my mom

worriedaboutmom Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer almost a month ago. it has spread all through out her abdomen and she has about 2 dozen spots in her liver. her ca-125 is close to 3000. she is doing taxol/carboplatin 1x/week for 6 months. she just completed her second treatment tues. i am so scared that the treatment is not going to work. she is 73, and this has been her first major health problem. i read on the internet about the survival rates of this disease at the stage that she is in, and i need some encouraging stories. so if anyone has a similiar situation/story that has turned out well-please let me know. i am worried sick and so nervous that the chemo is not going to work. any good story is appreciated! thanks


  • Bstrange
    Bstrange Member Posts: 87
    I was diagnosed in August of 2007 with stage 4-b Ovarian/ Peritoneal cancer. I had surgery and the same chemo as your mom. The chemo is strong but it works. I would stay encouraged. I've had to go through another bout of chemo this year 2008-2009 but my CA is down to 12 so far and I've had 2 chemo's since then.

    Keep up the positive thinking. Don't worry cause you'll be minding God's business! Start thanking Him for what is is doing for your Mom.
    God Bless you and your mom.
  • worriedaboutmom
    worriedaboutmom Member Posts: 31
    Bstrange said:

    I was diagnosed in August of 2007 with stage 4-b Ovarian/ Peritoneal cancer. I had surgery and the same chemo as your mom. The chemo is strong but it works. I would stay encouraged. I've had to go through another bout of chemo this year 2008-2009 but my CA is down to 12 so far and I've had 2 chemo's since then.

    Keep up the positive thinking. Don't worry cause you'll be minding God's business! Start thanking Him for what is is doing for your Mom.
    God Bless you and your mom.

    thank you so much for your
    thank you so much for your encouraging story! it will help me to sleep better tonight! my mom has been depressed the last few days so she will greatly appreciate your story as well. thank you again and God Bless you too!
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Worried,

    So sorry you have to be a part of this board. You will get lots of inspiration from all the women here and discover not to look at statistics. That is all they are averages and you never know where your mom will be at. I know Saundra will post and I think her story is close to your moms and she is still here :-)

    I was diagnosed Jan 2003 and live in spite of the cancer, taxol/carbo can hit a body hard but it also hits the cancer hard too. Saying lots of prayers for you and your mom. Keep us posted on how she is doing. God's peace be with you

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie
  • worriedaboutmom
    worriedaboutmom Member Posts: 31
    BonnieR said:

    Dear Worried,

    So sorry you have to be a part of this board. You will get lots of inspiration from all the women here and discover not to look at statistics. That is all they are averages and you never know where your mom will be at. I know Saundra will post and I think her story is close to your moms and she is still here :-)

    I was diagnosed Jan 2003 and live in spite of the cancer, taxol/carbo can hit a body hard but it also hits the cancer hard too. Saying lots of prayers for you and your mom. Keep us posted on how she is doing. God's peace be with you

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie

    Thanks Bonnie
    My mom's name is Bonnie too! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. This board is helping me to quit paying attention to the statistics and to start having more hope. My mom was extremely ill, but after just 2 treatments of the taxol/carbo, she is feeling less pain. She seems to be doing better, so I am praying that it is working!! Thanks again, and I will keep you in my prayers!
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm close
    Dear Worried, How I know what your Mother is feeling and think I know my daughter felt the same way. There is some scary stuff on the internet so click on my name and go to my page and read my story. I am 70 and was diagnosed 3/2/2007 with too many tumors to operate before doing chemo for awhile. I had three 2.5cm tumors on my liver. I too read what the internet said and thought I had about 10 months to live. I am so grateful you found this site. Now introduce your Mother to it if she can only read the posts and you can type her questions. I am Stage IV too and this was my first major health problem. Has your mother had the surgery yet? Does she have a gyn/onc? Keep in touch and let us know. We'll help you help her. Saundra
  • worriedaboutmom
    worriedaboutmom Member Posts: 31
    saundra said:

    I'm close
    Dear Worried, How I know what your Mother is feeling and think I know my daughter felt the same way. There is some scary stuff on the internet so click on my name and go to my page and read my story. I am 70 and was diagnosed 3/2/2007 with too many tumors to operate before doing chemo for awhile. I had three 2.5cm tumors on my liver. I too read what the internet said and thought I had about 10 months to live. I am so grateful you found this site. Now introduce your Mother to it if she can only read the posts and you can type her questions. I am Stage IV too and this was my first major health problem. Has your mother had the surgery yet? Does she have a gyn/onc? Keep in touch and let us know. We'll help you help her. Saundra

    thanks saundra
    Thanks for your post! My mom has not had the surgery yet. She just completed her second chemo treatment this past tuesday. She gets chemo once a week for three weeks, and then one week break for six months. After 6 cycles are complete, then he will attempt surgery. She has about two dozen spots on her liver. I am so thankful for your encouraging story. I took her into the ER on March 24, almost a month ago, because she had severe pain in her abdomen. That's when the ER dr told her that us that her entire abdomen is full of cancer and also spots in her liver. He made us feel like it was hopeless. The next day we went to the Gyn. and he made us feel the same way. It wasn't until we went to the onc. that he made us feel like we might have a sliver of hope. The good news is that after only two treatments, she seems to be doing better. Her pain is not near as bad and she is able to walk around a little bit. Two weeks ago she could hardly lift her head off of her pillow. This whole thing has been a devastating shock to all of us and I appreciate you sharing your story. Your story gives me a lot more hope. God bless you and thank you for your help!
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312

    thanks saundra
    Thanks for your post! My mom has not had the surgery yet. She just completed her second chemo treatment this past tuesday. She gets chemo once a week for three weeks, and then one week break for six months. After 6 cycles are complete, then he will attempt surgery. She has about two dozen spots on her liver. I am so thankful for your encouraging story. I took her into the ER on March 24, almost a month ago, because she had severe pain in her abdomen. That's when the ER dr told her that us that her entire abdomen is full of cancer and also spots in her liver. He made us feel like it was hopeless. The next day we went to the Gyn. and he made us feel the same way. It wasn't until we went to the onc. that he made us feel like we might have a sliver of hope. The good news is that after only two treatments, she seems to be doing better. Her pain is not near as bad and she is able to walk around a little bit. Two weeks ago she could hardly lift her head off of her pillow. This whole thing has been a devastating shock to all of us and I appreciate you sharing your story. Your story gives me a lot more hope. God bless you and thank you for your help!

    My first chemo also
    I too had that chemo I am here almost 7 years later. Its true dont go by statistics. And the good oncologist is a great thing. The chemo is hard but it does help and can totally get rid of it. We are all different and remember keep the faith because it can be the cure.
    Prayers and Hugs
  • arbor3
    arbor3 Member Posts: 103
    I was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer in  August 2006. The ct scan showed cancer in my ometum I had nodgels on my lung and spots in my lung.  Also a tumor on my ovary the size of a softball.  I had three treatments of taxol/carboplatin and then I had surgery.  the doctor said my tumor had shrunk to the size of a walnut.  Then I started chemo again for 3 more months.  My Ca125 was 400 in the beginning but after 6 months it was down to 13.  I went 6 months then my ca125 started going up and the onc put me on chemo again for 6 months. I have just finished my third round of chemo, my CA125 is down to 9 now, so hopefully I can go for 6 months again.  I feel good. You never know with this cancer, at the time of my diagnoses the Doctors were not that positive, but lucky for me the Cancer had not spread to any vital organs, except the small spots in the lung. My thoughts and prays are with your mother and you.

  • worriedaboutmom
    worriedaboutmom Member Posts: 31
    arbor3 said:

    I was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer in  August 2006. The ct scan showed cancer in my ometum I had nodgels on my lung and spots in my lung.  Also a tumor on my ovary the size of a softball.  I had three treatments of taxol/carboplatin and then I had surgery.  the doctor said my tumor had shrunk to the size of a walnut.  Then I started chemo again for 3 more months.  My Ca125 was 400 in the beginning but after 6 months it was down to 13.  I went 6 months then my ca125 started going up and the onc put me on chemo again for 6 months. I have just finished my third round of chemo, my CA125 is down to 9 now, so hopefully I can go for 6 months again.  I feel good. You never know with this cancer, at the time of my diagnoses the Doctors were not that positive, but lucky for me the Cancer had not spread to any vital organs, except the small spots in the lung. My thoughts and prays are with your mother and you.


    thanks sandy and dinora
    Thank you both for your stories. I am so grateful that I stumbled upon this discussion board. everyday that i feel scared or worried about my mom, i log on here and there is a new story of hope that someone left me to read. thank you so much and i will share all of these stories with my mom so that she can feel more hopeful as well. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. they are greatly appreciated and we will keep all of you in our prayers as well.