Regaining weight loss after surgery

cat_man_do Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am recovering form a complete colonectomy (surgery was two weeks ago)and I've lost about 10 lbs. 10 pounds I might add I can't afford to loose (I'm a 6'2" male at 185 preop). I'm wondering if there is anything out there that you all could suggest that would help me to regain the weight? Web-sites? Diets?


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    I had surgery a month ago and had lost 13 lbs. I have gained 3 lbs in the last two weeks so it is coming back on. I'm just giving it time, but I'd be happy to stay where I'm at. Kim
  • neon356
    neon356 Member Posts: 137 Member
    After surgery and during
    After surgery and during chemo I used Ensure a lot. It's easy on the gut, and adds a little fluid which you're probably getting enough of if you're like me. I forget now how many calories in a can of it, but it's pretty much a meal in a can along with a pretty good dose of vitamins. There are a few other brands out there, but although the Ensure is more expensive I found it to be the best tasting. I'm a chocoholic so I liked that flavor the most. I don't mean to sound like an ad for the product but it helped do the trick for me.
  • PamPam2
    PamPam2 Member Posts: 370 Member
    Yes the stuff like ensure will put the weight back on especially if you eat along with it. Try some high carb and protein foods, pasta's, mack and cheese and so on. Don't forget your veggys and balance to your diet. I had lost 45lbs before tumor removed, ate too many donuts when on chemo, gained it all back and more, more than I wanted to, but still here and doing good. Good luck on getting where you want to be.
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Gaining weight
    Hi Cat-Man-Do... welcome to the site :)

    I think the others have given some good advice about eating the carb/protein food... although from a "this is what we've heard all our lives" kind of advice, try to stay away from the high empty calorie foods. Not to make light of your situation, since I know those of you who don't need to lose weight really and truly can't afford to lose an extra 10 lbs here or there, there are days when I would surely love to change places with you ;) I'm the exact opposite... I could stand to lose a bunch o'weight and I would be more than happy to donate it to anyone who wants it but for the life of me, it simply refuses to leave my frame! LOL!

    But in all seriousness, your body has been through a heck of a trauma, what with the surgery, stress, shock and all. The surgery was only 2 weeks ago, so give it some time... it should all come back. Eat the foods you enjoy and if you can put back a can or two of that Ensure that the others have mentioned, I think you'll find your idea weight will be back to normal in no time.

    Good luck!!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I wound up losing about 30-40 pounds after each operation, in time the weight will come back. I would suggest checking the web for related topics but remember, anyone can post anything out here. It doesn't make it true. What's your age if you don't mind. The older I get, the easier the weight goes/stays on.
    Good luck
  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124

    Gaining weight
    Hi Cat-Man-Do... welcome to the site :)

    I think the others have given some good advice about eating the carb/protein food... although from a "this is what we've heard all our lives" kind of advice, try to stay away from the high empty calorie foods. Not to make light of your situation, since I know those of you who don't need to lose weight really and truly can't afford to lose an extra 10 lbs here or there, there are days when I would surely love to change places with you ;) I'm the exact opposite... I could stand to lose a bunch o'weight and I would be more than happy to donate it to anyone who wants it but for the life of me, it simply refuses to leave my frame! LOL!

    But in all seriousness, your body has been through a heck of a trauma, what with the surgery, stress, shock and all. The surgery was only 2 weeks ago, so give it some time... it should all come back. Eat the foods you enjoy and if you can put back a can or two of that Ensure that the others have mentioned, I think you'll find your idea weight will be back to normal in no time.

    Good luck!!


    I had surgery when Kim did a
    I had surgery when Kim did a month ago and lost 10 pounds and my
    nurse got me on a free meal delivery plan and the food is good but
    it also made me start gaining weight so I just eat half of it.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    PhillieG said:

    I wound up losing about 30-40 pounds after each operation, in time the weight will come back. I would suggest checking the web for related topics but remember, anyone can post anything out here. It doesn't make it true. What's your age if you don't mind. The older I get, the easier the weight goes/stays on.
    Good luck

    ..I just wanted to add that Ensure now has a rich DARK chocolate flavor that is totally yummy! I love dark chocolate, and guzzled that sucker down!
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Chemo and Decadron
    Hello! I lost a total of 60 lbs from the time i got sick until i started chemo last year. I've since gained every bit of it back, and then some! My onc said the chemo did it, but i think it was the decadron. Not to mention that i never deprived myself of ANYTHING while i was on my adjuvant chemo. I'm paying for it now having developed diabetes, so gaining weight too quickly isn't a good idea. My onc also said everyone gains weight on the oxaliplatin, but it seems only the people on oxaliplatin AND decadron are the ones who gain.

    Are you scheduled for chemo?

    Many hugs, and welcome!