Caregiver advise on terminal sister sleepness

Stardust1 Member Posts: 44 Member
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Dear Members,
I hope I'm in the right place, to ask about terminal care. MY sister's husband is taking care of her, she is terminal. She is taking radiation to the brain,primary lung cancer, spreaded. I read that steriods and pain medication and radiation makes you tired. The problem my sister can't stay awake. I told my sister's husband to contact the doctor to adjust her meds, I hope I'm right. She wants to stay awake more, and feels real bad that's she is sleeping so much. Please give me feedback on this,as I want to be sure I'm right, or is it the radiation, as she has six more.



  • slickwilly
    slickwilly Member Posts: 334 Member
    I had cancer in my face that required 25 radiation treatments. I had a bunch of pain meds and still do and they don't cause me to get tired. But the radiation treatments made me tired and I slept a bunch. Even those getting radiation for prostate cancer that I was around slept a bunch. Your killing good and bad cells and in some cases tissue and your body is in a constant state of rebuilding. The other issue here is pain. And while your sleeping your getting a break from pain. If your constantly in pain pretty soon your taking the frustration and anger out on others around you. I think her body is telling her what she needs and she should never feel bad about sleeping. Slickwilly