looking for those with stage IV, mets to the liver



  • Wa
    Wa Member Posts: 4
    Hi there - I am a stage 4 rectal cancer survivor and was diagonsed 2 years ago (April, 2007), when I was 36 yrs old. I worked out regularly, ate well and have never been overweight. My diet did NOT consist of red meat, or fatty foods and my main vice was an occassional glass of wine. Also, this was not genetic (as we also did genetic testing). Regardless, I was shocked when I was diagnosed; I went through 5 weeks of 5FU, Oxciliplatin, etc, concurrent with 5 weeks of radiation. I then had surgery (Aug, 2007) and rcvd a temp ileostomy; I continued w/ another 12 weeks of 5FU and then had a reversal on the ileostomy (Feb, 2008).

    In June of 2008, I went in for a routine Pet/CatScan and rcvd some of the worst news of my life, the cancer at mets and they had found 2 tumors in my liver. I underwent 4 rounds of chemo (CPT11, Avastin & 5FU). I then had surgery at UCLA Pleger Liver Institute, by one of the best surgeons and continued with another 8 rounds of chemo. I am now Cancer Free. My main concern has been my diet, I am still trying to find my footing with the right foods. I went to a "cancer" nutritionalist, but she was straight out of college and basically xeroxed a nutritional worksheet and called it a day. I am hoping someone out there who has had a similar experience can assist me in finding the right foundation for my diet.

    I take a multi-vit and probiotics. About 9 inches of my colon and 1/2 of my rectum have been removed, so there is little to no storage capacity for BM's. Please, if there is anyone out there, please advise re: your diet plan. Thank you in advance and good luck with your own cancer challenges. Cancer CAN be cured, through a great medical team, good family and friends and most of all by "Pray and Faith".
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 551 Member
    Stage 4 here
    Dx 9/06 and have had liver surgery, 2 lung sirgeries and much chemo...and I just got back from surfing with the kids and playing some beach volleyball. I have good days and bad and some good scans and bad...but I just try to live it one day at a time and be brave. I don't like to hear what the docs say always but I do actively fight for options... Scan next week for me and the scanxiety sets in but 3 years is good... You might look at some form of HAI pump option to deliever chemo directly to the liver if there is a cancer center nearby.As someone wise here once wrote, "Accept the diagnosis but beat the prognosis." All my best and I am so sorry
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member

    Stage 4 here
    Dx 9/06 and have had liver surgery, 2 lung sirgeries and much chemo...and I just got back from surfing with the kids and playing some beach volleyball. I have good days and bad and some good scans and bad...but I just try to live it one day at a time and be brave. I don't like to hear what the docs say always but I do actively fight for options... Scan next week for me and the scanxiety sets in but 3 years is good... You might look at some form of HAI pump option to deliever chemo directly to the liver if there is a cancer center nearby.As someone wise here once wrote, "Accept the diagnosis but beat the prognosis." All my best and I am so sorry

    chip - surfing!
    Hi Chip,
    I've been thinking about you as the surf on the south shore has been 8 - 10 ft. **** was out 5 out of 7 days last week. It is soooooo good to hear that you were surfing. That's wonderful!
    Much aloha,