new member

lorim Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I just joined this network today, hoping I could connect with others who are going through similar treatment and concerns.
I am a 7 year breast cancer survivor, and was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer this April. I just had the first round of 2 day chemo in Middletown NY. I was wondering if anyone in this network has had ip chemo cystplatin administered at Horton Hospital in Middletown. The nurses were unskilled in giving this treatment and I'm exploring other options. My oncologist is in Middletown, but I had surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering and had an oncology consult there.


  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Hi Lorim,
    First let me say Congrats!!! on being a 7 year breast cancer survivor.I have not been on cystplatin but I know there are some on this board who have had ip chemo.If you are not comfortable where your at, why not go back to Sloan. In the meantime you will definitely find this a place to share your ups and downs, ask questions and help others. These are amazing woman here full of encouragement, enthusiam, compassion and support. Please come here as often as you want.
    I wouldn't know what to do with out my friends here.It's an awesome bunch of "Teal Warriors".
    Hugs and Prayers, Terry
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Welcome and ask all you want
    I have not had cystplatin by ip. I have a port in my shoulder that I have taken all chemos with. I'm with Terry about checking back with least have an honest talk with your oncologist. My oncology nurses have all been extremely skilled, compassionate, and knowledgable. I absolutely adore them.
    I'm in TX so don't have a clue about NY. You might want to do a search of the discussion topics by typing in the upper right hand blank space for searching for cystplatin or ip's. Saundra
  • KevinR
    KevinR Member Posts: 4
    My wife had cisplatin
    My wife had cisplatin (intraperitoneal or is it inter??) and it REALLY knocked her for a loop. I think when it works, it really works, but it was just too strong for her and she only lasted one treatment. Good luck with your treatment - there are plenty of caring and skilled nurses around.
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  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    IP Chemo
    I had IP Chemo with is suppose to be the best treatment available currently....It does take a toll and I could only do 3 rounds out of 6....You DO need nurses that are knowledgable...there are side effects to watch for as you are doing the treatment and after. Please go where you feel the most comfortable....chemo is hard enough without feeling like you aren't getting the best possible care.
    I am sending Teal Warrior Hugs and Prayers,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Lorim, I see you already got a few responses to cisplatin. I have never had this drug.

    Just wanted to welcome to the board. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    IP Chemo
    Welcome Lorim -
    I think a lot of the chemo nursing staff, anywhere, has yet to be trained on administrating the IP chemo properly. It is supposed to be the latest, greatest treatment - but it is still relatively new. I had 2 round of the IP Cisplatin and honestly thought I would rather die then continue it. It was brutal beyond words - plus my IP port gave me nothing but problems. When I received the chemo in 2007 it seemed there were only certain nursing personnel that did the IP - maybe you got someone who was still learning? Just a theory.

    I'd either go back to where you were comfortable or ask to speak to the head nurse and request you have someone that "knows" what they are doing. Chemo is bad enough the way it is - why suffer any more then you need to.

    Congrats on the 7 year survival for breast cancer - do they consider your ovarian cancer "breast cancer" or is it a new primary cancer?

    Let us know what you decide to do. My best to you!
  • lorim
    lorim Member Posts: 3
    thank you
    Thank you for all your comments and support.
    I have an appointment today with my oncologist so I'm going to try to figure out a plan.
    This cancer is ovarian and although it's stage 3c the surgeon at Sloan Kettering was able to get everything except of course for the microscopic cells since I did have cancer in the lymph nodes.
    This treatment is so different and much more aggressive than I had's all overwhelming.
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    lorim said:

    thank you
    Thank you for all your comments and support.
    I have an appointment today with my oncologist so I'm going to try to figure out a plan.
    This cancer is ovarian and although it's stage 3c the surgeon at Sloan Kettering was able to get everything except of course for the microscopic cells since I did have cancer in the lymph nodes.
    This treatment is so different and much more aggressive than I had's all overwhelming.

    I too welcome you I am a 7 year ovarian survivor who off and on takes chemo. I took Cis and it did not help me but, I have seen many it did. So my prayers it gets rid of yours. Again welcome.
    Prayers and Hugs
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    lorim said:

    thank you
    Thank you for all your comments and support.
    I have an appointment today with my oncologist so I'm going to try to figure out a plan.
    This cancer is ovarian and although it's stage 3c the surgeon at Sloan Kettering was able to get everything except of course for the microscopic cells since I did have cancer in the lymph nodes.
    This treatment is so different and much more aggressive than I had's all overwhelming.

    Would it be possible


    Would it be possible for you to have your IP treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering? I know IP treatment is not something that all cancer centers are entirely familiar with, and it's rather unpleasant, at best.

    It's good to have aggressive therapy at the onset. I had to be convinced by my doctors of the importance, and know now why they were so adamant.

    I hope you're able to get appropriate rest with all of this happening. It's an important part of recovery.


  • seably
    seably Member Posts: 29
    lorim said:

    thank you
    Thank you for all your comments and support.
    I have an appointment today with my oncologist so I'm going to try to figure out a plan.
    This cancer is ovarian and although it's stage 3c the surgeon at Sloan Kettering was able to get everything except of course for the microscopic cells since I did have cancer in the lymph nodes.
    This treatment is so different and much more aggressive than I had's all overwhelming.

    I also had cisplatin IP
    hi Lorim...I just had my 1st IP cisplatin on 6-10-09. My cheno nurses in Savannah, GA are great and had no trouble with my IP port. My port is at the end of my ribcage. It doesn't really bother me much, just slight discomfort with my bra. I took Kytril for 3 days after chemo to ward off nausea. I guess it worked as I did not vomit, but I did feel pretty crappy for the next 2 days & I slept a lot. I had IP taxol on Tuesday 6-16-09 and so far no side effects and I'm not taking any nausea meds. The nurse did have minor trouble inserting the needle into the IP port and had to to try a couple of times before she was successful. It wasn't very painful as they "freeze" the area first. And trust me, I am a whimp when it comes to pain. Find a place where you feel comfortable with the nursing staff. By the way, it's an hour drive to and from the hospital and worth every bumpy minute!

    I thank God for the wonderful doctors and nurses that have treated me. I'll say a prayer that you find the same.

    God bless and take care