finger! The LOL was for Julia/Tasha for falling down sloshed on Saturday.
Jeanne, the ladies gave you good advice. I hope everything is OK with your arm now.
Mimi0 -
I was just told the same assunnygirl said:cuts
I cut my finger on the "bad" side last weekend--and like you--thought it would be major trouble.
I gobbed on the neosporin, and used a bandaid for 2 days, and no problem. That was a relief.
Hope all goes well with you. Hugs, Cheryl
I was just told the same as cheryl. be carefull, but if you do cut yourself use neosporin and a bandaid and just watch it for infection.0 -
Numb and Numb-er!taleena said:Okay Tasha... quick
Okay Tasha... quick question.. how long does it stay numb?? Will I get the feeling back under my arm? My arm hurts pretty good still.. no swelling just ouch!.. and numb to the elbow.. will that go away.. or will it stay.. Man I ask way too many questions.
PS.. bet that fall brused your... pride..lol.. and you should share!
My surgery, with lymphnode removal ( 3 of 15 positive) was in 2003, and I am still rather numb as well. The "affected" underarm hardly perspires, I only re-grew a few straggler underarm hairs. Which is good, because with the numbness, I am really wary about shaving. I can't feel the pressure, and it freaks me out to think about slicing my underarm because I cant feel what I'm doing! I tried an electric razor, but havent found one which doesn't "bite" my skin. I don't do the B/P cuff on that arm, or shots, and I am cautious, but not to the point of obsession!
Claudia0 -
Taleenataleena said:Okay Tasha... quick
Okay Tasha... quick question.. how long does it stay numb?? Will I get the feeling back under my arm? My arm hurts pretty good still.. no swelling just ouch!.. and numb to the elbow.. will that go away.. or will it stay.. Man I ask way too many questions.
PS.. bet that fall brused your... pride..lol.. and you should share!
I have the same problem with arm, hurts a lot. Back side of arm feels like I have been burned or something. No swelling, elbow down fine. Just pain and discomfort in Arm and arm pit. 22 nodes removed 2 positive.0 -
Oh Kat.. I'm sorry any ofKat11 said:Taleena
I have the same problem with arm, hurts a lot. Back side of arm feels like I have been burned or something. No swelling, elbow down fine. Just pain and discomfort in Arm and arm pit. 22 nodes removed 2 positive.
Oh Kat.. I'm sorry any of them were positive.. when did you find out? I'm still waiting for them to call. Dr. told my husband that results would be in yesterday but the when I called they said no.. so they are supposed to call me around 1:30... God I hate waiting... My arm hurts too.. I can't imagine 22 nodes they only took 7 of mine.. and it hurts like hell... I hope you get feeling better really soon.!!
~T0 -
I had 15 lymph nodes removed
I had 15 lymph nodes removed and two had cancer. I've had rashes and bites and cuts with no problem. I agree with all the info already given. You want to do everything you can to prevent lymphedema. Some people seem to have more problems with it than others. I'm still careful though.0 -
It takes only onetaleena said:Okay.. my ignorance to all
Okay.. my ignorance to all of this is showing again... First Jeanne I'm sorry you cut your finger and I hope it heals up quickly. I don't know much about lymphedema other than it's swelling to the arm which had nodes removed? Do you know how many have to be removed before that becomes a concern. After my surgery I was told to use my arm.. but absolutely no lifting with it.. right now it's numb all the way down to my elbow.. can't feel my underarm..From everything I've read that seems to be par for the course... if you can tell me what it is I'd appreciate any information you can share.
I had only one lymph node removed, but it was a good-sized one. The lymphedema did not show up until almost a year later and I was clueless as to what was happening. Since I didn't think I would be effected, I didn't read up on it-until after the fact.
The good news is that lymphedema therapy works wonders. The first time it happened, I only wore a compression sleeve and was pretty miserable for weeks. The second time it happened, I knew what it was and contacted my dr who prescribed therapy. I felt like a pampered queen with all the gentle massaging and it was totally covered by insurance (another plus).
I don't wear a med braclet, I probalby should, but I have so many medical issues that I don't think they make a braclet big enough for all the info(lymphectomy, cancer, spleenectomy, blood clot disorder, and a re-structured hip). I just hope that I will be conscious long enough to tell those who need to know as they drive me to the hospital.
As for the numbness, that may last for awhile--possibly even several months. Don't worry though, you will get feeling back. I know it's a strange sensation (or lack of it), but should be temporary. Yes, moving your arm is good. Your medical staff should have given you specific instructions (exercises) to do in order to strengthen your arm. These exercises are really important, because you want to regain full movement in your arm.
Hang in there,
dmc0 -
Taleenataleena said:Oh Kat.. I'm sorry any of
Oh Kat.. I'm sorry any of them were positive.. when did you find out? I'm still waiting for them to call. Dr. told my husband that results would be in yesterday but the when I called they said no.. so they are supposed to call me around 1:30... God I hate waiting... My arm hurts too.. I can't imagine 22 nodes they only took 7 of mine.. and it hurts like hell... I hope you get feeling better really soon.!!
I found out this passed Tuesday at my post op visit with surgeon. I was told the path report could take 10 days or more, but mine came in early. There is still more details we are waiting for that is not in yet. Something about fish results ??? lost my train of thought in surgeon office over pos nodes and never asked what fish result were. Had to keep from breaking down again, hate waiting to. I don't know if it matters how many nodes are taken regarding the pain.0 -
Seems like you did everything right
It seems that you did everything right and the other ladies agree. I have never cut myself on the arm effected by the lymphodema, but I have had bug bites, rashes, splinters, and stickers (I like to garden) and I have not had any major complications. When these things happen, I just do what you did; I wash it well, put an OTC antibiotic on the spot, and then return to my gardening.
I know it's scary, there's not much about this disease that's not, but, that's why we have each other-it helps to make the scariness go away.
dmc0 -
It's the nerves.....taleena said:Okay Tasha... quick
Okay Tasha... quick question.. how long does it stay numb?? Will I get the feeling back under my arm? My arm hurts pretty good still.. no swelling just ouch!.. and numb to the elbow.. will that go away.. or will it stay.. Man I ask way too many questions.
PS.. bet that fall brused your... pride..lol.. and you should share!
The way it was explained to me is that you have soooo many nerves in the area where they remove your nodes. So when they cut them, some will shrink up & die off, others will re-route themselves. Hence the reason some people get more feeling back then others & at different times. I had 3 nodes removed the first time years ago & regained full feeling after 2 years. This time they took only 3 more but had a hard time getting the third one out (Didn't want to give itself up!!). So I expect that is why I am having more difficulty this time. I'm way more numb this time then before too.Pammy
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