stage 4 with mets to liver

eric38 Member Posts: 583
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am a 38 year old male who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Pet scan said there was 3 and maybe 4 mets to the liver. It`s in both lobes and the 3 tumors that showed up conclusively have a high metabolic rate(which means they are really busy).I had my whole ascending colon removed and have just started on my treatments. I try to remain positive but certainly have my days, going from thinking I am going to beat this to resigning myself that I may not live much longer. I`m just trying to cope and need some encouragement from people who have been in my shoes and are still alive and kicking.


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Kicking up a Storm!
    Eric, sorry to meet you here but you are certainly NOT alone. I am Stage IV with mets to liver and lungs. That was over 5 years ago. My liver mets were inoperable at the time. I went on Avastin and FOLFOX and it shrank the liver mets (which were around my hepatic artery and all over the rest of it that they took out 70% or so of it) so that they could operate. The liver as you probably know, will regenerate. The only organ that will do that. Pretty amazing. As far as lung mets go, there are ways of dealing with that too. I have been on Erbitux for the lung mets with very good success. I am still here after 5 years and still in the game and ahead of it even though I've never been NED. Don't give up. I do understand though about how you feel. I've had days when I wish I never knew I had until... and other days that I'm full of piss and vinegar and kicking it's butt.
    Hang in there, there is plenty of life after the Dx.
    Trust me
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    PhillieG said:

    Kicking up a Storm!
    Eric, sorry to meet you here but you are certainly NOT alone. I am Stage IV with mets to liver and lungs. That was over 5 years ago. My liver mets were inoperable at the time. I went on Avastin and FOLFOX and it shrank the liver mets (which were around my hepatic artery and all over the rest of it that they took out 70% or so of it) so that they could operate. The liver as you probably know, will regenerate. The only organ that will do that. Pretty amazing. As far as lung mets go, there are ways of dealing with that too. I have been on Erbitux for the lung mets with very good success. I am still here after 5 years and still in the game and ahead of it even though I've never been NED. Don't give up. I do understand though about how you feel. I've had days when I wish I never knew I had until... and other days that I'm full of piss and vinegar and kicking it's butt.
    Hang in there, there is plenty of life after the Dx.
    Trust me

    Hi Eric!
    Welcome to the boards! You'll find alot of us here in the same boat as you, don't fret, I came here and everyone was just lovely..I found out I was Stage 4 CC with a tumor in my liver as well, and that was in January. I am undergoing chemo now, (Folfiri with Avastin) and just had a temporary colostomy done, but You'll see another topic where someone was just dx'd with stage 4 as well, and you'll see a bunch of our stories that will hopefully give you some hope and encouragement! please feel free to ask ANYTHING, everyone is very supportive here, and there is always hope!

  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797

    I'm sorry for your diagnosis. It is really is a rough time during those early days. It gets better with time.

    I'm stage IV with mets to the liver and celiac lymph nodes, diagnosed 22 mos ago. So yep, alive and kicking. You can get the long version of our stories by clicking on our names or pictures to the left. Many of us also have pictures and blogs there. My current status is No Evidence of Active Disease (NEAD). I'm still in treatment which is currently systemic chemo.

    I'm LIVING my life. So much so that I would say that I'm a spoiled brat! :P I have learned to live with canzer quite nicely. It isn't my preference, but it is doable. I'm happy and I have a good life. That is my wish for you - peace. You will get there with time and hope.

    Hugs and welcome,

  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    kimby said:


    I'm sorry for your diagnosis. It is really is a rough time during those early days. It gets better with time.

    I'm stage IV with mets to the liver and celiac lymph nodes, diagnosed 22 mos ago. So yep, alive and kicking. You can get the long version of our stories by clicking on our names or pictures to the left. Many of us also have pictures and blogs there. My current status is No Evidence of Active Disease (NEAD). I'm still in treatment which is currently systemic chemo.

    I'm LIVING my life. So much so that I would say that I'm a spoiled brat! :P I have learned to live with canzer quite nicely. It isn't my preference, but it is doable. I'm happy and I have a good life. That is my wish for you - peace. You will get there with time and hope.

    Hugs and welcome,


    Thank you so much for the
    Thank you so much for the prompt replies. It is very comforting to know that there are people out there who are in my same boat and still thriving. Most of all, that you take the time to post on this site and encourage people.
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    kimby said:


    I'm sorry for your diagnosis. It is really is a rough time during those early days. It gets better with time.

    I'm stage IV with mets to the liver and celiac lymph nodes, diagnosed 22 mos ago. So yep, alive and kicking. You can get the long version of our stories by clicking on our names or pictures to the left. Many of us also have pictures and blogs there. My current status is No Evidence of Active Disease (NEAD). I'm still in treatment which is currently systemic chemo.

    I'm LIVING my life. So much so that I would say that I'm a spoiled brat! :P I have learned to live with canzer quite nicely. It isn't my preference, but it is doable. I'm happy and I have a good life. That is my wish for you - peace. You will get there with time and hope.

    Hugs and welcome,


    Thank you so much for the
    Thank you so much for the prompt replies. It is very comforting to know that there are people out there who are in my same boat and still thriving. Most of all, that you take the time to post on this site and encourage people.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    eric38 said:

    Thank you so much for the
    Thank you so much for the prompt replies. It is very comforting to know that there are people out there who are in my same boat and still thriving. Most of all, that you take the time to post on this site and encourage people.

    One thank you is enough :-)
    Sometimes this system is sluggish so be patient before you hit post again.
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Eric...welcome! Please read back on the posts.. I am the one who recently posted that they upgraded me to a stage IV because of a spot on my liver. It freaked me out too. I have to tell you though... ANYTIME you are feeling down or need answers... or hope...come here. These are the most wonderful people I have met on the face of this earth. They took me out of such despair and gave me hope. They do every day. Visit here often. I have not started any treatments yet but thus far.... this is the greatest medicine I could ever have. Take care


    Just got PET scan results,,,I'm a mess... HELP That is title of post
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    So sorry to hear. Stage 4
    So sorry to hear. Stage 4 here and have had 4 surgeries including liver resection and 2 lung resections, ( last one 1 month ago) My early advice is to get treatment at a major center that deals with this. I am now 3 years out with my dx and I was 47 at the time with 2 younger kids. It is tough and I feel for you. Make an appt now with a liver surgeon after a few treaments you might see results so you would know if that is the chemo you should follow surgery up with. That is what they did at Stanford (for me a 5 hour drive. Ask any questions and I'll be happy to try to reply.
    Best wishes
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583

    So sorry to hear. Stage 4
    So sorry to hear. Stage 4 here and have had 4 surgeries including liver resection and 2 lung resections, ( last one 1 month ago) My early advice is to get treatment at a major center that deals with this. I am now 3 years out with my dx and I was 47 at the time with 2 younger kids. It is tough and I feel for you. Make an appt now with a liver surgeon after a few treaments you might see results so you would know if that is the chemo you should follow surgery up with. That is what they did at Stanford (for me a 5 hour drive. Ask any questions and I'll be happy to try to reply.
    Best wishes

    idolhunters is right. You
    idolhunters is right. You guys are the best medicine I could have. You take the time to encourage people like me and make me realize despite the odds that the medical community gives you it is possible to beat this. Impactzone - Thank you for the good advice from a cancer fighting veteran. Keep up the good work soldier.

    God bless all of you,
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    eric38 said:

    idolhunters is right. You
    idolhunters is right. You guys are the best medicine I could have. You take the time to encourage people like me and make me realize despite the odds that the medical community gives you it is possible to beat this. Impactzone - Thank you for the good advice from a cancer fighting veteran. Keep up the good work soldier.

    God bless all of you,

    Phil - Everybody here has
    Phil - Everybody here has been through the ringer and has an inspirational story to tell but it is nice to hear from someone who is 5 years out and still kicking.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    eric38 said:

    Phil - Everybody here has
    Phil - Everybody here has been through the ringer and has an inspirational story to tell but it is nice to hear from someone who is 5 years out and still kicking.

    Thanks Eric,
    There are some out there who have me beat by a mile.
    Don't give up, it hasn't always been easy but it's always been worth it.
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Alive and Kicking
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis Eric. I was diagnosed stage 4 in August '04 and remember going through much of what you have described.

    You will find a lot of stage 4 survivors here. Our stories are all a little different but we've mostly all taken a proactive approach towards the management and treatment of the disease, the symptoms, and the side-effects.

    Rob; in Vancouver...

    "Accept the diagnosis... Defy the prognosis!"
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    robinvan said:

    Alive and Kicking
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis Eric. I was diagnosed stage 4 in August '04 and remember going through much of what you have described.

    You will find a lot of stage 4 survivors here. Our stories are all a little different but we've mostly all taken a proactive approach towards the management and treatment of the disease, the symptoms, and the side-effects.

    Rob; in Vancouver...

    "Accept the diagnosis... Defy the prognosis!"

    You guys are the greatest.

    You guys are the greatest.
  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member
    eric38 said:

    You guys are the greatest.

    You guys are the greatest.

    Welcome Eric
    Sorry to have to welcome you to this site but as you are seeing there are many of us at Stage IV surviving and/or thriving. I was diagnosed Stage IV 10/07 and doing well. You can do it. Hang in there and come here often for support.
  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    If you will go to the post which says....I'm a mess...Help me! and scroll down to you get to the reply There is Hope by can read my husbands story and how he was given only two years with chemo...stage 4 with mets to liver ...just finished his last surgery ..liver resection and has a great prognosis.
    There is Hope.
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Hi Eric -- welcome to this group and sorry you have cause to be here. We all have the ups and downs you describe -- sounds like you have a great attitude.

    I was diagnosed 6+ years ago with Stage III rectal cancer. Have had 3 recurrences, unfortunately -- all at the lung. But, I am currently NED (no evidence of disease)! I have seen my two boys grow up from ages 10 and 12 (at my diagnosis) to strapping 16 and 18 now -- what a joy. I am leading an active life. It is possible!

    I wish you all the best with your treatments.

  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    taraHK said:

    Hi Eric -- welcome to this group and sorry you have cause to be here. We all have the ups and downs you describe -- sounds like you have a great attitude.

    I was diagnosed 6+ years ago with Stage III rectal cancer. Have had 3 recurrences, unfortunately -- all at the lung. But, I am currently NED (no evidence of disease)! I have seen my two boys grow up from ages 10 and 12 (at my diagnosis) to strapping 16 and 18 now -- what a joy. I am leading an active life. It is possible!

    I wish you all the best with your treatments.


    Very appreciative for all
    Very appreciative for all the new posts. It is great to see people in such a serious situation with such a great attitude and to encounter those that defy the odds. Every post gives me more hope.
    One practical question for Phil - I am on erbitux too and was just wondering how long it took you to get the rash.
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    eric38 said:

    Very appreciative for all
    Very appreciative for all the new posts. It is great to see people in such a serious situation with such a great attitude and to encounter those that defy the odds. Every post gives me more hope.
    One practical question for Phil - I am on erbitux too and was just wondering how long it took you to get the rash.

    I was wondering what you
    I was wondering what you guys think about nutritional therapy during chemo treatments and if you think its effective after mets has already taken place.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    eric38 said:

    I was wondering what you
    I was wondering what you guys think about nutritional therapy during chemo treatments and if you think its effective after mets has already taken place.

    I always...
    ... ask my onc what I should be eating or taking supplement-wise, only because some supplememts may not let the chemo work the way it should, but my onc always tells me to eat anything, she is happy I keep my weight up, she told me she just doesn't want me wasting away, so I eat what I want, high in calories even, just to keep the weight on, but do eat lots of good salads as well.
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    eric38 said:

    Very appreciative for all
    Very appreciative for all the new posts. It is great to see people in such a serious situation with such a great attitude and to encounter those that defy the odds. Every post gives me more hope.
    One practical question for Phil - I am on erbitux too and was just wondering how long it took you to get the rash.

    Hey Eric!
    Here's another Stage IV colon cancer survivor checking in. I say survivor because I'm still alive, kicking and causing all sorts of trouble in my world . I was diagnosed in Dec 2006 and at the time my surgeon found the tumour, which had perforated through the intestinal wall and an abscess formed around it, he said that the tumour was at least 10 years old. Hmmm... do does that mean I'm actually a 12 1/2 year old survivor since I've had cancer that long? Just food for thought :)

    Anywho... the tumour was surgically removed and I had a colon resection at the beginning of January 2007 (they had to wait 3 weeks while I was in the hospital and hooked up to IV antibiotics to try and clear up the serious acute peritonitis which was caused by the perforation and abscess).. then followed by 8 months of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. In Dec 2007, my CEA was rising and a PET scan was ordered... the cancer had spread to my adrenal gland and my lungs. Grrrrr! That made me a Stage IV. What they don't know is WHEN did it spread? Was this before the chemo, during the chemo or after the chemo? No one knows, but the fact remains it had spread.

    Soooo, back to surgery in June 2008 to remove the right adrenal gland. OUCH! I swear that surgery was 10 times more painful than the colon resection surgery... but out it came.

    Now, we are in wait and see mode about the lungs. There were 12 "nodules" found in my lungs where one of them lit up and one looks very suspicious. Statistically speaking, all 12 are probably colon cancer mets, but only the one lit up the PET scan. In Jan of this year, I had that met blasted away with an RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation). That leaves me with 11 nodules that currently are not metabolically active (they may just be too small at this point). I go for my next CT scan of the lungs on July 20th to see if there is any activity or new growth. If they are still stable, then it will be another 4 months before the next scan.

    Currently, I am not on ANY cancer treatment. I have been 18 months (Wooooot!) since my last chemo treatment. Unfortunately, I am not NED (No Evidence of Disease) because of the lung nodules, but as of March 20th, I am NEAD (No Evidence of Active Disease) since none of the lung nodules were metabolically active.

    Oh, and yes when they found out the cancer had spread to the adrenal gland and the lungs, I was told the prognosis is not good. I said I wanted them to be more specific... what does "not good" mean? I was given the 2 months - 2 years maximum talk (and yes, I freaked out!). Well, it is now 15 months since the talk and, as you can see by my picture, other than the sunburnt cheeks, I am not quite ready to keel over any time soon ;)

    Stage IV is a label... it's not a life sentence :)

