Face Book



  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    confused1 said:

    Face book
    There are 5 Gail Keefe on face book . Which one are u.

    I had no idea there were 5 on there. My email is ilyish@hotmail.com Try that!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I had a good chemo blog for a while, it was helpful then it got to be a drain. Tried FaceBook but that got tedious. Too much info
    "Phil just took a bowel movement" No thanks but have fun :-)

    LOL!! But going to pass on adding more friends onto my Facebook

    That is too funny! (what Phil said about "Phil just took a bowel movement")! I was thinking of mentioning I'm on facebook also, but lately I've been growing tired of it, as I was spending a LOT of time on the computer on Facebook each day and not getting much done during my days because of it. I just started it a couple of months ago and had fun reconnecting w/ many old friends from high school. It is definitely addictive though- a couple of my friends say they're Facebook "addicts"- funny, but perhaps too true. As much as I'd enjoy seeing you all there, I'm going to pass. Have fun everyone, but I'll just "see" you guys here on this site off and on.

    Take care,
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    lisa42 said:

    LOL!! But going to pass on adding more friends onto my Facebook

    That is too funny! (what Phil said about "Phil just took a bowel movement")! I was thinking of mentioning I'm on facebook also, but lately I've been growing tired of it, as I was spending a LOT of time on the computer on Facebook each day and not getting much done during my days because of it. I just started it a couple of months ago and had fun reconnecting w/ many old friends from high school. It is definitely addictive though- a couple of my friends say they're Facebook "addicts"- funny, but perhaps too true. As much as I'd enjoy seeing you all there, I'm going to pass. Have fun everyone, but I'll just "see" you guys here on this site off and on.

    Take care,

    I hear ya on that, Lisa! Facebook IS addicting, hence it's also referred to as "Crackbook" :)

    I have no problem having more friends added to my Facebook, although to be perfectly honest, I only add people who I know and have talked to either in person or for some time online. I don't add "lurkers" or people who don't communicate. I have a hard enough time keeping up with the people I know... so I can't imagine adding a bunch of people that I don't know or haven't personally been communicating with for some time ;)

    As for setting up a group on Facebook to talk about cancer... I'm afraid that's not my thing. I think there's a place and time for everything, and for me, Facebook is for fun and entertainment with family/friends. I don't need to include "cancer" in every aspect of my life. I have found a perfectly good home for discussing cancer right here in this forum with others who know exactly what I'm talking about. I certainly don't need to scare friends/family with stuff they can't possibly understand because they haven't been there themselves. And yes, if they know me, they are very much aware of the realities of cancer... so there's no need to preach to the choir ;) Besides, I'm not the preaching type, nor do I have any intentions of being so.

    The thing with Facebook... if you do make comments on each others Walls about anything, all your friends in your friends list would be able to see your comments... not just the people in your specialized group ;)

    So, yes I do enjoy Facebook and enjoy any friends who want to join... but no, you won't find me discussing cancer or cancer issues over there ;) If I have questions/concerns, I'll come over here where those with experience and expertise hang out :)

