
Rayman Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself...my name is Ray and I am 50 years old, I was diagnosed with colon cancer on March 13 and have had a partial colon resection.I have had a life port inserted and have a pet scan today.
I have not yet started chemo due to waiting on the pet scan as the Doc is concerned that I may be in stage IV.
I have so many concerns and questions but I just wanted to introduce myself.
And say may God bless each of you.


  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome on this forum, Ray!

    I joined yesterday, so I'm pretty "new" as well. You'll see people are very nice, and helpful too! I wish you the best, and I'll be crossing my fingers for your PET scan!
    Please take care~
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797

    Welcome. I'm glad you found us so quickly. I will be thinking of you with your PET scan. Waiting for results is the hard part. Feel free to ask questions - we'll answer the best we can. We can share experiences, just remember we aren't doctors. Your onc will most likely want you to be completely recovered from surgery before you start chemo. It could be a month before you begin. Are you even home from the hospital yet? Surgery was only 3 days ago!

    Please let us know when you get your PET results. As a stage IV warrior, I have some battle scars but I'm learning to live with canzer. It isn't a death sentence anymore and the mental aspect is sometimes the worst. We will be here to help, but I'm voting for stage II or III!


  • colon2
    colon2 Member Posts: 183
    kimby said:


    Welcome. I'm glad you found us so quickly. I will be thinking of you with your PET scan. Waiting for results is the hard part. Feel free to ask questions - we'll answer the best we can. We can share experiences, just remember we aren't doctors. Your onc will most likely want you to be completely recovered from surgery before you start chemo. It could be a month before you begin. Are you even home from the hospital yet? Surgery was only 3 days ago!

    Please let us know when you get your PET results. As a stage IV warrior, I have some battle scars but I'm learning to live with canzer. It isn't a death sentence anymore and the mental aspect is sometimes the worst. We will be here to help, but I'm voting for stage II or III!



    Welcome Ray
    Yes let me welcome you to this site, although I hate that you have to have cancer or be a caregiver to be here. But if you must fight the beast, then this is a good place to come for answers, moral support, and just to vent if you are feeling blue. We are all in the same boat, and whatever you are feeling, chances are pretty good, we have felt just like that. So hang in there and let me say again, Welcome to the cancer SURVIVORS network.
    God bless You,
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Hi Ray
    Glad to meet you, sorry it had to be here. Good luck on the scan today. Let us know what happens.

    Many hugs, Vicki
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    we look forward to getting to know you more in the future. Praying for good news!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hello Ray,
    Welcome to the

    Hello Ray,

    Welcome to the board (but sorry you have need to be here!) I will be anxious to hear your PET scan results. Hopefully, you'll be able to find out before the weekend, as I know from experience how tortuous waiting can be.

    I was diagnosed as stage IV in Aug. 2007 at age 41. Today, I'm doing well- have been through surgery and chemo twice, but my recent PET three weeks ago showed no evidence of anything metabolic! I'm now doing maintenance treatment to make sure it doesn't come back.

    I pray that your PET results will be good. This board is a great resource and also a great support network of people.

    God bless,
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Welcome Ray, and please know that we are here for you. For whatever you may need, and we are always here for questions and support. You will not be alone in this, we are all in this together.

    You will be in my prayers!

    God Bless
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Welcome Here Ray
    Hi Ray: You have come to the right place. There are a lot of people that can help direct and console you. We are at all different stages and we are more than willing to help you get through this. Be positive and strong and post here often. May God Bless and keep you in His healing hands.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hi, Ray.
    Hi, Ray.

    I do hope your doctor is wrong in thinking Stage 4, but even if that is the diagnosis, you will find that there are quite a few Stage 4's here, and they have been hanging in there for a good amount of time. Please ask all the questions you need to and express any feelings. We're not a club you want to have to join, but once you're here, I think you'll find there's a lot of support.

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Hiya Ray!!

    I'm really glad you found this site, but sorry that you had a reason even to be looking for it. You are going to find a wealth of information here, just reading what everyone posts. Like Kimby says, we are not doctors, but we are the ones going through this journey so you will get very realistic advice from folk here. And guess what? It's not all doom and gloom, no matter which stage they tell you you are.

    Myself, I'm a Stage IV. Was diagnosed as Stage III in December 2006 but then in March 2008 we found out it had spread to my adrenal gland (silly place for it to spread to) and into my lungs. Well, Balderdash!! That really sucked! I thought I was finished treatments and on the road to recovery when we got this news. Yes, the doctors had very serious faces and if you get told you are Stage IV, it will scare the kaka right out of you!! I don't care how strong anyone is... to hear the dreaded words, "You have cancer and it is stage IV. Advanced colon cancer"... well your whole world turns upside down. I actually left my body... I didn't faint, I didn't pass out, but I left my physical body and was fully awake but not aware of anyone else in the room. Now that is Fear with a capital F!

    BUT, my onc talked me back and the words that got me focused again and back where I was suppose to be was, "Cheryl, we have a plan... but you have to listen to me and understand what I'm telling you before we can start the plan." As soon as I heard the words "we have a plan" I was ready to fight on!

    That was just over a year ago... and here I am now, minus an adrenal gland and minus one nodule on my lung... with all the other lung nodules being so small and dormant (or very very slow growing) that I'm not even on treatment at the moment. I realize that at any time I may have to go back on chemo... to shrink the lung nodules if they start to grow, or to stabilize them. But right now, I'm doing just great (ok, I won't bore you with the aches and pains of my arthritis )... and it just goes to show that YES Stage IV is not something I wish on my worst enemy (ok, as far as I know I don't have any enemies but if I did, I certainly wouldn't wish this on them), but for a lot of us, it is not the death sentence it once was considered.

    So, I realize telling you not to worry is kinda silly on my part because of course you are going to worry until you get your PET scan results... but read through the topics here and you will see there are a lot of strong people here who are battling the monster and the monster isn't necessarily winning ;)


  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    Hiya Ray!!

    I'm really glad you found this site, but sorry that you had a reason even to be looking for it. You are going to find a wealth of information here, just reading what everyone posts. Like Kimby says, we are not doctors, but we are the ones going through this journey so you will get very realistic advice from folk here. And guess what? It's not all doom and gloom, no matter which stage they tell you you are.

    Myself, I'm a Stage IV. Was diagnosed as Stage III in December 2006 but then in March 2008 we found out it had spread to my adrenal gland (silly place for it to spread to) and into my lungs. Well, Balderdash!! That really sucked! I thought I was finished treatments and on the road to recovery when we got this news. Yes, the doctors had very serious faces and if you get told you are Stage IV, it will scare the kaka right out of you!! I don't care how strong anyone is... to hear the dreaded words, "You have cancer and it is stage IV. Advanced colon cancer"... well your whole world turns upside down. I actually left my body... I didn't faint, I didn't pass out, but I left my physical body and was fully awake but not aware of anyone else in the room. Now that is Fear with a capital F!

    BUT, my onc talked me back and the words that got me focused again and back where I was suppose to be was, "Cheryl, we have a plan... but you have to listen to me and understand what I'm telling you before we can start the plan." As soon as I heard the words "we have a plan" I was ready to fight on!

    That was just over a year ago... and here I am now, minus an adrenal gland and minus one nodule on my lung... with all the other lung nodules being so small and dormant (or very very slow growing) that I'm not even on treatment at the moment. I realize that at any time I may have to go back on chemo... to shrink the lung nodules if they start to grow, or to stabilize them. But right now, I'm doing just great (ok, I won't bore you with the aches and pains of my arthritis )... and it just goes to show that YES Stage IV is not something I wish on my worst enemy (ok, as far as I know I don't have any enemies but if I did, I certainly wouldn't wish this on them), but for a lot of us, it is not the death sentence it once was considered.

    So, I realize telling you not to worry is kinda silly on my part because of course you are going to worry until you get your PET scan results... but read through the topics here and you will see there are a lot of strong people here who are battling the monster and the monster isn't necessarily winning ;)



    Welcome Ray!
    This is a great site to come to, I am stage 4 also, and just diagnosed in January, undergoing chemo, it's a fight, but you can do it! there's always HOPE, there are people living with this disease for years, just keep that positive attitude and you will also be in my prayers! Alot of inspiring stories from some strong wonderful people here!

  • Sandi1
    Sandi1 Member Posts: 277
    Welcome Ray, you have come to the right place. Everyone is so helpful here, they helped me through some of the roughest months of my life when my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 in Aug. of 2008 (by the way he is NED - no evidence of disease) the chemo worked for him. And you will see, you will be NED someday too. I will be praying that your scan shows that you are not stage 4. Please ask any questions you have whether you think they are stupid or not we will try to help you get answers.

    Best of Luck
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  • jenben59
    jenben59 Member Posts: 136 Member
    Dear Rayman...You've come to the right place. There are people here that have been through a lot and know what they're talking about. They not only give emotional support, but can answer all kinds of questions. You can vent here and no one makes you feel bad, they truly understand. I wish you well and look forward to your posts.
  • ruggersocks
    ruggersocks Member Posts: 78 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that you have cancer, but will pray they find nothing new on your PETscan. Please keep us updated!

    Love and hugs,
    Cheryl P.
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    And God bless you my new friend!
    Welcome Ray, I wish you didn't need to be here, but am glad you found us. I'm also pretty new. Dx'd in Jan. and Stage III.

    I am a praying woman and will gladly pray that your PET scan doesn't show anything! Let us know and ask away. The long time members have a wealth of information and the rest of us can chime in with what we've learned so far.

    Hang in there! There's still HOPE.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Hey, Ray -

    Welcome to the board. You've found a great place to get advice, support, friendship, and anything else you need. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Be well

    - SpongeBob