My identical twin sister



  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    This is Margo's sister
    Margo let me read this thread and I have to tell you all, that I am so glad that she has the support of all of you, I know it means a lot to her and I have seen why. I was overwhelmed when reading all the heartfelt responses. Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts and energy for our family. I went for my additional tests today and from what the radiologist told the techs, he didn't see anything to be concerned about at this time and will recommend a follow-up breast MRI in 6 months. I am very comfortable and at ease with hearing that. Thank you again for all the support that you give Margo.


    Warm welcome, MARTHA - our Margo's sister!
    Thank YOU, Martha (and nice to "meet" you!), for sharing your good news! We all LOVE good news around here! Am glad and very relieved, too, for your identical mirror twin sister, our Margo - and my friend. Now, we'll be hoping to hear similar news about your Mom. Fingers and toes are crossed for luck.

    Visit us any time. All survivors and their caregivers are always welcome. Best wishes to you, and for your Mom.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508

    This is Margo's sister
    Margo let me read this thread and I have to tell you all, that I am so glad that she has the support of all of you, I know it means a lot to her and I have seen why. I was overwhelmed when reading all the heartfelt responses. Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts and energy for our family. I went for my additional tests today and from what the radiologist told the techs, he didn't see anything to be concerned about at this time and will recommend a follow-up breast MRI in 6 months. I am very comfortable and at ease with hearing that. Thank you again for all the support that you give Margo.


    That's fabulous news Martha
    Our hearts are lightened by it. We certainly hope everyone else's news is as good. Thank you for letting us know.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member

    This is Margo's sister
    Margo let me read this thread and I have to tell you all, that I am so glad that she has the support of all of you, I know it means a lot to her and I have seen why. I was overwhelmed when reading all the heartfelt responses. Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts and energy for our family. I went for my additional tests today and from what the radiologist told the techs, he didn't see anything to be concerned about at this time and will recommend a follow-up breast MRI in 6 months. I am very comfortable and at ease with hearing that. Thank you again for all the support that you give Margo.


    wonderful news, I know Margo will be very relieved along with you. Take care and be well


  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867

    This is Margo's sister
    Margo let me read this thread and I have to tell you all, that I am so glad that she has the support of all of you, I know it means a lot to her and I have seen why. I was overwhelmed when reading all the heartfelt responses. Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts and energy for our family. I went for my additional tests today and from what the radiologist told the techs, he didn't see anything to be concerned about at this time and will recommend a follow-up breast MRI in 6 months. I am very comfortable and at ease with hearing that. Thank you again for all the support that you give Margo.


    Thank you Martha and Welcome!
    What wonderful news to hear about you. Thank you so much for posting it here for us. We have all been worried for you and your Mom. I will pray that your Mom will get good news too. It isn't hard to be nice to your sister Margo..she is a wonderful, caring, funny lady. Everyone loves her! Thanks again for posting the wonderful good info Martha!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    This is Margo's sister
    Margo let me read this thread and I have to tell you all, that I am so glad that she has the support of all of you, I know it means a lot to her and I have seen why. I was overwhelmed when reading all the heartfelt responses. Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts and energy for our family. I went for my additional tests today and from what the radiologist told the techs, he didn't see anything to be concerned about at this time and will recommend a follow-up breast MRI in 6 months. I am very comfortable and at ease with hearing that. Thank you again for all the support that you give Margo.


    Nice to meet you Martha, I am soooo pleased that your test results were good and I am sure Margo is elated! Big hugs to you both!


  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    RE said:

    Nice to meet you Martha, I am soooo pleased that your test results were good and I am sure Margo is elated! Big hugs to you both!



    Martha, thank you for
    Martha, thank you for posting. We have all been praying for you and for your Mom.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Kylez said:

    Martha, thank you for
    Martha, thank you for posting. We have all been praying for you and for your Mom.

    Just wanted you to know
    Just wanted you all to know that I copied and pasted your replies and forwarded them to Martha and she is still overwhelmed by all you wonderful people on this site.

    I hope no one minded that I forwarded her the messages so she can see that we are one big family.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    Just wanted you to know
    Just wanted you all to know that I copied and pasted your replies and forwarded them to Martha and she is still overwhelmed by all you wonderful people on this site.

    I hope no one minded that I forwarded her the messages so she can see that we are one big family.


    Martha is always welcome here...
    ... whether she posts on a thread, or you forward to her. As least as far as I'm concerned... :-)

    She certainly qualifies as one of your caregivers. Please thank her for her kind words about us.

    Hoping we'll all hear similar good news about your Mom, Margo.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    Now I just got a call from my mom and she had her physical today and something didn't look right to her doctor when she was doing her pap so she has to see a GYN specialist to make sure it is not cancer.

    What more can happen this week? I am praying Good news, Good news, Good news for both of these special people in Jake's and my life.

    Now I thin I will finally have a breakdown which I have not had yet since I was diagnosed on 12/8.

    Thank you all for being my friends--sounds like a song--HAHA.

    Having 4 of 12 treatments tomorrow Taxol w/Herceptin and then going for another fill of the expanders. Having lunch with my cousin in between appointments--maybe I'll have a beer with lunch.


    It is a song
    Thank you for being a friend by.....the sisters in pink!! You know I had cervical cancer ( very early stage) but had it coterized and i didn't like that and then a hysterectomy. I had no fear at all, I can't imagine why now. I never gave it a second thought. Until right before Thanksgiving )08 when diagnosed with bc, it then became very serious. Oh God how i wish they would find a cure.
    my cyber hugs to you and Jake
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    Just wanted you to know
    Just wanted you all to know that I copied and pasted your replies and forwarded them to Martha and she is still overwhelmed by all you wonderful people on this site.

    I hope no one minded that I forwarded her the messages so she can see that we are one big family.


    I'm just sorry
    my message wasn't there on time, but give Martha my heartfelt hugs and prayers.
    luv, Jackie
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member

    Just wanted you to know
    Just wanted you all to know that I copied and pasted your replies and forwarded them to Martha and she is still overwhelmed by all you wonderful people on this site.

    I hope no one minded that I forwarded her the messages so she can see that we are one big family.


    Margo, I am a little late, but so happy to hear Martha's wonderful news. I wish I had posted before she logged in. Please tell her hello for me and that I send her my very best wishes. And I am happy for you, Margo, because I know what it is like to have fears for a beloved sister.

    So now we will wait for good news from your mom. You, Martha, and she remain in my thoughts and prayers.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member

    Now I just got a call from my mom and she had her physical today and something didn't look right to her doctor when she was doing her pap so she has to see a GYN specialist to make sure it is not cancer.

    What more can happen this week? I am praying Good news, Good news, Good news for both of these special people in Jake's and my life.

    Now I thin I will finally have a breakdown which I have not had yet since I was diagnosed on 12/8.

    Thank you all for being my friends--sounds like a song--HAHA.

    Having 4 of 12 treatments tomorrow Taxol w/Herceptin and then going for another fill of the expanders. Having lunch with my cousin in between appointments--maybe I'll have a beer with lunch.


    My mom is a 2-fer just like me....
    Endometrial cancer (caught because this post-menopausal woman had bleeding), and breast cancer. She had a total hysterectomy, and a mastectomy...over 10 years ago.

    She just celebrated her 86th birthday. Still driving me crazy, like always!!!!

    Hugs to your mom. And BIG ones for you!!

    Hugs, Kathi


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