I have are hard decision to make this week.

FAPMom47 Member Posts: 68
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I have a 2 cm stump that was left in for some reason, and now the head of the CANCER CENTER in WINSTON-SALEM at the BAPTIST HOSPITAL, wants it removed. I understand why he wants it out, but it should have never been left. I have my RELAY FOR LIFE May 15, and I don't want to have to miss it. What should I do? I don't want rectal cancer to come back, and I think that's why they want it out.

Many Hugs and Prayers



  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Jackie -

    Can you schedule it for after your RFL? Would the removal require full-blown surgery?

    - SpongeBob
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'd take care of it
    I understand wanting o do Relay for Life, but I think I'd go ahead and have this taken care of.

  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    tootsie1 said:

    I'd take care of it
    I understand wanting o do Relay for Life, but I think I'd go ahead and have this taken care of.


    Always next year
    With the surgery you give yourself a great chance for entering the relay next year and years to come. Seems like an easy trade to me, one for many.
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    First things first...
    Hey Jackie,

    Of course any decision that has to be made is up to you to make... but I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "I don't want rectal cancer to come back". I don't think there's anyone on this board who wants their cancer to come back and will do whatever it takes, whatever battle one must go through, whatever chemo and side affects one has to put up with... to give us the best odds of the cancer not coming back.

    As John said... there will be a Relay for Life every year and if the cancer never comes back, you can be at every single one of them... and then add a few other benefits in there to help out. But you would feel awful if you put this off, the cancer came back, and you'd never know did it come back because you had put off the surgery or did it come back because it was going to anyways?

    Do what you have to do because YOU are the #1 priority and YOU come first. The Relay for Life is also a priority for you, but it comes in as #2 ;)


  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    Did the Dr sit down and talk about how long of a recovery period you'd be looking at and what to expect after this surgery. Is he recomending this be done right away? What does he think about waiting? In Feb of 07 I had a resection done and woke up with a temporary ileostomy. I went thru treatment and in Dec of 07 I had my reversal. My surgeon never prepared me for what it would be like afterwards. It's been 16 months and I'm still having painful issues. My oncologist put me on lomotil which was a godsend. My surgeon never had me try this. I wish that someone had prepared me or talked to me in depth before I had this done. Explore all your options and then make your decision. God bless.
  • FAPMom47
    FAPMom47 Member Posts: 68
    Here are some of the other facts:
    I had a permanent ileostomy in 2006, when they did it for some reason 2cm was left. No chance for a reversal, we already tried it. The 2cm stump has not gotten bigger,but it is causing leakage from the rectum, that can not be controled. I have seen the surgeon that will be doing the surgery about 6 months ago. He left the decision up to me, but the head of the Comprehensive Cancer Center is pushing to have it removed. It is a different cut and would have to be packed. I would also have a hard time sitting because that is the area that would be packed. I was told it will possibly not even stop the leakage. And it is not growing so I quess I will talk with them again Thursday, and most likely have it done. And after that heals my EGD is showing some polyps that have to be removed also. Thanks for all the input and I agree if it has to be done to give me longer with my family and friends it is a small sacrifice to make.

    Many Hugs and Prayers