Life goes on

ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
G'day all,
Just an update on my battle against life. I may be an 11 year survivor of colon ca but life goes on. I was put on very high doses of prednisone for a kidney disease. The filters in my kidneys appeared to have thinned and were leaking proteins badly. They got it wrong again and the filters were not thinned but permanently scarred. A new doctor is now treating me with four blood pressure tablets that have taken the strain off the kidneys and are controlling the protein loss. Yeah ,,advance two places.. The prednisone dose was a disaster, it has resulted in an auto -imune attack on my body. I had a full body bone scan two weeks ago and I have inflammatory arthrits in nearly every joint in my body.. Go back two places... My new rheumatologist reckoned he could control it completely with one of the immuno-suppressant supha drugs. I started on one tablet and was supposed to build up to four a day.. After spending the best part of the week in the loo I have been told to stop taking the tablets and go back onto prednisone..go back two more places...
What I like about life is that there is always tomorrow. Who knows ,One tomorrow I may just win the game. Best wishes to all .Ron.


  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    You are an inspiration to all here...

    I'm sorry that you are battling this right now. You are such an inspiration to me and I'm sure to others on this board. I just wanted you to know that I have you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    Hey ron,

    Sorry to hear about the latest setback. How did the filters get scarred? Do they know?

    11 years is such an accomplishment!

    Nice fish, by the way.

    peace, emily
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    But you HAVE won the game....every day!
    It's so good to 'hear' from you, Ron. I am so sorry for all of your troubles...I wish I had a 'magic' eraser.

    It's interesting, we are running into this with my beau and his heart disease. The med he was first put on was to last for 5 years...6 months, and his liver function was so wacky that he had to be weaned off the 'wonder drug'. When the levels returned to near normal, he was put on another drug, which did nothing for his heart, but caused major edema and loss of sexual function. On to a different! We have his 4th ablation scheduled for the 23rd of this month. He can barely climb the stairs in the house...we only have 2 floors.

    So, when I say you win the game everyday, I'm living it too...problem is, the RULES keep changing!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Hey ron,

    Sorry to hear about the latest setback. How did the filters get scarred? Do they know?

    11 years is such an accomplishment!

    Nice fish, by the way.

    peace, emily

    G'day Em,
    Pretty sure it

    G'day Em,
    Pretty sure it was nine years of colonoscopy fleet preps. Hope you are keeping well. Nice puppy!!! Looks like he could retrieve bears :). cheers Ron.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sorry that you are going through that. It sounds like you have endured so much, but you are a survivor of cancer and it sounds like an amazingly strong and determined person who will get through this. I hope you will move forward three steps next time. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    You are quite the fighter
    Hi Ron,
    I am sorry to hear of your current situation. While I am not a rookie (I'm a 5 year 51 yr old guy, who is living with cancer) I just read your story and you have really been through it and back again. You are a real inspiration to many myself included. I am moved by your attitude and all.
    You are right, one more tomorrow might just win the game.
    Love that fish! You didn't PhotoShop that to make it look bigger now did you?
    All the best
  • steve g
    steve g Member Posts: 58 Member
    inflammatory arthrits
    Hi Ron; A week ago I was in the ER for joint pain, every joint in my body hurt. After 4 hours they couldn't dx it and admitted me for observation and brought in a rheumatologist. She dx it as polymyalgia rheuimatica and has me on predisone which isn't a drug for cancer patients. Go to ( ) to learn more about it. The hospital gave me a shot of predisone and that seemed to eleminate all pain with the exception of the tips of my fingers which feel like they are numb. I am on 15mg daily and will see dr on tuesday. It affects people over 50 and can be associated with cancer, I'm 69 and getting too old for this.Hope this helps. Steve