anyone out there with or know of someone with Breast Cance Bone Metastasis??

wan1135 Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My breast cancer has Metastasis to my bones. It started in my pelvis bone and the pelvis fractured in two places. It has since appeared in my ribs. Very painful there I can hardly sleep at night because if I move the wrong way the pain in the ribs cuts off my breath. not to metion I terrified to cough or yawn.

I've read that although there it is not curable, it is treatable.

going to doctor tomorrow to start with bone strengthing meds and a new breast cancer drug.

Don't know the names of these drugs yet but will post them after tomorrow to see if there is anyone else out there on any of the same kinds of drugs.

Terrified that I'm alone in this no one else I've spoke with knows anyone who has had this.


  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    You are Not Alone
    Wan1135, I am so sorry to hear this news. It is my understanding also that cancer in the bones is very treatable. Once you know the drugs, others here may have more information.

    I do not know anyone who has had metastasis to the bones, but I understand that it is very common for breast cancer to appear there later. I would think,then, that there are many in your same situation--you are definitely not alone. There have been posts by survivors who have had a recurrence to the bones, including a recent one. Hopefully, you will hear from her and others who know more than I do. I believe there is a site for bone cancer and also for breast cancer recurrence. You might check

    I will keep you in my prayers. Please let us know how you are doing. Any information our sisters here have, I know they will willingly share it with you.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    I don't have what you have,
    I don't have what you have, but, I am sure there are several on this site that can help you. There is a bone cancer discussion board on here, just like this breast cancer one. So, get into that discussion room and I bet you will find lots of help. I wish you all the best! Please update us..ok?
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Wan, you are not alone
    You are right, bone mets is very treatable. There are ladies here who are being treated for this who will probably chime in. I hope you get relief for your pain soon. Starting on the bone strengheners and the new meds will go a long way to make you better. Please let us know how things go at the doctor's.

  • babebussie
    babebussie Member Posts: 150
    I am going though the same thing!
    Wow, i thought i was the only one who has bone mets. I started out with B/C and just when i thought everything was under control i get this pain in my hip. Took bone scan and CT scan and there it was. The source of my frigging pain was in my bones. I'm in pain ALL the time, i had to take a leave from work because it's even to painful to get dressed. My Dr had me do an MRI of the spine, hip and lower lumbar, so we are waiting for the results. She said she may have to do surgery but maybe not, we'll have to wait on test results. I too was told that bone mets is treatable and i will probably have to do chemo again and some type of infusion every 30 days to strenghen my bones. This SUCKS!!!!! I hate that cancer can go from one place to another. This is such a scary illness and i'm scared. I'm just thankful to be alive.
    I would love to talk to anyone off the board via phone that has this problem because i feel that having someone to talk to that is going though your same illness is very comforting. Please feel free to call me anytime because i'd love to talk. 702-789-9586
  • chetra
    chetra Member Posts: 17
    Breast Cancer that has Metastasis to the bone
    I was just dignosed with the same problem. It has metastasis to the spine not the whole spine just two vertibras . I have also started bone strenghting drug give as a infusion every 30 days for 25 min. And a new hormone blocker shot. Was taken off tamoxefin. I just finished 15 radiation treatments. The radiation did help with the pain some what. I was given a pain patch that I put on evey 3 days. And a pain med in pill form. I was also told it was very treatable. Hang in there you are not alone. Keep in touch on you progress.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    chetra said:

    Breast Cancer that has Metastasis to the bone
    I was just dignosed with the same problem. It has metastasis to the spine not the whole spine just two vertibras . I have also started bone strenghting drug give as a infusion every 30 days for 25 min. And a new hormone blocker shot. Was taken off tamoxefin. I just finished 15 radiation treatments. The radiation did help with the pain some what. I was given a pain patch that I put on evey 3 days. And a pain med in pill form. I was also told it was very treatable. Hang in there you are not alone. Keep in touch on you progress.

    I wish you the best of luck.
    I wish you the best of luck. Why did they take you off of tamoxifen and stop your radiation treatments? Your little boy is so darling!
  • chetra
    chetra Member Posts: 17
    Noel said:

    I wish you the best of luck.
    I wish you the best of luck. Why did they take you off of tamoxifen and stop your radiation treatments? Your little boy is so darling!

    Hi Noel
    Dr only ordered 15 rediation treatments. and tamoxefin was replaced by another drug in shot form once a month. And bone strenghting drug once a month. Was told today by Dr. will have another bone scan in 3 months to see how things are going. Thanks my grandson is my pride and joy well until his brother or sister comes in Nov. LOL
  • wan1135
    wan1135 Member Posts: 8

    I am going though the same thing!
    Wow, i thought i was the only one who has bone mets. I started out with B/C and just when i thought everything was under control i get this pain in my hip. Took bone scan and CT scan and there it was. The source of my frigging pain was in my bones. I'm in pain ALL the time, i had to take a leave from work because it's even to painful to get dressed. My Dr had me do an MRI of the spine, hip and lower lumbar, so we are waiting for the results. She said she may have to do surgery but maybe not, we'll have to wait on test results. I too was told that bone mets is treatable and i will probably have to do chemo again and some type of infusion every 30 days to strenghen my bones. This SUCKS!!!!! I hate that cancer can go from one place to another. This is such a scary illness and i'm scared. I'm just thankful to be alive.
    I would love to talk to anyone off the board via phone that has this problem because i feel that having someone to talk to that is going though your same illness is very comforting. Please feel free to call me anytime because i'd love to talk. 702-789-9586

    Hi babebussie,
    Sorry its

    Hi babebussie,

    Sorry its taken me so long to thank you for your response. I just hadn't felt well enough to get on the computer until recently.

    although I'm sorry to hear your B/C Met to your bones it was refreshing to know that I'm not the only one. I felt so alone and just like you I hate the fact that this thing can come babk anytime any where. But we must continue to fight.

    I saw your phone number and the are code is 702 are you in Neveda? My family is there my sister, a niece & a nephew and their area code is 702. I'd be happy to talk to you by phone and maybe we can keep each other encouraged.
  • 1005450
    1005450 Member Posts: 1
    Breast Cancer to Bones
    Like you I am new at this and looking for others in a similar position. You are not alone at all. It is amazing to me how many of us there are.

    I thought that writing this email would be frightening but as soon as I began to type I felt a bit better. I completed treatment for breast cancer (right breast, no nodes, DCIS and some invasive cells, radiation, no chemo) just a year ago. Went in for regular follow up and reported experiencing pain in right hip at night, a deep ache. My doctor ordered a complete body scan with nuclear contrast and, indeed, something showed up in my right hip. Doctor said it was too small to biopsy??? (this sounded so strange) and that the next step would be with my medical oncologist. Radiation oncologist insisted that the radiologist didn't call it a metastisis but I can't imagine it could be anything else. It fits all the descriptions I have read of the symptoms. Wednesday I go in to see my medical and surgical oncologists to really discuss the prognosis.

    I am so very, very frightened. I have two daughters, 15 and 12, and my heart breaks at the thought of leaving them before they are grown. I need to find a way to change my outlook and attitude. Help with this is what I am hoping for from this community. I also hope that I can extend the same help to others. It's such a difficult road.

    This is my very first post. I haven't filled in any other information about myself yet but hope to very soon.
  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member

    I am going though the same thing!
    Wow, i thought i was the only one who has bone mets. I started out with B/C and just when i thought everything was under control i get this pain in my hip. Took bone scan and CT scan and there it was. The source of my frigging pain was in my bones. I'm in pain ALL the time, i had to take a leave from work because it's even to painful to get dressed. My Dr had me do an MRI of the spine, hip and lower lumbar, so we are waiting for the results. She said she may have to do surgery but maybe not, we'll have to wait on test results. I too was told that bone mets is treatable and i will probably have to do chemo again and some type of infusion every 30 days to strenghen my bones. This SUCKS!!!!! I hate that cancer can go from one place to another. This is such a scary illness and i'm scared. I'm just thankful to be alive.
    I would love to talk to anyone off the board via phone that has this problem because i feel that having someone to talk to that is going though your same illness is very comforting. Please feel free to call me anytime because i'd love to talk. 702-789-9586

    Hey, Babe
    I'm so sorry to learn that you are battling the beast again. You and I along with several others were going through BC at the same time and I often wondered how you were doing. Hang in there kiddo. My prayers are with you. Hugs, Marilynn
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    1005450 said:

    Breast Cancer to Bones
    Like you I am new at this and looking for others in a similar position. You are not alone at all. It is amazing to me how many of us there are.

    I thought that writing this email would be frightening but as soon as I began to type I felt a bit better. I completed treatment for breast cancer (right breast, no nodes, DCIS and some invasive cells, radiation, no chemo) just a year ago. Went in for regular follow up and reported experiencing pain in right hip at night, a deep ache. My doctor ordered a complete body scan with nuclear contrast and, indeed, something showed up in my right hip. Doctor said it was too small to biopsy??? (this sounded so strange) and that the next step would be with my medical oncologist. Radiation oncologist insisted that the radiologist didn't call it a metastisis but I can't imagine it could be anything else. It fits all the descriptions I have read of the symptoms. Wednesday I go in to see my medical and surgical oncologists to really discuss the prognosis.

    I am so very, very frightened. I have two daughters, 15 and 12, and my heart breaks at the thought of leaving them before they are grown. I need to find a way to change my outlook and attitude. Help with this is what I am hoping for from this community. I also hope that I can extend the same help to others. It's such a difficult road.

    This is my very first post. I haven't filled in any other information about myself yet but hope to very soon.

    Warm welcome, 1005450!
    Though I am sorry for the reason you're here. And, so sorry for the bone mets. If you've read the posts within this thread, and I'm assuming you have, you know that this recurrence is treatable.

    Of course you're frightened. Totally understandable & expected. I always wish - for all of us - that one round of having to deal with breast cancer should be enough for the remainder of a lifetime. Unfortunately, my wish cannot be fulfilled.

    Yes, this road is extremely difficult - with many unexpected bumps along the way. No one here will argue that point. However, we can travel it for a very, very long, long time. Hopefully, for the length of an at least average/normal life span. Please remember this. Try hard NOT to think of leaving your girls. No one has said you will. Try to push those thoughts to the side, and focus on what you need to do to in order to be here for them. Flip that coin over to the other side. Use your love for them to strengthen your resolve to fight this second battle.

    This is your first post, and it is buried within this thread. I strongly suggest you start a new thread/new topic of discussion and introduce yourself to the group. I guarantee you will be welcomed with open hearts by many. We are all here to help & share, support & encourage each other.

    With best wishes, and...

    Kind regards, Susan