
kartiae Member Posts: 16
Help! Has anyone on here gotten Uterine Cancer from the drug Tamoxifen? I beat 2 different forms of Metastic Breast Cancer already, plus I am Her2/nue positive but allergic to the Herceptin (Anti-body) and I have HPV. They put me on Tamoxifen almost 4 years ago and during chemo they put me into full blown menopause with lupron. SO I haven't menstruated in 4 years up until 2 days ago that is. I do have an extremely high chance of getting cancer again or getting a new one because of my over expression of the onco-gene. But I am very worried that its something other than my period since I haven't had one in 4 years. Has anyone else had this happen?


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    I looked up the earlier posts on this topic;as I researched this
    Hi, Kartiae! I hope that the bleeding is nothing, but I do think you'll sleep better if you discuss this with your oncologist. I did a quick word Search on 'Tamoxifen' because I remember earlier discussions on this exact topic. I found this thread:

    UPSC is second primary cancer
    March 7, 2009 - 1:21am posted by Ash612

    "Hi everyone, My mom was just diagnosed with UPSC this past December. She is a stage IV breast cancer patient that presented with post menapausal bleeding so her onc. ordered an internal ultra sound, and found a polyp and thickening of endometrial lining. He sent us to the obgyn/onc who due to the damage from all of the radiation she has had for the breast mets couldn't do a physical examination. He told us he was 99% sure from the film that she had endometrial cancer and needed all the works removed for staging. After surgery, he informed us that it was definitely cancer and assumed it was from the Tamoxifin she had taken for breast cancer."

    Barb55 replied:

    "I'm responding to let you know that my stage 3C UPSC was diagnosed after a bout with breast cancer too- I was fortunate that the breast cancer was early DCIS. I didn't need chemo or radiation, but one of the oncologists strongly suggested I take Tamoxifen because of a family history of breast cancer (even though I was not found to have the BRACA gene). I should also mention that my surgical oncologist did not recommend the Tamoxifen- but at the the time I was dealing with my husband's stage 4 cancer and I think I thought the Tamoxifen would be my silver bullet so I opted for it. The doctor did say there was a risk of endometrial cancer, that it was small and that it was easier to treat than breast cancer. I was overwhelmed, a bit naive and had never heard of UPSC. I am convinced the Tamoxifen resulted in the UPSC which this group knows is not the kind of cancer we want to hear about- there is no absolute data to prove it, but many of my doctors agree".

    And I posted this very technical research that I found that may give you something specific to talk with your oncologist about if they pooh pooh your worries:

    Alternate-substituted alkyl PCDFs are a new mechanism-based class of antiestrogens that block estrogen-induced mammary and endometrial cell/tumor growth via crosstalk between the ER and Ah receptor signaling pathways. These compounds have been shown to be relatively nontoxic, inhibit ER-positive and ER-negative mammary tumor growth, and synergize with tamoxifen to inhibit breast cancer growth and block tamoxifen-induced estrogenic activity in the uterus.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    I looked up the earlier posts on this topic;as I researched this
    Hi, Kartiae! I hope that the bleeding is nothing, but I do think you'll sleep better if you discuss this with your oncologist. I did a quick word Search on 'Tamoxifen' because I remember earlier discussions on this exact topic. I found this thread:

    UPSC is second primary cancer
    March 7, 2009 - 1:21am posted by Ash612

    "Hi everyone, My mom was just diagnosed with UPSC this past December. She is a stage IV breast cancer patient that presented with post menapausal bleeding so her onc. ordered an internal ultra sound, and found a polyp and thickening of endometrial lining. He sent us to the obgyn/onc who due to the damage from all of the radiation she has had for the breast mets couldn't do a physical examination. He told us he was 99% sure from the film that she had endometrial cancer and needed all the works removed for staging. After surgery, he informed us that it was definitely cancer and assumed it was from the Tamoxifin she had taken for breast cancer."

    Barb55 replied:

    "I'm responding to let you know that my stage 3C UPSC was diagnosed after a bout with breast cancer too- I was fortunate that the breast cancer was early DCIS. I didn't need chemo or radiation, but one of the oncologists strongly suggested I take Tamoxifen because of a family history of breast cancer (even though I was not found to have the BRACA gene). I should also mention that my surgical oncologist did not recommend the Tamoxifen- but at the the time I was dealing with my husband's stage 4 cancer and I think I thought the Tamoxifen would be my silver bullet so I opted for it. The doctor did say there was a risk of endometrial cancer, that it was small and that it was easier to treat than breast cancer. I was overwhelmed, a bit naive and had never heard of UPSC. I am convinced the Tamoxifen resulted in the UPSC which this group knows is not the kind of cancer we want to hear about- there is no absolute data to prove it, but many of my doctors agree".

    And I posted this very technical research that I found that may give you something specific to talk with your oncologist about if they pooh pooh your worries:

    Alternate-substituted alkyl PCDFs are a new mechanism-based class of antiestrogens that block estrogen-induced mammary and endometrial cell/tumor growth via crosstalk between the ER and Ah receptor signaling pathways. These compounds have been shown to be relatively nontoxic, inhibit ER-positive and ER-negative mammary tumor growth, and synergize with tamoxifen to inhibit breast cancer growth and block tamoxifen-induced estrogenic activity in the uterus.

    If you want to read more
    If you want to read more posts regarding tamoxifen and uterine cancer, if you go to the Breast Cancer discussion board, and in the SEARCH box, type in "Tamoxifen uterine", a long list of threads come up. I read a few of them and I really think you need to insist on a D&C to see what's going on. There is a very uncomfortable uterine biopsy that can be done in the gynecologist's office, but for me, both of my 2 uterine biopsies were 'nondiagnostic' (and hurt like heck!!) and it wasn't until I had a D&C that I had any conclusive diagnosis of cancer (and not until after my hysterectomy that I really knew what I was up against!) The D&C may actually clear up the abnormal bleeding, too, so may be justifiable regardless. They put you under for a D&C and so it is painless and I was perfectly fine by the same evening, so don't fear the D&C if that is what is recommended. I pray that it will be nothing.
  • cookie1948
    cookie1948 Member Posts: 77

    I looked up the earlier posts on this topic;as I researched this
    Hi, Kartiae! I hope that the bleeding is nothing, but I do think you'll sleep better if you discuss this with your oncologist. I did a quick word Search on 'Tamoxifen' because I remember earlier discussions on this exact topic. I found this thread:

    UPSC is second primary cancer
    March 7, 2009 - 1:21am posted by Ash612

    "Hi everyone, My mom was just diagnosed with UPSC this past December. She is a stage IV breast cancer patient that presented with post menapausal bleeding so her onc. ordered an internal ultra sound, and found a polyp and thickening of endometrial lining. He sent us to the obgyn/onc who due to the damage from all of the radiation she has had for the breast mets couldn't do a physical examination. He told us he was 99% sure from the film that she had endometrial cancer and needed all the works removed for staging. After surgery, he informed us that it was definitely cancer and assumed it was from the Tamoxifin she had taken for breast cancer."

    Barb55 replied:

    "I'm responding to let you know that my stage 3C UPSC was diagnosed after a bout with breast cancer too- I was fortunate that the breast cancer was early DCIS. I didn't need chemo or radiation, but one of the oncologists strongly suggested I take Tamoxifen because of a family history of breast cancer (even though I was not found to have the BRACA gene). I should also mention that my surgical oncologist did not recommend the Tamoxifen- but at the the time I was dealing with my husband's stage 4 cancer and I think I thought the Tamoxifen would be my silver bullet so I opted for it. The doctor did say there was a risk of endometrial cancer, that it was small and that it was easier to treat than breast cancer. I was overwhelmed, a bit naive and had never heard of UPSC. I am convinced the Tamoxifen resulted in the UPSC which this group knows is not the kind of cancer we want to hear about- there is no absolute data to prove it, but many of my doctors agree".

    And I posted this very technical research that I found that may give you something specific to talk with your oncologist about if they pooh pooh your worries:

    Alternate-substituted alkyl PCDFs are a new mechanism-based class of antiestrogens that block estrogen-induced mammary and endometrial cell/tumor growth via crosstalk between the ER and Ah receptor signaling pathways. These compounds have been shown to be relatively nontoxic, inhibit ER-positive and ER-negative mammary tumor growth, and synergize with tamoxifen to inhibit breast cancer growth and block tamoxifen-induced estrogenic activity in the uterus.

    Hi Linda
    I always read what you write as you are so informative and helpful and WONDERFUL in general!!! You are a true inspiration to all. What i wanted to comment on was that no wonder my mom had what they called a "scraping" like D & C and two biopsies (uterine) and never went "under." she said it was pretty painful especially the scraping. They did not give her anything and years and years ago when she had a D&C they put her under. So when i read you were "under" it made sense. That's the way it should be.
    Cookie aka Linda :)
  • Songflower
    Songflower Member Posts: 608
    I took tamoxifen and have uterine cancer now
    I took five years of tamoxifen for breast cancer 91/2 years ago and was diagnosed with endometroid and UPSC in March. I am now in chemo again. I believe the tamoxifen caused my uterine cancer. Personally, I believe every woman taking tamoxifen should be offered hysterectomy and oophrectomy. Tamoxifen has also been known to make what uterine cancer you get even more agressive which certainly is true with me. Some specialists are starting to recommend yearly ultrasounds. sorry, I get chemo tomorrow (AGAIN) and believe hysterectomy should be offered to women.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732

    I took tamoxifen and have uterine cancer now
    I took five years of tamoxifen for breast cancer 91/2 years ago and was diagnosed with endometroid and UPSC in March. I am now in chemo again. I believe the tamoxifen caused my uterine cancer. Personally, I believe every woman taking tamoxifen should be offered hysterectomy and oophrectomy. Tamoxifen has also been known to make what uterine cancer you get even more agressive which certainly is true with me. Some specialists are starting to recommend yearly ultrasounds. sorry, I get chemo tomorrow (AGAIN) and believe hysterectomy should be offered to women.

    I agree!
    I certainly do agree with you there. If they know the Tamoxifen causes endometrial cancer then women should certainly be offered a hysterectomy. Many women who know they are at high risk of breast cancer are opting for preventative mastectomies. I really don't think that there is any difference.
  • myakka 2011
    myakka 2011 Member Posts: 2
    IN august 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer which was taken care of with a lumpectomy followed by 6 weeks of radiation. It was then strongly suggested that I take tomaxifen. I started that in November 2010 and every mammogram since then showed No signs of recurring breast cancer. However, just this past month I developed uterine and ovarian cancer which we have no history of in our family. I do not smoke or drink and the doctor says it is not related to the breast cancer at all so is it just coincidence that after being on tamoxifen for a year I had to have a total hysterectomy and now have stage 3 Ovarian Cancer.
    I really think this was caused by the tamoxifen and am pretty upset.