Helpful Hints?



  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Aortus said:

    Fake boob.

    Does the PediPaws really work? We get so tired of constantly taking Eefy and Nubi in (Yongy's nails are no problem) for nail trimming.

    Now R I M M I N G is a "no-no word?" That's pretty specialized if you ask me.

    Oh.........I am SHOCKED!
    How could you, an educated Man, use such a word in public? I am Mortified! Not just an educated man, but an educated man with an educated wife! My Goodness...And you DARE to wear Turquoise??????? I will NEVER get over this!!!!!! NEVAHHHHHHHHHH d'ya hear me? JxxxxxxxxxROFLMAO!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Aortus said:

    The "T" isn't the problem. It's all the other letters that the software objects to. And frankly, what it describes is pretty objectionable.

    Still don't have a clue...
    ... And please don't post an explanation that may offend someone (not me, someone else - I'm mostly, not completely, un-offend-able). We've had enough of that sort of crap (can I write: crap?) around here for the last couple of days. I'll have to ask someone, in person. Will my husband know? Hmmm...

    Kind regards, Susan
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member

    Rita thanks for the helpful hints. I just finished my 3rd cycle of AC on 4-15-09 and have lost most of my eyebrows. I tried using taupe eyebrow powder and a brush (I used to have blond hair) and ended up looking like Joan Crawford. I'm going to try the eyebrow hint. I have also lost a good portion of my eyelashes, the video in look good feel better program suggests false eyelashes, but the program faciliator said not to use them beacause of infection. Even though I lost my hair after the first AC cycle, I didn't look sick. Now without the eyebrows and my sparce lashes I do look sick. I'm starting to not want to go anywhere because I feel like I am a giant sign that screams CANCER. Does anyone have any helpful hints or ideas? Thanks

    my "little" hint
    I know what you mean about "screaming CANCER" ... and my big hint is go crazy with the blush! Sometimes I probably look like a clown ... but at least I don't look like a ghost!

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565

    Another helpful hint: for oral care - BIOTENE
    I had horrific & intense chemo. From the start, was strictly instructed to use the BIOTENE complete line of oral care products: toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. ... Easy to use, just replace the regular everyday stuff. Biotene helps with "dry mouth" - which chemo causes, which leads to painful mouth sores, which are difficult to heal once they begin during chemo. As things got worse for me, used the mouthwash often throughout the day - not just a.m. & p.m. Also available, Biotene gum - which I carried always in my purse. Great for when using the mouthwash isn't convenient, like when away from home.

    I didn't develop even one mouth sore, which my onc & nurses were very concerned about during treatment. Came close just once - immediately called my chemo nurse. She told me to rinse with warm salt water - as much salt as I could handle without gagging myself - as often as possible. (Something to do with PH level? Hard to recall.) I did that for an entire day, and it worked well to fend off the tiniest beginning of a mouth sore. (I was probably a little irrationally afraid of them!).

    Biotene products are available in all regular drug stores; but, sometimes found in the "oral care" specialty-type products aisle - not always alongside the everyday toothpaste, etc. brands. They cost more than the everyday stuff; but, I'm a testimonial for their worth. You'll save a couple of dollars if your local big box discounts carry the Biotene line. Not all of them do, I don't think. Locally for me, I was able to get Biotene at both Wal-Mart & Target.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Have dental work done before chemo
    Before I started chemo and since it was Fall,I got a flu shot. Also,I had any dental work done that I needed before,because some of the chemo drugs do give you dry mouth and sometimes wreck a little havoc on your mouth(gums,etc.). Plus,at least my onc, didn't want me to get my teeth cleaned during chemo because of my low immune system.
  • Jan_M
    Jan_M Member Posts: 116
    I did not need blush, my face became red from the chemo, so I had my own built in blush.

    I also lost half my eyelashes, it is a pain cause the cat hairs find their way in faster. Always trying to get one out.

    Besides lots of water, for the nausea I had plenty of ginger ale. Also small lite meals helped the nausea.