Has anyone ever had swollen feet?



  • Ladyebc
    Ladyebc Member Posts: 9

    Swelling of foot/leg sounds like lymphedema. Treatment is important to reduce risk of skin infections and cellulitis. Ask your gyn/onc for a referral to a certified lymphedema therapist immediately!! Treatment is covered by most insurance and Medicare. Got to website lymphnotes.com for lots of good info.

    I am an almost 7 year survivor of UPSC, stage 3, clear cell, high grade --beat all those awful odds! but was left with lymphedema as a result of lymph node disssection and radiation tx. My left foot and ankle began swelling post chemo and radiation tx. Everyone was so focused on treatment that it wasn't until I couldn't get my foot into a shoe that dx of lymphedema was made, but by this time, the swelling had progressed from toes to groin so don't waste time....the sooner you have treatment the better the results from therapy.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    Ladyebc said:


    Swelling of foot/leg sounds like lymphedema. Treatment is important to reduce risk of skin infections and cellulitis. Ask your gyn/onc for a referral to a certified lymphedema therapist immediately!! Treatment is covered by most insurance and Medicare. Got to website lymphnotes.com for lots of good info.

    I am an almost 7 year survivor of UPSC, stage 3, clear cell, high grade --beat all those awful odds! but was left with lymphedema as a result of lymph node disssection and radiation tx. My left foot and ankle began swelling post chemo and radiation tx. Everyone was so focused on treatment that it wasn't until I couldn't get my foot into a shoe that dx of lymphedema was made, but by this time, the swelling had progressed from toes to groin so don't waste time....the sooner you have treatment the better the results from therapy.

    Glad you posted here!
    Ladyebc, I am so happy to see you post here. It is great to hear of a 7 year survivor of UPSC! That really gives me hope that this horrid cancer can be beaten. Thanks for the info and the website on lymphedema. I have some swelling in my feet and ankles, but I think mine is just fluid retention. I'm going to check out the website you recommended so I know what to watch for.

    Linda, are you still having the swelling in your leg?
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    7 year Stage 3 UPSC Survivor! How hope-inspiring!!!
    I am also thrilled to hear from a Stage 3 UPSC sister that is a 7 year survivor! You must have really had 'cutting edge' treatment 7 years ago, when even less was known about UPSC than the little they know today. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING! Have you ever had to deal with recurrance?

    DEANNA: I haven't had any more swollen legs, but I am careful now to elevate my legs whenever I can. My legs do feel super HEAVY at the end of any day where I am unusally physically active (like when my grandkids spend the weekend), but no swelling. I have 12 of my 28 radiation treatments behind me now, and am controlling the diahrea better by watching my diet. I miss broccoli and cashews and granola, but I'm learning that I have to pass on them for awhile! Is tomorrow your FINAL CHEMO??? I'm soooo excited for you to be closing in on the end of your complete treatment protocol!!!
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Ladyebc said:


    Swelling of foot/leg sounds like lymphedema. Treatment is important to reduce risk of skin infections and cellulitis. Ask your gyn/onc for a referral to a certified lymphedema therapist immediately!! Treatment is covered by most insurance and Medicare. Got to website lymphnotes.com for lots of good info.

    I am an almost 7 year survivor of UPSC, stage 3, clear cell, high grade --beat all those awful odds! but was left with lymphedema as a result of lymph node disssection and radiation tx. My left foot and ankle began swelling post chemo and radiation tx. Everyone was so focused on treatment that it wasn't until I couldn't get my foot into a shoe that dx of lymphedema was made, but by this time, the swelling had progressed from toes to groin so don't waste time....the sooner you have treatment the better the results from therapy.

    Ladyebc ---- WOW a 7 year survivor of Stage 3 UPSC
    How encouraging that is for all of us who have Stage 3. Thank you so much for posting. It is great news to read. Sorry to hear about your lymphedema though. Thank you for giving us another web site to check out. I did not realize there were certified lymohedema therapist. I bet they mostly see people following mastectomies, though. Thanks again for the info.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732

    7 year Stage 3 UPSC Survivor! How hope-inspiring!!!
    I am also thrilled to hear from a Stage 3 UPSC sister that is a 7 year survivor! You must have really had 'cutting edge' treatment 7 years ago, when even less was known about UPSC than the little they know today. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING! Have you ever had to deal with recurrance?

    DEANNA: I haven't had any more swollen legs, but I am careful now to elevate my legs whenever I can. My legs do feel super HEAVY at the end of any day where I am unusally physically active (like when my grandkids spend the weekend), but no swelling. I have 12 of my 28 radiation treatments behind me now, and am controlling the diahrea better by watching my diet. I miss broccoli and cashews and granola, but I'm learning that I have to pass on them for awhile! Is tomorrow your FINAL CHEMO??? I'm soooo excited for you to be closing in on the end of your complete treatment protocol!!!

    Tomorrow is my final chemo! I am very excited about finishing treatment, but also a little nervous in a way.
    I'm glad you have not had any more swelling. My feet and ankles get a little puffy if I am on them a lot, but don't stay swollen. It makes me feel better to hear you say that your legs have a heavy feeling when you are active. Lets me know that it must be normal because mine feel the same way. And you are almost halfway finished with your external radiation... hurray! It was difficult for me to give up fruits and veggies while having radiation, but it helped so much when I stuck with the low fiber diet. Won't be long and you can get back to a normal diet and exercise like you are used to.
    I am so excited about growing hair!LOL
  • Ladyebc
    Ladyebc Member Posts: 9

    7 year Stage 3 UPSC Survivor! How hope-inspiring!!!
    I am also thrilled to hear from a Stage 3 UPSC sister that is a 7 year survivor! You must have really had 'cutting edge' treatment 7 years ago, when even less was known about UPSC than the little they know today. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING! Have you ever had to deal with recurrance?

    DEANNA: I haven't had any more swollen legs, but I am careful now to elevate my legs whenever I can. My legs do feel super HEAVY at the end of any day where I am unusally physically active (like when my grandkids spend the weekend), but no swelling. I have 12 of my 28 radiation treatments behind me now, and am controlling the diahrea better by watching my diet. I miss broccoli and cashews and granola, but I'm learning that I have to pass on them for awhile! Is tomorrow your FINAL CHEMO??? I'm soooo excited for you to be closing in on the end of your complete treatment protocol!!!

    Believe me, I'm more than
    Believe me, I'm more than thrilled to be able to be here to post a message of support so that other sisters can see that there is life after UPSC stage 3c. So far, I have been cancer-free since surgery in July '02.

    I was treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC by a great team of doctors. I opted for agressive treatment and utilized accupunture as a complementary therapy to boost immune system and minimize nausea and other intestinal side effects. Treatment included surgery, external beam radiation, high dose brachytherapy and 6 rounds of carbo/taxol chemo ---the works!! Came through most of it ok...the radiation damaged my intestines so another surgery in June '03 was necessary to remove damaged areas of small intestine and do some major repairs and removal of adhesions. I now take vitamin b12 injections monthly because I don't absorb enough on my own and I have to watch diet somewhat to prevent gastric problems. Otherwise, aside from the lymphedema, I enjoy a pretty full life. I was still working when dx, but have since retired and I'm looking forward to greeting my 3rd grandchild this summer....life is good!!!
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    7 years! Stage III-c UPSC, and NO RECURRANCES!! wow!
    I told my oncologist about you yesterday when I went in for radiation. He said "There are lots of others; you'll be one of them." I can't tell you how exciting it has been for all of us with UPSC. We had another woman post once that was a 5-year UPSC survivor, but she didn't post again. And Peggy is a 2 1/2 year survivor. But you are the best representative of a long-time survivor that has ever been kind enough to stop in and offer this hope to us. Vague stories of "others" who have finished their initial treatment protocol and never recurred are not NEARLY as comforting as someone that has 'been there / done that' and tells us DIRECTLY. I can't thank you enough for reaching back to offer that comforting hand filled with hope.

    You make reconstructive surgery not seem so grim either. Did they have IMRT radiation when you were in treatment? It would have been in its earliest experimental days then and I'm not sure it was even developed back then, but you were at a state-of-the-art cancer center who could have been experimenting with it. From what I've read, taxol was a pretty new option in the chemo cocktail at that time. How fortunate that you were given such a cutting edge aggressive treatment! The treatment protocol you had is the same that most of us are getting today. It's just all so encouraging, and something I will hug to me in my darkest moments that sometimes sneak in and chill me with fear. Luckily, those nights when the fear takes a grip on my sense of well-being are rare.
  • CancerNinja
    CancerNinja Member Posts: 3

    My hands keep swelling. It's been three months since my last chemo and my blood pressure is very low, my hands are swollen most of the time and my weight, doc wants me five pounds lighter next visit. I've been walking, eating salads and fruits and really watching what I eat and I cannot lose a pound. I just seem to stay where I am. Very frustrating. But with the foot and ankle I would call my regular doctor and get in to see them!

    Has anyone had problems with their blood pressure being low - 91/57...



    Swelling in feet and ankles

    Hey there, I myself am delaing with swelling in feet and ankles also. Most the time on left side. Have had an ultra sound done on legs and no clots. Onc not for sure and general doc not for sure. I am so frustrated with this and I am not getting answer. I to have gained weight and I eat good and I walk at least 3 times a week and really don't eat allot.

    My blood pressure has been ok. My gen doc did a major blood work ck and said my kidneys, liver and everything looked ok. Just my immune still a little low. Also cked my heart by blood work and it looked ok. I finished rad about 6 months ago. Had 6 months of chemo started in Jan 2013. Had 3 nodes removed and a lumpectomy.

    So, if you find out anything please, please let me know and I will do the same. So frustrating when they just keep blowing it off and all you want is an answer.

    Thanks everyone, Pam